The Way of Humility
Live In Humility
“God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble”
I Peter 5:5 (NIV)
"He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of .?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
Micah 6:8 (NIV)
In seeking to be a truly beautiful woman whose charm endures for eternity, a woman must learn to walk in humility. She must possess a humble heart and must strive to maintain humility of her mind. She must see first her real spiritual condition before the Holy God and must experience brokenness upon realizing her depravity, only in this way a proud woman can be humbled.
When a woman fully realized how depraved she had been then and only then she will embrace the cross of Jesus Christ and learn the ways of humility. In order to possess a humble heart, a woman must experience a “poverty of spirit” as spoken by Jesus in one of the beatitudes in Mathew 5:3;
“Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (NIV)
Being poor in spirit, a woman is so dependent on God’s grace and mercy. She had learned that nothing good naturally dwells in her, that apart from God’s grace and mercy it is impossible for her to be saved from eternal damnation. For her salvation is purely by grace. She must also possess a contrite and repentant heart as it is written in Isaiah 66:2
‘’This is the one I esteem, he who is humble and contrite in spirit, and tremble at my word.”
Her life is a lifelong journey of repentance and contrition
During the time of Jesus public ministry, when he went off to the territory near the Cities of Tyre and Sidon, he met a Canaanite woman with an admirable faith and a humble heart.
Thus woman approached Jesus because she had a daughter who had a demon and suffering from a terrible condition. Jesus told her that he had been sent only to the lost sheep of Israel and it is not right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs. Instead of reacting violently, the woman humbled herself and replied that even the dogs eat the leftover that falls from their master's table.[G8]
Jesus admired her faith and granted her request. The Canaanite woman’s humble attitude won the approval of the Master and her daughter received her healing. The humility of this woman is a great reminder of behaving properly in times of rejection. When we experienced rejection, instead of fighting back, we are to exercise humility.
(Bible Text: Mark 5:24-34)
Rose struggled a lot in maintaining humility during the earlier part of her spiritual walk as a believer in Christ. Graduated valedictorian from high school, she pursued an engineering course from Mapua, one of the reputable engineering school in the country. She was able to graduate from this engineering school and was able to pass the board for chemical engineering. She must be someone with a strong mind to be able to graduate from this course and to be able to pass the board. But God's humbling process started to work in her life when she began to seek a position in this field. She was able to manage to find a post as a sales engineer in a certain firm.[G9]
But this job is somewhat not her dream job being a licensed chemical engineer. She did not stay in this job for long and was able to land a teaching job. Later she got involved in mission work with a mission agency as a researcher.
Although she was not able to get her dream job, she yielded herself utterly to God’s humbling process. This circumstance indeed developed in her a humble character which is pleasing to God. She may not look really great in the standard of the world, but she obtained virtues particularly humility that really beautifies her character. God’s humbling process in Rose’ life made her into a woman of noble character.
She is indeed a lovely workmanship of God’s wondrous grace.
Have a noble character, walk in humility.
“The lower we bend, the closer we are to him.”
-James Banks-
This hub is an excerpt from the book :
40 Ways to Cultivate the Real Beauty In You
Written by Cristina A. Santander