The mystery of touching story that is hidden behind Holika Burning
Holika was the sister of Damon Harinaykashyap. He was against Lord Vishnu.His son Prehlad was the devotee of Lord Vishnu. He always worshipped and thought about Lord Vishnu.
The other side Harinaykashyap pretended himself as a God. He announced the people for worshipping him. There should not be worshipping of Vishnu. If anyone would be found worshipping Vishnu, he would be punished. There should not be the idol of Vishnu in any Temple. There should be an idol of only mine.
He frightened all the people and they were compelled to obey his announcement. But his own son Prehlad didn't obey his announcement. He was only the devotee of Lord Vishnu. But Harinaykashyap didn't like all this and threatened him many times for not doing worship of Lord Vishnu.
He tried to punish Prahlad for many times but with the blessings of Lord Vishnu he was escaped. At last he decided to burn Prehlad.
Holika was the sister of Hrinaykashyap the Damon. She had got boon with fire through penance. Now the fire could not burn her if she would sit into the contact of fire.
She had an Angagement with Iiloji. Both liked each other. It was the day of Falgun Purnima in the month of March the full moon day. This day was settled for their marriage. But Hrinaykashyap was very cruel. He tried to misuse Holika. He compelled Holika to sit into the fire with Prehlad.
She didn't agree with this suggestion. He threatened her if she would not do then her marriage would be cancelled. At last seeing her future, she had to agree at his decision. So she had to sit into the fire with Prehlad. The boon was transferred into curse.Holika was burnt and Prehlad was escaped.
As a bride groom Iiloji was coming towards bride's house. But when he saw that Holika was fully burnt he became senseless. He tried to burn himself into that fire. But the fire turned into ashes. So he could not burn himself. He took the ashes and of going out woods and began to throw them on the people.
He was so attached with her that could not forget her. He had to spend his remaining life as an abnormal being. He had to pay for the mistake of Hrinaykashyap. Holika was also punished by doing illegal work without her will. Both were punished without any matter.
But very few people knew about this mystery and think that Holika was burnt for her bad deeds.
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