The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead - 1 Peter 1:3
“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” 1 Peter 1:3
Let’s revisit what is perhaps the cornerstone of Christian theology. Cornerstone aptly used here, in that validation of the Gospel depends wholly on what we see claimed today.
The claim that Jesus resurrected Himself from the tomb; in effect, bringing Himself back from the dead. For if He indeed did do as stated above, then everything else claimed by and about Him would follow suit:
1. Surely He would also be able to raise Lazarus from the dead as well, and perform all the other miracles attributed to His earthly ministry.
2. His and scripture’s claim of being one in the same with the father and having all associated authority becomes viable.
3. Past, present and future prophecy concerning Him and called out by Him are either validated or anticipated with great confidence.
4. The creation account can be believed.
In short, if someone can predict the event and then raise Himself from the dead, He can do anything. More simply put, He can claim to be God.
I guess we just have to decide for ourselves whether or not we can believe it. Came a time when I did decide to at least take a good hard look, as the implications were quite serious.
My hope and prayer is that someone reading this will too.