The simplicity of Gods Word
easy to understand
The Bible, the Word of God is quite simple to understand. It is ‘black and white’ as the term is. Within its covers, from front to back we read and hopefully learn what is right and what is wrong to do, live or say.
Within its pages we learn to distinguish righteousness from sin; holiness from un-holiness; Gods way from satans way.
Many years ago I was accused of seeing everything in a black and white way, I was told that in life sometimes there are grey areas. However I disagree then and still do today. One can say and be correct that living in the world and according to the worldly rules there are grey areas for life. However living life in Christ, there are no grey areas, and there is a reason for this. God created us and knows what is best for us. So He has made rules for us to live by that are not difficult to understand, He left no grey areas, He kept it simple and easy to understand so there will be no misunderstanding and no way to twist His words.
When we go back to the beginning where Our Father gave us the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) we see that what He spoke is easy to understand, now not only did He speak those words He had them written in stone. Why did He do this? Well when something is written in stone it is meant to be forever, unwavering and unchanging…it is for all time.
I have heard some people say that what happened in the old testament (Under the old Covenant) is not for now. I say it is. What we no longer do for instance is give animal sacrifices to God. So you say “Ahha, see, we no longer have to go by the old covenant”. Wrong. We do still obey God’s commandments except we do not give animal sacrifices because Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior came and sacrificed Himself for us for all time. The sacrifice is Jesus and His sacrifice is forever for all mankind who is born or to be born, His sacrifice was a one time thing but lasts for all time. Again, very simple to understand.
In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 again we can read and very easily understand the warning given to us. Some may say and some have said that the Bible is not for every person to interpret but only scholars. That is utter nonsense. It is a lie, and we know where lies come from, they come from satan himself. When, for instance, we are told that adulterers or idolaters or drunkards shall not inherit the kingdom of God, then that is what it means. It is a warning for people to get out of sin and turn to Christ.
Now don’t get me wrong, no one is perfect. We have struggles, we stumble in our walk. But that does not mean we do not strive after God. We have forgiveness in Christ, the one who gave up His life so we can be forgiven and live for eternity with Him. But do not abuse His sacrifice and His forgiveness for us. Do not wilfully continue to sin and ask for forgives and repeat it again. Choose this day whom you will serve. Make your choice for Christ or for satan. (Joshua 24:15) You can’t be lukewarm. You must make a decision, and by not making a final decision it is like choosing the enemy. You can’t sit on the fence. (Revelations 3:16)
All of God's word, our Holy book the Bible is easy to understand and it is for all mankind, for teaching and for us to follow. (2 Timothy 3:16-17
Don't let the lies of the enemy keep you from reading God's word and learning His will for your life.
Pray, Read and repeat.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.