The story of Goddess Lakshmi and her sister Alakshmi
Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of auspiciousness and joys and Alakshmi symbolizes herself the lover of quarrelsome atmosphere. Both were created at the time of Sagar Manthan. As Nectar and poison we may say vish and Amrit were drawn that symbolizes poison for Alakshmi and Amrit for Lakshmi.
Lord Vishnu wanted to get marry with Goddess Lakshmi. But Alakshmi was the elder sister of Lakshmi. Lakshmi made a proposal firstly Alakshmi would be marry.
Lord Vishnu searched Udalak Rishi as Alakshmi's husband. Alakshmi was got married with Udalak Rishi. But Alakshmi's liking was different from her husband. She liked quarrelsome atmosphere. She didn't like peace all around. She began to weep.
Rishi asked what you want? She said that she wants that place where there is poverty, gambling players, drunkards, disturbances of every where. The appearance of Alakshmi was very dangerous. The appearance of Alakshmi is cow repelling, antelope footed , bull toothed, dry shriveled up body, sunken cheeks, thick lips, beady eyes and have a ride of donkey. Rishi disturbed on seeing all this. He wanted to get rid of her. He said that he is going in search of that place and went away and had never came again. Alakshmi remained weeping.
Goddess Lakshmi heard her weeping from Bainkuth Dham and said to Lord Vishnu for help. Lord Vishnu went that place where Alakshmi was sitting. He said you stay here in the root of Peeple tree for ever. On Saturday you will remain with your younger sister Lakshmi. On Sunday only Alakshmi dwells in Peeple tree. So this tree is not worshipped.
Lakshmi dwells in neat and clean spiritual environment and linked with natural environment. For joyful and happy couple the image of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi brings health wealth and prosperity. This couple is the most joyful and prosperous couple from the whole Angles' Community.
- Goddess Lakshmi Meditation for Health Wealth Prosperity and peace of mind - YouTube
If you have any type of problem like shortage of money, Health issues, prosperity or property issues then this meditation is very useful. This meditation is ...
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