The story of Kardam rishi who invented luxurious plane with so many rooms with sofa bed rooms with AC in Satyug
Kardam rishi was created with the shadow of Brahmdev and was called Brahma's Chhaaya Putar. Brahma sent him on earth to increase generation and he was the devotee of Vishnu. He had done Tapsya for ten thousand years.
He got married with Devhooti the daughter of Manu and Shatroopa. But he made agreement he would live with Devhooti only for the births of children and after that he would take Sanyas from Grihasthashram.
Devhooti agreed with this agreement. Kardam rishi and Devhooti knotted with the marriage thread. Kardam rishi again indulged in Tapsya and Devhooti served him with heart. Time had passed and he awakened from Tapsya and forgot his wife and ask who is she ?Devhooti gave her introduction that she is his wife. She became so weak that she could not be recognized. He felt sorry. He improved his mistake.
He made a luxurious plane in which so many rooms with luxuries are made. It was with beautiful bedrooms and temperature of rooms was pleasant. The temperature changed according to season . We may say like luxurious AC rooms.
Plane was decorated with beautiful garden. So many sevak and sevika for the Mantainanace of rooms were there. The plane was drived with the instructions of mind.
The plane could fly over seven continents and also flew to heaven. Kardam rishi and his wife Devhooti enjoyed much in the plane. Nine girl issues were born in the plane. Now Kardam rishi asked for Sanyas from Grihasthashram. But his wife didn't take him sanyas and ask for boy issue and after that he would take sanyas.
Lord Vishnu gave Darshan to Kardam rishi and told him that he would take birth in his home. In his fifth incarnation he took birth in the home of Kardam rishi.
All were making joys and happiness on the birth of Kapil Muni as the fifth incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Kapil Muni gave the knowledge of Sankhay yog and Moksh to his mother Devhooti. Nine daughters of Kardam rishi were got married with Prajapatis and now Kardam rishi and Devhooti took sanyas from Grihasthashram and did Tapsya.
We have seen that Indian science and technology was so vast that now a days Aeroplane was invented on 1903 by Wright Brothers and the luxurious plane was invented by Kardam rishi in Satyug before so many years before 1903.This plane was unique and no other this type of aeroplane has made after that .
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
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