The story of Sant Ravidaas how he faced the Brahmans who stood against him for Casticism and he proved God is with him
Sant Ravidaas was a Chamar by caste. He earned money by mending shoes. He didn't bother whether someone give him money or not. Many repaired their shoes without giving him money. He indulged himself into God's devotion and do honest working. He believed that his tools were his real idol of God and work is worship. His method of preaching was very simple and brought a person close to God. Here's an incident facing with Brahmans.
Brahmans could not tolerate the familiarity of Ravidaas and complaint against him to the king. They said Ravidaas is the lowest by cast and he has no right to do worship of God. He is committing a crime. Please stop him. Sant Ravidaas replied there is no connection with cast and devotion. Every person is linked with God.
The king put God's Idol in his Darbar. The King said both of them to draw the idol with their faith and devotion in God. Firstly Brahmans did their best to draw the idol with Mantras but they could not draw the idol or we may say unable to attract the idol.
The next turn was the turn of Ravidaas to draw the Idol or to attract. Ravidaas prayed to God as he was insulted by and felt sorrow why you have created such situations that I can't take your name. I am lowest cast and also these people insulted me. God had to come on that place and through Idol God gave his judgement and Idol walked towards him. As the eyes of Ravidaas were closed, every person who were presented there saw that Idol was walking towards Ravidaas.
Every person was impressed at this incident and had to feel God is always with those people who are clear by heart and have a feeling of philanthropy. God does not know about cast and Creeds. Who is helpful for human beings and do good is loved by God.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2019 Manju lata