The strange story of the birth of Satyavati the mother of Maharshi Vedvyaas
Once Uprichara Vasu went for hunting wild animals in the jungle. His wife was in the palace. Uprichara wanted to meet his wife, but he could not go back.
He placed his semens in the leaf and packed it. At that time birds knew the human's language. He sent his semens through the bird to his wife. The bird was taking it carefully. But another brutal bird stuck against him and the packet of leaf with sperms fell into the river.
The bird was crossing the river. The fish took that semens and the womb was growing and after sometime the fishermen cast a net and caught that fish.
The fisherman cut her and there were two children one was male and the other was female. The fisherman took them to the king Uprichara.
He accepted the male child only and refused to take the female child.That female child was Satyavati. She was brought up by fisherman. She smelled like a fish, so she was called Matsyagandha. This smell was spread all around one yojan So she was called Yojangandha.
Once Maharshi Prashar was waiting for boat to cross the river. He saw Matsyagandha was boating. Maharshi Prashar asked for cross him the river. She seated him into her boat. He attracted at her. He offered his love.
But she said that she would not do according his rules and regulations. She told him all about for herself. She smelled like fish and also low cast. But he attracted at her. He transformed her bad smell to good fragrance. Now there was good fregrence in place of bad smell. From this meeting Maharshi Vedvyaas was born.
After that she was married with Shantnu the main character of kuruvansh.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
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