The use of Zibu Symbol Release is to release negativity from home and to bring happiness and release fruit of bad karmas
Zibu Symbol Release is used for multipurpose workings. Mainly it's used for releasing negativity. Negativity means the members of family are confined with diseases and disturbed then this symbol is very effective. This symbol is also used before other zibu symbols. When the family members quarrel without any matter and remain annoyed each other then this symbol is used.
When we try our best for the success of our job business or carrier but success can't be met. Then this symbol shows its miraculous effects. It's often said that it is for your previous Karma's fruit then we can release karmas through this symbol.
Other Negativities like black magic, paranormal activities etc are also released through this symbol.If you remain depressed in spite of every facility then release your depression through this symbol. Now the question is how to use this symbol.
It's used in both ways if you know Reiki or not.
If you know Reiki then draw Cho Ku Reiki both sides left and right above your head and think and say, puffy, activate and stablize. Then draw Sei Hei Kei both sides above your head and say and feel purity, activate and stablize. Then draw both sides above your head Dai Ko Myo above your head and say purity, activate and stablize. Then draw Hon Sha Ze Sho Nan in front of you for connecting universe energies. You have to feel that positive energies are coming from the universe. Then draw Zibu symbol Release all around you and on the affected area and feel that negativity is going away through Releasing Zibu symbol. You have to draw this symbol and feel according to your wish or need that disease or other problem has gone or vanished. You will feel marvelous change within a few time.
If you don't know Reiki then simply you can use Release Zibu symbol and feel the changes. You have to feel the presence of your Ishtdev or Angel that helps you in releasing negativity. Release symbol give effective results.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Manju lata