There Is a Place Called Hell
Hell is not an imaginary place. It is vividly highlighted by God, Moses, the prophets, Jesus and the new testament apostles as a place where God is totally absent. People are allowed to go to hell by their own will or volition when they opt to stay away from our good God who cannot dare to violate our free will.
Prior to the publication of this article, a young man was heard loudly proclaiming in ignorance that he wouldn’t mind burning in Hell.
People who reject God soon discover that they have thrown away every good thing that God has given to mankind, including all those things we take for granted in our wonderful lives.
The goodness of God
God is good
Just stop and think about everything you consider to be good. It would be prudent to know that it belongs to God. When God created it, he proclaimed “Behold, It is good”.
Hell is a place where creatures are separated from the goodness of God. The bible says God is love. He is good. He is light, life, truth, joy, beautiful, peace, he is kind, merciful, caring, comforting, faithful, hope, he is orderly, has fellowship, he is patient, infinitely wise, understanding and mighty to mention a few virtues.
God is love
God is love and he is the source of love. He is the beginning and the end of love. When man ends up in Hell, he is usually perplexed to find the opposite of love. He should not expect to find any love there because, if God is love, then the custody and custodian of love can only be found in heaven.
God is light
When we switch artificial light on during dark hours, people become happy and joyful. Therefore, Light is good. The bible says God is light and in him there is no darkness. God made light when he said from his heart “Let there be light”.
If we reject God, we have rejected light. We should therefore prepare for the offense caused by total darkness in the eternity of Hell.
Fiery Flames
The best free things in life
Grace and life are free
The best things in life usually come free of charge. We never have to pay for them throughout our lives. Uppermost in the list of free things is God’s grace and life.
God has freely given us beautiful bodies to live in on earth, which he takes away once he separates our souls and spirits from our bodies in physical death. The only prerequisite is that we serve and worship him in our bodies.
When we breath oxygen each day and feel the warmth in the beautiful rays of the morning sun on our skin, then a bird flies past singing, we are bathed with the love of God’s signature in his creation of air, the sun and birds. we cannot imagine how the opposite of this love looks like.
Water is free
Man knows that water is good and it supports life. He even equates water with life. We know but refuse to acknowledge that water belongs to God. Men have refused to glorify God for giving us water and instead bless “Mother Nature”, a god created in their minds. Little do they realize that everything called nature is God’s goodness.
It is therefore logical that hell cannot, should not and hence, does not contain any water because it has to remain with the owner of hydrogen and oxygen which he combines to make the water we love so much. We should also remember that the water of life flows from the throne of God. Can we imagine how Hell exists without precious water?
God’s joy and hope
God is joy and he laughs heartily in heaven. If we don’t want God and his joy, then we should embrace total sadness for ever because there is no laughter in Hell.
Jesus is our hope but Hell abounds with hopelessness which is spiritually the absence of Christ. The bible says that anybody who has no Christ has no hope of salvation. When Christ dwells inside a christian, he becomes their hope of salvation.
Heaven is Real so is Hell
The horror of opposites in Hell
Hell is a horrific place of damnation for everybody who rejects that which is good. Remember, God is good.
Hell is a place of opposites of all good things we experience on earth from our loving God. It is a place of torment and anguish, impatience, disorder, turmoil, memories of life on earth, lost opportunities to be born again, consciousness of past good things and moments, pain, judgement and eternal death, to mention a few attributes. It was not designed for man but for the devil and other rebellious angels.
In Luke’s parable narrated by Jesus, the mean rich man could not accommodate circumstances in Hell and even requested Abraham to send poor Lazarus back to the earth to warn his rich relatives about Hell. Abraham stated that a man who has risen from the dead cannot convince anybody on earth to change because people do not want to read God’s warning in the gospel. How many people read scripture today with social media’s appeal?
We are so used to time, which is a creation of God. Time is nonexistent in hell. This is because hell is defined as an eternal timelessness.
We serve a God of second chances. When we refuse to return to him as he pleads with us each second of the day, let us remember that Hell is a place of no return. Once man arrives in Hell, he is there forever (Luke 16:26).
A place of death
The location of Hell
There is a place called Hell. Many scriptural quotes describe the location of Hell as being down below. The number of accounts in writing dispels all doubt about its physical location as in the nether parts of the earth as follows;
Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit (Isaiah 14:15).
I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall, when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit: and all the trees of Eden, the choice and best of Lebanon, all that drink water, shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth (Ezekiel 31:16).
And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised, which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war: and they have laid their swords under their heads, but their iniquities shall be upon their bones, though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living (Ezekiel 32:27).
And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted unto heaven, shalt be brought down to hell: for if the mighty works, which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day (Matthew 11:23).
And thou, Capernaum, which art exalted to heaven, shalt be thrust down to hell (Luke 10:15).
For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment (2Peter 2:4).
A place of disembodied spirits
He seeing this before spake of the resurrection of Christ, that his soul was not left in hell, neither his flesh did see corruption (Acts 2:31).
When Jesus died, his body was buried in the sepulchre but his soul and spirit went down to Hell. He resurrected on the third day without rotting. Hell is therefore a place where disembodied spirits end up when men die without welcoming God to dwell inside their spirits.
When man dies with the Spirit of God dwelling in them, they go to a place of rest in God, which is called Abraham's bosom, paradise or heaven (Luke 16:23, 23:43).
On the contrary, Hell is a place of torment and future punishment and destruction, far away from the presence of God (2Thessalonians 1:9).
23 Minutes in Hell
Description of Hell by Prophets
There is a place called Hell. It fits many descriptions as a place of everlasting punishment, everlasting fire, everlasting burning, a furnace of fire, a lake of fire, fire and brimstone, unquenchable fire, devouring fire, a place prepared for the devil where devils are confined therein until the judgment day. The beast, false prophets, and the devil shall be cast therein.
Man’s disobedience to God leads to punishment in fire eternally. Every wicked person shall be directed to Hell. No human power can preserve man from his destiny in Hell.
God lovingly warns those who don’t believe by openly announcing that they shall be cast into hell in the near future depending on one’s lifespan, whose length man has not yet been able to predict. This is because death comes suddenly to each human being.
Man’s fear over death is founded upon its being unpredictably unexpected. Men go to sleep today while trusting that sleep will deliver then alive to see the light of the following day only to be found dead and ready for burial. Man does not know what happens after they die, but God knows and has revealed it to man.
God’s wise counsel
The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell beneath. The wise avoid ending up in Hell. A wise man fears, and departs from evil: but the fool rages, and is confident (Proverbs 14:16, 15:24).
If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sits on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God (Colossians 3:1-3).
While foolish men and women stride confidently into their death, a wise person hides inside Jesus Christ prior to their death in order to meet father Abraham, thereby avoid ending up in Hell. Father Abraham wisely avoided ending up in Hell.
Love endeavors to keep everybody from Hell
Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference and others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh (Jude 1:21-23).
Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell (Proverbs 23:14).
The highest service that man can render to God is loving God with all our hearts, souls and everything he has given to us.
Love is best expressed through our service to God whose desire is after man’s soul. Anybody who loves God strives to give God the desire of his heart. If you love God, you will help save the souls he created fearfully and wonderfully in his own image. He expects us to multiply our talents in terms of spiritual fruit that keeps eternally.
We are fathers on earth to help us learn practically our spiritual fatherhood. The same applies to our earthly motherhood. Just like he made us fathers and mothers, God’s name is “Father”. He is also called “The double-breasted one”. He creates and nurtures.
God expects spiritual fruit as proof of spiritual productivity. He prunes productive branches to bear more fruit but cuts unproductive ones to pave way for fruitfulness.
If a person’s product is finances, he expects us to plant our finances in productive ministries.
When we preach the gospel of Jesus Christ, many souls are delivered to God’s loving care. This keeps people from going to Hell. Therefore, Love endeavors to keep many from Hell.
How to avoid Hell
23 Minutes in Hell - Testimony
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Man makes his short stay on earth so comfortable that he quickly forgets how perishable his body is. Little does man remember that the spirit and soul of man are immortal. We are spirit beings in bodies of clay.
Our individual lives can be as short as one second or as long as 100 years. Many will die in the next few seconds, hours, days, weeks, months or years without welcoming God into his temple or what they call their bodies, which actually belong to God.
Nobody has a guarantee of seeing tomorrow. It is important to insure against an eternal life in hell. Jesus revealed much about hell compared to any other teacher as God spoke through him.
Jesus said it is mandatory for man to be born again in order to see or enter God’s kingdom. He also said we must have faith if we are to please God. The birth of the Spirit happens when we consciously welcome God to dwell in our bodies.
In the book of Revelation 3:20 Jesus says “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me”
There is a place called Hell which was not meant for you or me, but men purpose to end up there by being wise in their own eyes. Remember, when we die in the next few days, we will either go to Heaven or to Hell. We have a choice before this happens.
Today is the day of our salvation when God expects us to embrace his goodness instead of his absence in hell. If we trust God, we will be willing to receive him. Let us trust him and respond to him directly from our hearts as follows;
Lord Jesus, come into my life. Make me a new creation. Wash away my sin. Fill me with your Spirit that I may commune always with you. I pray this trusting and believing in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
God always responds to a sincere and broken heart. Read the bible and embrace God’s plan for mankind. We can act on both the written and spoken word of God by spreading this good news to everybody to keep them from going to Hell.