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They Cometh : Chapter 8-a Friend or Foe

Updated on September 17, 2019

Table of Contents



1. The new President in a world of chaos

2. Unreleased knowledge

3. Puzzles of the world

4. Battles of the mind and bodies

5. Coming together of knowledge

6. Shocking and unrealistic plans

7. Preparation for the future

8. Friend or Foe, Enemy or Ally

9. We have known all alone

10. The future

Underground with Unknown Beings


Friend or Foe, Enemy or Ally

Friend or Foe, Enemy or Ally

Master LLambe has been contacted by the underworld to escape to safety. There are numerous people that have defected to the underworld and have never been seen or heard from since. The arrangements have already been planned and processed so when the time is right, all of Master’s associates and friends, will be transferred from the surface to the underground world. Because of the ferric or iron makeup of the crust of the Earth where the underground complex is, even the most sophisticated instruments cannot trace or track Master LLambe, his associates, the president and his family or any other people who have been invited to the massive underground complex.

Seven days pass and the transfer is ready for Master LLambe, his associates, Doctor Jim, the president and his family to the underground world. They are directed to go to an old abandoned warehouse and to take a winding steel staircase leading below the surface. Below ground, there are tunnels leading in all directions. The tunnel’s sides, which seem to be perfectly round, have the appearance of hardened melted glass and are giving off a faint orange light. Master LLambe has been given directions to which tunnel to take the surface visitors and when they had arrived at the seventh tunnel, there seemed to be some type of vehicle arrive out of nowhere. The vehicle appeared to use some type of magnetic reversal from the Earth’s gravitational pull for motion.


Do you believe that there are Underworld or Underground Cities

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Tunnel Walls, slick as glass, maybe laser formed


Underground Revelations

The sides opened up on the vehicle and there were cushioned seats lined on the inside. When all the people entered and were seated, the vehicle’s doors closed and the vehicle started moving slowly, but picked up more and more speed. The ride was extremely smooth and very quiet. After about forty minutes, the vehicle started slowing down, finally coming to rest at a turntable, with seven tunnels around the turntable. The door hatch slowly opened and all that had boarded earlier, exited, not knowing what they would find or see. Master LLambe explained that they had gone through 2,120 miles of rock and crust in less than forty minutes, but still they would need to make haste to join the others.

The associate’s, Doctor Jim, the President and his family followed Master LLambe down a tunnel about 500 feet, then through a opening in the curved tunnel. They go about another 500 feet and then take another exit. This type of maneuver continues seven times. Master LLambe states that any other tunnels other than the exact tunnels taken would have become instant death for all of them. All the tunnels are booby-trapped, including the ones that Master LLambe had lead them through, but Master LLambe had been given the proper sequence of the travel route to deactivate and disarm the explosives, death-traps and ambushes.

Finally, they see an opening that shows some light and some noises could be heard. They come to a large chamber room, filled with lights, soft music and some people, dressed in many types of formal attire. As Master LLambe, the associates, the president and his family venture closer, the people in the room form a line to meet the visitors. This is a time of getting to know and greet others that are part of the underground society and community, the history of them and some of their beliefs. Master LLambe knew two of them already, but he was overwhelmed by the wonderful, beautiful and collective sculptures and paintings that were scattered about the chamber. The president and his family mingled, but stayed close to each other, because they had been through so much trauma and stress already. Also, there were concern about who and what these beings were. Are they friend, foe, good or evil was still to be determined. The fact being, all these beings are here, in a common area of the underground, with seemly non-hostile characteristics.

Doctor Jim tries to inquire about the heritage, the history and the existence of the underground community from different individuals, but no one is giving much on how this place was formed, who built it or when. Dr. Jim stays close and in eye-shot of the president, but his heart is in the desire of knowing more of what is going on, what this place is and how it came to be. Doctor Jim tries mingling with many fantastic, interesting and mind provoking characters while diving straight into the minds to extract what they know.

Beings under the earth

Do you believe that other beings are living under the earth?

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The first person that Doctor Jim contacted is HoSanYo, who said that he was hiking through some mountains passes during a freak snow storm and took refuge in a cave. The cave had a very small opening, but was found because mist and fog were coming out of the opening. HoSanYo had to dig somewhat to get the opening big enough to get his body to squeeze into the cave. After getting into the cave, he found that the inside the cave was big enough crawl around. As he kept crawling, he found that the cave was getting bigger and large enough to stand up. He went back to the opening and found that the opening had been covered with snow, so deep, that he could not dig through, so he realized he was trapped. There may have been an avalanche and may be thirty feet or more covering the entrance. He would either die at the entrance or try to find another way out.

HoSanYo fell asleep and he said that he did not know how long he had slept. When he awoke, he ventured deeper into the cave. HoSanYo had a hand-cranked flashlight, which produces electricity as long as it is cranked and charges a rechargeable battery that continues to give light for a short time. Even that gets tiring after a while, so he would have to stop and energize himself and then persevere deeper into the cave. He contemplated that his only survival would be to follow the cave, maybe to another opening to the outside. As he ventured back into the cave, he started following a moist, warm breeze that was coming through the cave. Usually, the temperature of a cave is between 55 and 57 degrees but for strange reason, this cave was becoming warmer and warmer, being about 70 degrees. HoSanYo thought that this was odd, but reasoned that this was because of geothermal activity. HoSanYo traveled day after day, night after night, gathering thirst quenching water by collecting drips from the stalagmites hanging from the ceiling of the cave. He kept up with the days and nights with his wrist watch, which also had the calendar. HoSanYo knew if he did not find food soon, he would be trapped in the cave and die of starvation.

HoSanYo came to a large opening in the cave, with flowing water, some types of vegetation growing and some kind of unnatural light coming from the ceiling and walls. He struggled to go more, but collapse because of lack of nourishment, lack of sleep and the environment. He was totally out, blacked out. HoSanYo woke up to a beautiful room, full of light and soft music. He thought that he had died and passed on to a afterlife of delight, but to his amazement, he was very much alive. He was greeted by beautiful women serving him fruits, all kinds of delicacies and clean, clear, sparkling water.

HoSanYo laid there, in this chamber, pondering what had happened and what was taking place. Then there was a being, of a sort, came into the chamber, introduced himself as Bienfateur, which means, guardian. He explained that he had been put on earth to guard the inhabitants of earth, the earth itself and to protect the future. Bienfateur further told HoSanYo that the earth, the inhabitants and the future of the existence of the earth were in jeopardy. He said that many unfriendly forces were about to invade the earth, ravage the resources and to steal its inhabitants. He said that there was also an invading force that wants to actually move the earth to another galaxy. He said that many events has to put in place to prevent any of this from happening. Bienfateur told HoSanYo that he was welcome to stay or he could be led to safety, but if he left, his brain would be wiped of all memories of the underworld. He decided to stay and be part of history, the underworld and the future, thinking he could be of some use to save the world.

Underworld, Under Mountains


The Cherokee Indians

Doctor Jim accosted other beings in the Underworld and found that many were from the Cherokee Indian Tribe from the North American area. He found out that centuries ago, they had been directed through a cave that led to the underground caverns. The reason behind them being there was that they were literally saved from a devastating catastrophic event. The whole planet was to undergo a transformation of tremendous change that was about to happen and it was imperative that they be protected from this event. The Cherokees were told of a major flood that would destroy the Cherokees and anyone else that was on the land mass. The Cherokees followed the direction of the inhabitants of the Underworld and entered. Also, the blood lines of the Cherokees were very important to the future of the world and had to be preserved.

Doctor Jim pressed for information and found out that many of the Cherokees returned to the land mass because they missed the natural beauty of the trees, the sun and the lights of the night sky. Those who left had no memories of the trip underground nor of the inhabitants and those that stayed could enjoy the beauty of the naturally produced underground lights, the sparkling, clean, clear streams and unlimited fresh food, without the sweat of working the fields. The Cherokees that stayed below also enjoyed longer lives, which would usually be doubled compared to the lives above ground.

The Harvest

The in-place elite seems to be taking over each and every part of society, government, schools, colleges, factories, manufacturing, transportation, education and even the thought process. The media, drug companies, transmission companies and the military has been infiltrated and taken over by these entities.

In the Underworld, the President, his family, Doctor Jim, Master LLambe and his associates are being informed by Bienfateur about what is happening on the face of the earth. The aliens are replacing the leaders, those in charge, those in the hiring process, the pastors/preachers, teachers and those in leadership positions with impostors in the form of shape-shifters. These are an offspring of the lizard or reptile race that were accidentally forced to be on earth centuries ago. They have the characteristic of being able to transform their bodies into another shape, animal or human, By this time, most likely, the president has been taken over and been replaced with this reptilian replacement. The government still has the media reporting the president to be in a mental hospital, but now, showing pictures of the "replaced" president acting delusional and aggressive.

The Underworld beings informed the president and the others about what really was going on with the aliens and the reptilian race. The planet Nibriru is nearing the earth for the first time in 3600 years. It will go around the sun and then whip back past the earth again on its return journey to another sun. The Nibriruians can not reproduce and have no physical means of reproduction, so it is a dying race. For decades, the Reptilian Race and other aliens have been gathering DNA, incubating alien offspring and getting ready for the harvest of humans.

In order for the Nibiru beings to survive, they must have gold, human blood, humans for experimental purposes, human and animal organs, flesh, Adrenochrome, certain crystals and human surrogates for replication of the Nibiru race. The Nibiruians must find suitable surrogates to implant the DNA from the Nibirus into female humans to have full term pregnancies. To do this, decades of manipulations to change the characteristics of human females had to take place. The Nibirus had to have larger women, the DNA had to be altered and the blood had to have Nibiru blood mutated into the blood of human women to prepare for the pregnancies. The alien and reptilian watchers, as they might be called, called for special vaccines for as many people that they could, blue-blood added to all vaccines and then additives to the food system to make humans grow large. Many people had to be replaced to achieve these directives, but time is running out to get these orders carried out. Another directive that has to be carried out is the dismantling, confiscation and banning of any arms, weapons or threats. When Nibriru passes the first time to the sun, there will be literally hundreds of thousands of ships that will invade earth, take the resources, harvest the animals, human flesh, blood,the women and children. The sexually usable women and children will be used for later, but the men, children, unfit females, animals, gold, minerals and crystals will be taken, processed and stored for when the Nibriru returns back from the loop around the sun.

There will be very little time from the time that the Nibiru sends out the troops and ships till the planet makes its way back to Earth, so the invasion has to accomplish a lot in a short time. Any diversion, resistance or adverse activity will mean life or death to the Nibiruian planet. The Nibiruians have to have the food and blood for nutrition, Adrenochrome for life, gold for the atmosphere, surrogate females to continue their race and crystals and minerals to sustain the aliens. They have overtaken the media, the airwaves, the education system, the water system, the food system and the frequencies. The human population has been overtaken, brainwashed and their minds have been altered to receive only certain thoughts, patterns and mental directions.


Do you believe that there will be some sort of harvest of people?

See results

Population Reduction

Do you think that there are plans to reduce the population by 90% or more?

See results

Nibiru Blue Blood



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