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Thy Visitation

Updated on May 5, 2020
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He waits for me, often in the place where I am not looking. Anticipation can be so misleading, when we think we already know what to expect.

Bounding up the steps, I'm almost late for my own Sunday School class. It's been a hectic morning, and, for the moment, teaching my class became a chore I am ill prepared for. I can hear my boisterous students waiting on me. I can only smile as I hear the polite commotion of many voices.

Like Martha, scolding her sister, Mary, I'm so focused on the task at hand I've forgotten Who and why I do this instead of enjoying the pleasure of His presence. As I rounded up the last couple of steps in a leap, the moment I turned the corner, there she stood!

"Whoa," I apologize. "I almost ran over you."

She laughs at me, stepping out of the way.

Sometimes, after class is over, I'm allowed to change places. I sit in the silence and become the pupil.

As I rush in to teach my class, I'm suddenly beset with a thought about my unexpected visitor who met me at the door. I'm reminded of a time in the Bible when Abraham had an unexpected visitor at the door of his tent in the heat of the day.

And then I catch a glimpse of the time; the clock on the wall scolds me, the faces of my students look back at me.

It's time.

I hastily pushed my thoughts aside to begin the lesson I had prepared.

Like the tide returns to the sea, collects and swells before crashing back against the beach, my thoughts came back to me.

My thoughts, like the surf come back to me

After class, when the last student has left, when the room is now eeirily quiet, my brief encounter came back to me. Like the tide returns to the sea, collects and swells before crashing back against the beach, my thoughts came back to me. An empty classroom seems to be a frequent place of solitude I resort, after the noise and pandemonium. In those few moments of solitude, the silence can be …deafening.

I suppose this is what Elijah heard, that still, small voice he least expected. Not the fire or the wind, nor the mighty earthquake; it is the still small voice that is heard.

In the somber quiet of the room, I'm ushered into a special place. I began to express some thoughts that lingered from my brief encounter. And I wondered, if I too have had an unexpected Visitation?

In the somber quiet of the room, I am left alone.

Welcome interruption

She met me at the door
as I dashed up the stairs
hurrying, scurrying along my way.
I came upon her unaware...

at her unexpected appearing, where
...she stood there waiting for me!

my mind in hectic disarray
cluttered with hasty thoughts,
impatient details clamor for
my attention, too distraught
to think.

Suddenly she was there!
standing to meet me,
waiting to greet me.
An unexpected visitation,
a welcome interruption...with a
sweet smile upon her lips!

Instantly my consternation
turns to pleasant elation
Sweet unexpected presence!
welcome distraction,
delightful interruption!

He met me at the door,
too busy to pray
hurrying, scurrying about my day
I came upon Him unaware...
at His unexpected appearing. There
...He stood patiently waiting for me!

My mind had been in hectic disarray
cluttered with hasty thoughts.
Impatient details prevent
my meditation, too distraught
to think of Him.

Suddenly He was there!
Standing to meet me,
waiting to greet me.
An unexpected visitation,
a welcome interruption, He...
brought a smile to my weary face!

Again my consternation
turns to rapture & elation
Sweet unexpected Presence!
my welcome distraction,
delightful interruption!

I resort to thy throne,
satisfied by thy consolation,
enthralled, refreshed...
by thine unexpected visitation!

27 April 2008

Teaching a class can be a humbling experience. My students have much to teach me. Their class is over, mine only begins.

The Bible, among many things, is a collection of many encounters with The Lord. Different persons, different times, different circumstances; Job met him in the whirlwind, Abraham in the door of his tent in the heat of the day. Moses met Him at the burning bush, Elijah in the cave. Ezekiel met Him in exile in a foreign land. All met Him when they least expected.

He waits for me, often where I am not looking.

© 2011 Jim Henderson


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