To be or not to
Just being Me
Never thought a day would come that I would question that.........I like me and understand me well! Took years of fine tuning..........but I run like a well oiled machine..........when I am in my element! That means being around caring, loving, passionate, compassionate and soulful people. Hard to a treasure hunt I have concluded. However I am at my best when those type persons are near.
My life has always been diff.........and it was always accepted by me..........finding other kindred spirits was/is a very difficult thing to do. Thank you all , here on the site for accepting me too.
This has been a question for me the last few weeks...........can I forever handle having one foot here and one leg in the other world. My answer tonight is that I can change my environment, but will never be happy being someone that I am not. I live in both worlds and it is my norm..........and I know that I am blessed to have the gifts that I have recieved from God.
LIke everyone I have good days and bad........and for the most part the bad has a lesson learned.
My world is consumed with helping others and have found if I look deeply...I also learn from others a new lesson and have many playful laughs along the way! My take on this is, even when I long for real normalcy.....My life would never feel normal....if I shut down the intuitive part.............had that since age 5...or the E.S.P. which was near that age as well......but for animals and elderly.......the rest took me until age 30 ....and still trying hard to always be we adults lie to ourselves ...and not always able to see whats there.....because of reality!! Healing came in the last year..........using my hands and prayer! My poodle had grand mal seizures until last November! I could not bear the thought of the meds prescribed for him. My spirtual guide explained I was a healer I did the healing hands on my Nic............and he has been fine since. My guide passed away in January....but is now my spirit guide. He still talks in riddles for me to figuire things out on my own. Make no mistake .......I am not alone. God and my spirit guide is there and completing my journey here on earth!
So to conclude this blog..............I absolutely cant have the everyday life of some others.....although I have prayed and longed for it so much. I cant because I personally have never known such a life....and to be honest just when I think it is a must to have that normal life.......and have a few days of it.............I am bored and miss the world that calls me often...........and yes I click my heels three times...there is no place like home...............and ofcourse Totto can come too!!
When we are at our highest and we feel invinsible...there may be no one else around.........often making us feel invisible.........if we analyze too much.... we think we are alone..........but there is a great diff between the two...................and I of right at this moment I choose to feel ............Great!!
Gifts are there for everyone............and when we choose not to understand them ......its not just our loss.....but the loss of those we could help! That is something I have always known...but the last few weeks made me question many things! Some things are explained away with science and I am the first in line to validate those times. The rest is up to us to decide...............When it cant be explained with the laws of science......................That is first base..................and seeing a miracle of biblical nature is second base............showing others the content and ramifications of such is third................and to live in the spiritual world almost full time ........well its a home run!!!!
I went from Oz to Yankee Stadium in less than 5 I still believe it makes perfect least to me!!!
Wishing U Well