Today's Thoughtless World
Living 5 years outside the United States, I can say with a certainty that the Corporate Party media is a soporific—socio-political kool-aid meant to dull the senses and lull us into a web of distraction while the spiders of tyranny take over.
Sounds deliciously sinister, doesn't it? I have no doubts Adolph Hitler would be envious of the techniques being used to perpetrate the great lie and to seduce the masses into various states of divisiveness—us vs them, blue vs red, Dems vs Reps, etc.
I have woken up! I see now that I've been asleep most of my life in a number of areas of thought.
Media and Other Distractions
Television is a great mind-killer. No need to think. Just turn it on and coast. Oh, I've had my favorite programs that were educational and thought-provoking, but most of the tube is mindless chatter while the Bankers close the web on American freedoms and snuff out the life of the Republic one careful step at a time.
In fact, the pace is so gradual, most don't know it's happening. And those who speak up are ridiculed as fringe or crazy conspiracy theorists. What a beautifully perfect trap. Playing unto people's sense of ego!
Politics and the End of Civilization As We Know It
And now, with two presidents having accelerated the national debt far beyond the insane $5 Trillion of 2001, and having accelerated the shredding of the Constitution (contrary to their Oath of Office), and having ratcheted up the belligerent bullying of other nations for Corporate greed, we are poised on the brink of the biggest financial BALLOON of all time. When the National Debt pops ($16-30 TRILLION), Earth will be toast, and America will be ground zero. The only ones left standing will be the Bankers and their buddies.
People will beg for the next solution the elite have had waiting for us—complete slavery—the microchip to monitor us, control us, and dispose of us should we become a threat. They've been paving the way toward this end. Even the new James Bond movie has 007 getting his own microchip. The mind games are thick with this stuff. After all, they've had over 200 years to perfect these techniques.
Solution? Short-term fix would be to elect Ron Paul as president of the United States. That would set the beast of mammon back for a few months or years, and give us more time to prepare our souls for Armageddon. But the beast has tentacles into every nation on Earth—a central bank owned by the Rothschilds and their ilk. After financing both sides of most of the wars since Napoleon lost at Waterloo, the Rothschilds and their "new" friends, the Rockefellers, have become quite adept at mobilizing a war machine against any nation that gets rowdy against their plans.
Long-term? Get right with God. The signs of Revelation have started to manifest. Beginning with the re-establishment of Israel and continuing with the great star named "wormwood" (Chernobyl in Ukrainian), the microchip is the mark of the beast without which no one will be able to sell or buy anything.
The time has come to awaken the sleeper within. We were created in God's image, and He is not Homo sapiens.