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Top Ten Real Haunted Houses | Where They Are, Why They're Haunted and How to Visit Them

Updated on September 3, 2014

The Winchester Mystery House

Whaley House - San Diego, California

It is no surprise that the Whaley House is haunted, since it was built right on top of the execution grounds of a convicted felon. The head of the Whaley family constructed the home for his family, but once the home was finished and the family moved, the ghost of convict Yankee Jim allegedly haunted the family.

Today the Whaley House is a museum and registered historic site, where even visitors today report hearing and seeing strange apparitions.

The National Directory of Haunted Places

Faces of Belmez - Spanish Province of Jaen

A small cottage in Spain, this site is said to have been built on top of ancient burial grounds. Since the 1970s, locals have deemed the house haunted, when a home owner saw a face appear in the floor of her kitchen.

The face scared her so much, that she remove the entire floor, only to reveal hundred of more clay faces. And it wasn't just the woman living in the home who could see the faces, people from all over the province came to see this unusual sight.

As word spread about the "faces of Belméz," scientists attempted to verify their authenticity. However, no conclusive evidence exists to pinpoint exactly how the faces got there.

Do You Believe in Ghosts?

Blickling Hall - England

Named the mosted haunted home in England by the National Trust of England, Blickling Hall was the childhood home of Anne Boleyn.

Boleyn was the second wife of King Henry VIII. Known for marrying women and then divorcing them after they couldn't give him what he wanted - a son to take over the throne - Henry eventually remarried Boleyn only to sentence her to death for allegedly cheating on the king.

Today people report seeing the ghost of Anne Boleyn walking about Blickling Hall.

Rose Hall - Jamaica

Mention the name Annie Palmer in Jamaica and you are sure to get strange looks from the locals. Tales of her horror still frighten natives to this day.

Annie Palmer was the owner of Rose Hall - a slave plantation built in 1770. A witch doctor known for using voodoo, Palmer was a psychopath who slept with her slaves and then killed them to keep them quiet.

Eventually Palmer murdered even her husband - poisoning his cup of tea. Legend has it that she cast a voodoo hex on one of her housekeepers out of jealousy. Palmer died when the housekeeper's grandfather strangled her inside the home.

In 1965 Rose Hall was turned into a museum. Visitors of the museum have reported ghost sightings at the museum, as well as hearing voices of men screaming.

Paranormal Documentary

The White House- Washington D.C.

Located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the White House is one of the most haunted homes in the United States. People visiting the White House have reported seeing the ghosts of Abraham Lincoln, Abigail Adams and Dolley Madison. Even Eleanor Roosevelt and the daughter of President Jimmy Carter have reported seeing the ghosts.

The most haunted room inside the White House is the Queen's Bedroom, which used to be the Rose Room. This is were the highest numbers of paranormal occurrences have happened.

Did You Know that the White House is Haunted?

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Deane House - Alberta, Canada

Built in 1906 for a member of the Mounted Police, Richard Deane, the Deane House in Alberta, Canada was a normal home until 1914, when it was uprooted and relocated due to railroad construction.

Once the home was relocated, it was turned into a boarding house, as well as a magnet for the supernatural. In 1933, a 14-year-old boy at the boarding house who suffered from epilepsy took his own life in the attic. After that, the boarding house closed.

Twenty years later, after a family had moved into what was now a home, a tragedy struck the site when the husband of the house stabbed his wife to death.

Reports of strange sightings and unexplained laughter emanating from the foyer have surfaced for years, attracting visitors from all over.

How to Tell if Your Own Home is Haunted

According to the Association for the Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), there are certain things to keep an eye out if you believe that you may be living in a haunted house. Abnormal occurrences that may be signs of a spirit in your home include:

  • Seeing apparitions
  • Hearing strange sounds
  • Foul, or unusual odors
  • Random, fleeting "cold spots"
  • Noticing that objects are not where you originally placed them
  • Agitated pets

Monte Cristo Homestead - New South Wales, Australia

Originally built for the Crawley family in 1884, the Monte Cristo Homestead was home to a wealthy, prominent family in New South Wales, Australia. The Crawley family seemed to have it all from an outsider's perspective, but inside the home was a different story.

The horrors inside the home first started when one of the Crawley's servents dropped their infant down a flight of stairs, killing the newborn. The servent told the family that a spirit pushed her. Shortly after, Mr. Crawley died in the house from a heart attack.

Mrs. Crawley became a reclusive shut-in, who never left the home for two whole decades. During those two decdes, a pregnant servant tragically fell to her death from a balcony, then shortly after, a young boy burnt to death inside the house.

Since then, families have moved in, then quickly out of the home - always reporting unusual activities that could not be explained. Today, the house is visited by locals and tourists alike, coming to witness the paranormal activity that occurs there.

a initially seemed like an ideal setting for the family and its growing fortune, but that soon changed when one of the Crawley's servants dropped their infant daughter down a staircase, killing her.

Madame Lalaurie Was a Wicked Woman

Villisca Ax Murder House - Fall River, Massachussettes

Despite the name, the Villisca Ax Murder House in Fall River, Massachussettes is a popular place to stay while visiting the area.

Home to Andrew and Abby Borden, a couple who was murdered in the home during the 1890s, today the home serves as a bed and breakfast for tourists and locals alike.

For those who don't have the stomach to stay in the home overnight, tours are offered during the daytime as well.

Borley Rectory - England (Demolished)

Unlike the houses previously mentioned, there is no way to go visit this next location because it was demolished in 1944 after a tragic fire. However, the Borley Rectory was a Victorian mansion that was well known as "the most haunted house in England".

Built in 1863, the rectory was famous all throughout England because of the frequent ghost sightings that occurred there. Paranormal experts attribute the sightings to a monk and a nun, who decades prior, fell in love at that site. Because of their love, the monk was hanged, and the nun was confined to the convent until her death.

The spirits of the nun and the monk are reported to be the ghosts that visitors saw while visiting the rectory, and people told tales of the ghosts actually haunting those who resided in the rectory.

Lalaurie House - New Orleans, Louisiana

Located on Royal Street in the heart of New Orleans, the Lalaurie House is known as one of the most haunted places in New Orleans, and was the basis of season 3 of American Horror Story.

Madame Lalaurie was a wealthy, slave owning socialite. Respected by her peers, Madame Lalaurie was a wicked, wicked woman. Behind closed doors, she severely mistreated her slaves - denying them food, keeping them chained up, and there have even been reports of her pushing slaves off of the three story home.

Because she was clearly breaking the laws that governed slave ownership, Madame Lalaurie was fined and her slaves were all taken from him. However, the devious woman convinced friends and family to buy the slaves themselves, only to sell them back to her.

The home is reported to be haunted by the ghosts of the slaves, as well as Madame Lalaurie herself.

© 2014 Kathleen Odenthal


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