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Numerology predictions can help your business

Updated on February 19, 2017

Numerology can help you in selecting vibrant business names

Many companies today are using numerology to grow their business. “Is this really possible?” a client asked me in disbelief. “Of course,” I replied. Using numerology you can generate a business name, or understand the right time to launch it, or correct an existing corporate or business problem using numerology predictions is a common trend today.

Numbers can guide you to build your company's brand and reputation

The name that is chosen will represent the image of your business. Image building goes a long way to promote your brand. The business name carries a powerful energy that can make it very successful. Numerology predictions for a business name selection are useful and can completely change the dynamics for a company.

Whether you are starting a new company, or have an established enterprise, you can use numerology calculations, to make your business strong and eliminate the areas that cause disharmony and negativity. One important factor to remember is that though numbers can guide businesses in many ways, but the selection of a vibrant name is dependant on the life graph--i.e. the date of birth and the complete life path details of the key business owners.

Numbers that are lucky for doing business

Name numbers that emit good vibrations are in the series represented by the numbers: 1, 5, 6, and 9. The most vibrant and positive number for a business is the number 33. 33 is also a Master number. While this number emits positive energies, it has to be in sync with other numbers to provide maximum benefit. What are these other numbers? These other numbers are those represented by the names, birth date and life path numbers of important business partners or other key owners. It is very much possible that not all numbers match. But even if some numbers match, remedies can help maintain the balance where there is an imbalance.

Numerology can help businesses in many other ways

Who would mind a little bit of extra luck as a backup plan to go hand-in-hand with hard work? Corporate consultancy numerology provides businesses with a strategic tool to explore the most appropriate time for brand launches, mergers and contracts. A crisis can be reduced by proper numerological guidance.

And that’s not all. Selection of the right staff through numerology is a commonly used service. Some recruitment consultants maintain known numerologists on their panel to seek expert advice and guidance. The idea is that the selected candidates should be in line with the mandate of the company. Their personal details provide a blueprint of their character and personality. And all this is a cost-effective solution to reduce expenses and increase profits.

Recruitment companies capitalizing on numerology

Numerology calculations can help in recruitment

We all know that recruitment companies use psychometric testing to identify the right candidate. In fact, psychometric testing and numerology together make the most effective hiring solution. A numerological corporate strategy may include a business name change or brand names for the products (names that are very powerful and make the product attractive to the customers).

Recruitment companies can derive many benefits from numerology

Numerology is based on the vibrations of a person's numbers present in their birth chart. These numbers do not change in the lifetime of a person. They form the DNA of a person's personality. Recruitment agencies can capitalise on these numbers, to find out the possible synergies of that candidate to a job. A profile analysis can be conducted and this can be used to understand the broad nature and strengths of the prospective candidate. For example, number 1 personalities are leaders and will always take on more responsibilities or projects. Similarly, number 2 personalities will always want to create a positive and healthy environment at work--they are peacemakers and make very good team players.

Numerology is a useful guide to help companies and businesses allocate projects to those candidates who will perform that task optimally. An introvert in a marketing and sales role is not likely to deliver as much value, as an extrovert. But how can we be sure of this? We cannot, but we can use the candidate's numbers to arrive at a good mix. Also, a creative person (number 3) will not be able to show their creativity to full potential as an engineer, than if he/she was in a creative field such a theatre and arts. Hiring an engineer in an advertising field can still be good if the candidate's numbers support creativity and intellect.


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