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God is Not a "religion". Visions from beyond.

Updated on February 9, 2018

Gifted Children

There are "special" gifted children born with enhanced insight, who can give a glimpse of promise for our future.

They hold the key to a better future, if man will only listen and learn from the child.

The essence of "God" is not effectively depicted through the limited interpretations of the thoughts, or mere words, of mankind itself. {d.william}

Defining contents

First we need some definitions to set the premise and perimeters for the discussion and the acknowledgement of a non-atheist who is a believer in a higher realm of existence than this materialistic world of ours without belonging to any organized religious cult, or sect:


the service and worship of God or the supernatural,

a commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance,

a personal set, or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices,

scrupulous conformity,

a cause, a principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith.


a person adhering to a religion, especially a religious zealot


excessively, obtrusively or sentimentally religious.


relating to, or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality, or deity; of, related to, or devoted to, fervent or zealous religious beliefs or observances.

Many Gods to choose from

Buddha | Source
light at the end of heavenly tunnel
light at the end of heavenly tunnel

Many paths to follow

In my feeble, and heretofore inadequate, attempts to debunk, demystify and reclassify modern day religions, i have fallen short of my intended conveyances.

I do not mind being labeled as fanatical in my opposition to the modern bastardizations of earthly "religions" , of which, each profess to hold themselves as "the one true" path to salvation, for they are all wrong - each and every one of them.

The Creator is not an institution, or a solitary entity seeking adoration or worship blindly by humans.

In "God" or the "Oneness" there is nothing but the everlasting sense of Love, or an abstract sense of peaceful bliss and belonging that cannot be categorized by mere words.

Only those few mortals that have experienced death and felt that peacefulness and returned can fully understand that concept; and yes, i am one of them, since the age of seven.

There is no abject, or adverse, ablation of individual spirit from the whole as some men would have mankind believe to justify these sadly inadequate attempts to quantify the inexplicable nature of "God", by instilling a fear of everlasting hellfire in the hearts of people.

We all (every single living being - past, present and future) are intrinsically part of the same whole. Every saint and sinner belongs to the essential nature, or constitution (make up) of that Oneness that man chooses to name "God". The 'values' and 'morals' set upon each other are manifestations of the human condition - not the spiritual.

Words, no matter from whence they come, have materialistic human interpretations and limitations. No human, or their respective cults, can interpret the "will of god"; though man certainly does try relentlessly to do so.

Since we are all intrinsic and inextricable parts of the whole, it would be impossible to remove any portion based on man's interpretation of "worthiness" to belong (referring to that notion of sending souls to hell for eternity).

{ to offer a more simplified conceptualization of man's inability to appropriately judge others, one can crudely equate this with a family unit that discovers one family member to be undesirable, based on the familial belief foundation, and disassociate that person from the family}.

While one can turn their backs on a family member without logical reasoning, the family "blood ties" cannot be severed completely.

A modern day prodigy

So in the essence of predicating that if {"God is love" and "God is forgiveness"}; then {"God is definitely NOT materialistic"} must be embraced by all of the spirits that inhabit a physical body, in order to create harmony on this physical planet.

You may disagree as much as you like with this conceptualization of man versus religion, but you cannot discount the reality of the existence of a "God-Child" born of atheistic parents.

Her name is Akiana and she was born in 1994.

A child prodigy that cannot be dismissed as heretic, or anything other than what she gives to the world:

  • a new perspective,
  • a new unbiased vision,
  • a new universal camaraderie,
  • and a renewed hope for humanity.

You must view the link and video following this article to understand and appreciate the esoterically fundamental basis for this article; without doing so, one cannot make consequential or substantial comments on it.

by: d.william 07/08/2012

What a Wonderful World

© 2012 d.william


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