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Warning for Christians to Not be fooled into a false Lords Supper: the type of elements used is very important.

Updated on August 21, 2012

The Lords Supper is meant to be a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ. While many will agree to this concept on one hand, in their very next action they will deny the Sinlessness of the Perfect Sacrifice by Using Bread and Wine Corrupted with Yeast and Fermentation.. Both of which are pictures of Sin in the Bible. In this article you will learn the truth about the Christian Passover Celebration ... The truth of the Lords Supper.

The distortion of facts makes for a False Lords Supper

When I say a "false Lords supper"... I am literally saying that some Churches are observing this Sacred Observance in the exact opposite way from how it is supposed to observed. If the Supper is celebrated with the Wrong Elements... is it still the Lords Supper? If you celebrated it with Ham and Whiskey instead of Bread and wine... would it still be acceptable to God???

I know that this article will be rejected by many professed Christians of our day... (Because they will follow traditions of men rather than the Bible of God) But I ask you to print this article out, read it in full... and study it. You will never be rebuked from the Lord for taking the time to study His word and attempt greater understanding... But many will be rebuked for having been careless or foolish enough to leave the study for others... Neglecting the Biblical admonishment to "Study to Show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashamed for rightly dividing the word of truth."

For years I have heard the proponents of various types of Lords supper ceremonies each doing their best to tell us "Why they think that it is OK to do it one way or another" in what appears to be a conflict based on Church affiliation rather than on Sound Biblical Teaching...

Many times when I would hear this sort of teaching...Inside of me I would feel feelings of unrest.

I think it is time for a fair and truthful assessment on the situation... Don't you?

Were ancient people really so ignorant??

For a time I went along with this line of thinking... I KNEW there was something wrong with this premise that the ancients did not know how to preserve Juice without fermentation... But until now I did not know what.. or for that matter how to explain what I knew in my heart was wrong.

The fact that Fermentation is in fact a Slowed down form of Corruption... and Corruption is still corruption whether it be fast or slow... it is still a part of the process of turning from Fresh to Vinager.... Vinegar being just a short span away from totally ruined.

This thought weighed heavily in my thoughts and this situation remained unresolved in my mind for many years... In my heart I felt that only Pure and uncorrupted Grape juice would Most Properly represent the Sinless Blood of our Savior which was spilled out for our sins.

How many times have I read the arrogant comments of men who who seem to justify their use of Grape flavored alcohol in the Lords Supper... and I wondered at how much more they drank all week long.

The Bible says that:

Pr 20:1 Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.

Pr 23:31 Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright

Why then would Jesus use such an element in his most intimate fellowship of the Saints?

So adamantly have these men protested the use of Non-fermented Grape Juice that I was left in awe at the apparent hardness of their hearts. And sadly.. left questioning the study of Typology itself... Is it applicable? Is it reasonable?

A Wise old man of God once said something at a Camp meeting or Revival I had attended... that has stuck with me till today...

He said "You do not make Doctrine with parables.. Nor do you make doctrines based solely upon Typology... But if your study of the Scriptures is sound, then the Typology and Parables will make perfect sense and they will back up your Doctrines without conflict."

This is the first indicator of a problem in a Church Doctrine or Ordinance... When you know something is wrong... And the pictures in the parables and types do not seem to line up with your teaching.

The Wine and Fruit of the Vine

The Lord's Supper In the Bible (Mt 26:26-28, Mark 14:23, Luke 22:20,1Co 11:25) Jesus says: After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

Part of what I have observed is that the people who are using Real Fermented Wine for the Blood of Jesus.. are mostly doing so because of one of these three reasons ...

A) Because the Lord Jesus said "Drink all of it"... which means any of the "wine" left over after the service gets consumed by the clergy... and its allot more fun if it has alcohol in it. Most people would probably not admit to this reasoning... But then no one really expects them too either.

B) Some use Alcoholic wine because of the traditions of their own Church. (They know better but cant change the Church Traditions which they know are wrong... Just Like Baptism by some means other than "Immersion of a Professed Believer in Christ Jesus".)

C) Convenience... Because its easier today in some areas to buy Grape flavored booze than to find pure grape juice that hasn't been tampered with... (In that case it would almost be Better to use Artificially Grape flavored Kool Aid than to pollute the body of Christ with fermentation... One typifies sin.. the other is totally fake... at least the Kool Aid is not a type to sin.)

Now... finally and probably one of the most important reasons... Some people are using Fermented Wine to represent the Sinless Blood of Jesus Because...

D) Because they had been taught a Popular Urban Myth that "The ONLY WAY grape juice could be preserved in ancient civilizations was through the Fermentation Process."

This is a commonly told Fairy Tale that is so untrue that it is really just an outright lie, told by people who know better but who seek to justify their sin.

This Popular Myth is most heinous when the statement is made by men who hold Doctorate Degrees and teach it in Seminaries and Bible Colleges... Men who know that the Facts of History actually show the opposite but continue to teach Blasphemous things.

The Fact is, that It was harder for people of the 1st century to make Fermented wine than it was for them to Preserve Grape Juice UN-Fermented.

Think about this a moment... Here we are in the 21st century with all sorts of Scientific knowledge, Sterile Equipment and Environments to manufacture beverages... These things did not exist 2000 years ago.

Fermentation is an extremely complex and troublesome process even with todays knowledge, (ask anyone who has tried making home brew from scratch without Commercial pre-packaged ingredients.) and with today's Advances in Control and Sterile Equipment... not to mention the superior quality of our Bottles from the earthenware pots and goat skins and stomachs that were used in the ancient world... Imagine trying to get a "good" batch of fermented wine under those circumstances. Yes they did manage to do it to a certain extent.. but let us remember that the main goal was Preservation... not Fermentation.

I will not go into all of the Chemistry and Recipes at this point but there were many ways to preserve Whole fruits and vegetables Fresh for up to a year or two in underground cellars and earthen vessels. But to preserve Grape Juice Fermented... to keep it from turning bad... was one of the more simple procedures for the people of that day... They simply boiled it down for several hours.

That's right... Boiling down the grape juice into concentrates for storage was the easiest and most common method used.

There were various recipes that they used to ensure the best possible outcome... (trying to avoid a moldy or musky smell or taste that sometimes happened.. But did you know that they even had ways of getting rid of bad smells and bad flavors that crept in??? They sure did! We have access today to some of the Recipes that were written down by the Great Historians of there day... Columella and Pliny among others were prolific writers... and since they were infatuated with the different scientific processes used by various people for preserving fruits, Vegetables and Juices... they have given us many wonderful insights into the practices of the people living in that day.

The juice from any of these methods was still called "WINE" in the Bible. Wine was Liquid Grape derivative... the language used was simple. Just like the word Honey which likewise stood for anything thick and sweet. Like boiled down Grape Syrup... could be called Wine or Honey interchangeably.

Consider this: The Best grape wine / juice several months after harvest would most likely have been considered that which was hand pressed from the fresh grapes and drained into your cup... in front of you. (take some grapes in your hand, point your thumb straight down at your cup and squeeze the grapes.) Since preserving whole Grape Clusters was an easy matter in the early season, and this is precisely how a significant percentage of the Crop was stored for future use... it then naturally follows that fresh squeezed grape juice could occur at almost any time of the year...

Since the Goal of those people in that time was the saving of whole crops (Vintages) of grapes... they would do so by every method convenient... trying to race time and not lose even a portion of the valuable crop.

Remember they did not have refrigeration and they did not want to loose their crop (Vintages) of Grapes. So before the main harvest started.. the first ripe fruits were picked (and offered up) and preserved still a little green and with a small piece of the stalk cut with the cluster... The workers would go through the fields looking for all of the early ripe fruits.. which they would start to preserve whole (In earthen vessels with any one of several methods) Others would be hung up on racks and made into raisins.. and about the time the main harvest came on.. they would initiate mass pressing and storage by boiling down; using the Evaporation to reduce the water volume by 1/3-1/2... which also increased the Sugar content and Preserved the "must" (as it was called) without or pre-fermentation. (Must was an important ingredient in many recipes and for use in other processes of preserving fruits and juices) In some of the first century writings there are notations about how the person doing the preservation should only use must that has already lasted a year in its preservation and that has not fermented and does not have a bad smell or taste to it... If the must has lasted a year already, then it has been proven to be reliable and can be used for preserving other Grape Juice.

Look guys... Lets face it: Louise Pasteur just figured out how to Pasteurize things in the 1860-90's But the concept of "Boiling Grape Juice down into Concentrates" was as old as civilization itself.

Boiling down Un-fermented Grape Juice was the Most common means of Preserving it for future use... either as concentrates, syrups (Called Honey) or for using later by diluting it with water before serving.

Fermentation and Leaven

In this same Lords Supper observance is another Element that is often taught several different ways.. and this also needs to be addressed at this point...

The Bread that was ~Broken~ representing the Body of Christ...

Luke 22:19 And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: this do in remebrance of me.

I marvel that so many Churches today practice this Monumental Event with Leavened Bread.

There are some Churches that use Wonder Bread... others that use French Bread or Sour Dough... others use Crackers and then still others that buy ready made unleavened Bread Wafers and every other possible thing under the sun to represent "The Broken body of Jesus".

So just exactly what is and what is Not Biblical?

For starters take a moment and just stop.. Pray. Ask the Lord to soften up your heardened heart and give you eyes to see... that he would give you understanding to receive what I am about to explain to you.

Jesus was the Son of God. Jesus was the Perfect Sacrifice for your Sins and Mine.

The Bible says that "He who knew NO SIN Became sin for us". Jesus Died Sinless.

Jesus had NO SIN of his own...

When leaven is mentioned in the Bible it signifies several things: Do you know what they are?

Read the Verses I have posted for you and Open your hearts to understanding the meaning of the word Leaven...

Lu 12:1 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

1Co 5:7-8 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness; but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.

Ga 5:9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

The passages above show clearly that Leaven in the Bible is most often a picture of Sin, Hypocrisy, Wickedness and Malice.

In Contrast to this we see that UN-Leavened Bread is a picture of Sincerity and Truth.

I want to ask you at this point to remember what you learned in Sunday School so long ago... When was Jesus sacrificed? What was the Season? What was the Festival that the Jews were observing when He was Killed? (The answer is NOT EASTER and cute little rabbits with colored hens eggs had nothing to do with it.)

Answer: Jesus was Crucified on the Passover. The Lords Supper he celebrated with his Disciples was celebrated the evening before he was Crucified, which the Bible identifies as the First Day of Unleavened Bread.

Mt 26:17 Now the first day of the feast of unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passover?

Once we know that the Bible declares the time of the Lords Supper to have been the Unleavened Passover Time.. it is much easier for us to understand that the bread used for the Passover was the typical Jewish celebration type Unleavened Bread.

Here are a few verses dealing with the Passover laws of Leaven in the old Testament.

Ex 12:15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.

Ex 12:19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land.

Ex 13:7 Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven days; and there shall no leavened bread be seen with thee, neither shall there be leaven seen with thee in all thy quarters.

Ex 34:25 Thou shalt not offer the blood of my sacrifice with leaven; neither shall the sacrifice of the feast of the passover be left unto the morning.

Conclusion of the matter

I would like to close this article with a simple question... How do you perceive the Lord Jesus Christ? Was he the Only Begotten Son of God? Was he Emanuel God with us? Was he the Christ? Was he the Perfect Sacrifice that had no Blemish and no sins to be convicted of?

How you View Jesus Christ will from this point forward determine how you observe the Lords Supper. Either in Purity... or in a corrupt perversion of the ordinance. Its your Choice and I hope this article has helped you to make the right decisions.


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