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2 Chinese Astrological Signs: The Black Snake and the Goat

Updated on October 18, 2017
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The former executive director of a successful nonprofit agency now content specialist, Cynthia writes about a variety of researched topics.

Chinese Symbols for The Year of the Snake
Chinese Symbols for The Year of the Snake | Source

2013 Was the Year of the Auspicious Black Snake

Just as there are Western astrological signs, there are Chinese astrological signs. What was the sign for 2013? The Black Snack was the Chinese Astrological Sign for 2013 and was ushered in February 10, 2013. To be exact, February 10, 2013 marked the beginning of the Year of the Black Water Snake. The date was the start of fifteen days of the Lunar New Year celebration which culminated with the Festival of Lanterns, Yuan Xiao Jie. The Black Snake is a very auspicious sign.

We left the Year of the Dragon, 2012 behind and entered 2013, the Year of the Black Water Snake, water being one of the five elements - water, metal, wood, fire and earth - each important components of the Chinese respect for man's relationship with nature.

The Year of the Water Snake cycles around every sixty years, therefore the last Year of the Water Snake occurred in 1953. This Year of the Water Snake will last from February 10, 2013 until January 31, 2014.

Predictions for the Year of the Snake

Do the Characteristics of The Black Water Snake Describe You?

Just as those born under the Sign of the Dragon have unique attributes, those born under the sign of the Black Water Snake have special characteristics. The Snake, sometimes called the Junior Dragon, is the sixth sign of the Chinese Zodiac.

Buddha saw the snake as being very wise, but also enigmatic, introspective, and often perceived as secretive. Those born under the sign of the snake are often intelligent, approaching life very logically and rationally, calling on innate insight when problem solving.

If you are born in the Year of the Snake you love beauty and luxury, have a fantastic fashion sense and very good taste. For that reason, if you are born under the Year of the Snake, you can be materialistic. This may lead you to be frivolous, although you can be extremely good with money and finances. In fact, the Chinese believe it to be very lucky to have someone in the family born under the sign of the Snake because it is said the family will never starve; the snake, consciously or not, will attract the way to provide.

According to Chinese astrologers, if the Year of the Snake is your sign, you are creative, determined and ambitious. But you also take failure very hard and have a tendency to spend what you make and to be self-absorbed. This could create friction with those close to you.

The snake means you enjoy socializing and to meeting new people. You will often be found at parties or other social gatherings. However, you tend to be very selective about developing very close friend.

It may sound pretty auspicious to have been born in the Year of the Snake and according to the Chinese astrologers, for the most part, it is. However, there were challenges in 2013 predicted for those born under the sign. Caution in business transactions was advised. You should also avoid unnecessary personal and financial risks. Was any of this true for those born under the sign of the Snake.

The 2013 prediction was that writers and entrepreneurs born in the Year of the Snake would have outstanding results during the year. However, astrologers advised that you must stay focused on your goals and use discipline to achieve the results you want. But you do that anyway, yes? Was any of this true for you?

As a water sign, blue is a favored color for the Year of the Black Water Snake. If you are born under the sign of the Snake, consider incorporating blue in your lifestyle, such introducing blue into the color scheme in your home.

The lucky directions for the Year of the Snake are northeast and southwest and the lucky numbers are 1, 2, 4, 6, 13, 24, 42, and 46.

Famous people born in the Year of the Snake include the Chinese Emperor Kan Xi (1654 - 1722) who ascended the throne at the young age of seven or eight years. Significant for many reasons, he was the longest reigning Chinese monarch. Also born in the Year of the Snake include Abraham Lincoln, Picasso, Ghandi, Oprah Winfrey, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Jack Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Liv Tyler, Brad Pitt and Michelle Chong.

Interested in the best career for those born under the snake sign? Astrologers advise you to take a look at psychology, astrology, philosophy, interior design, photography, analyst or scientist.

What Is Chinese Astrology?

Much of the practice of Chinese Astrology is said to have been solidified during the Han Dynasty (206 B. C. - 9 A. D.) There have been discoveries of the Zodiac signs found in Chinese tombs that date back as far as 533 B.C. The Chinese Zodiac was shown to have tied closely to astronomy.

The Chinese Zodiac calendar, known as Sheng Xiao, is divided into twelve animal signs. Each Chinese astrological sign cycles through once every twelve years. How these animals became associated with the Chinese Zodiac varies. One legend has it that the attributes of these twelve signs were assigned by Buddha. One day Buddha invited all the animals to visit him as he was about to ascend Nirvana. Only twelve animals showed up, hence twelve astrological signs.

As he sat under the shade of a tree, Buddha was surrounded by the dragon, rat, ox, pig, dog, tiger, snake, rabbit, horse, sheep, rooster, and monkey. Buddha sagely began to describe the characteristics that each of the animals projected. These attributes were reverently woven into Chinese astrology.

Another legend says the Jade Emperor invited the animals to take part in a race and the order of the finish determined their place on the astrological calendar. Following a few shenanigans, the rat finished first and leads the astrological list of signs.

2012 was the Year of the Water Dragon, the fifth astrological sign. Those born in the Year of the Dragon are said to be free spirits who are not too fond of rules and regulations. They are confident sometimes to the point of prideful.

Because of the role the dragons played and still play in Chinese culture and legend, to be born in the Year of the Dragon is an auspicious start to life and the birth rate has been known to increase in China during the Year of the Dragon.

Elaborate parades are a part of the Chinese New Year
Elaborate parades are a part of the Chinese New Year | Source

Predictions for the Year of the Snake

It may sound pretty auspicious to have been born in the Year of the Snake and according to the Chinese astrologers, for the most part, it is. However, there are challenges in 2013 for those born under the sign. Caution in business transactions is advised. You should also avoid unnecessary personal and financial risks.

During 2013 prediction is that writers and entrepreneurs born in the Year of the Snake will have outstanding results during the year. However, astrologers advise that you must stay focused on your goals and use discipline to achieve the results you want.

The Chinese Zodiac follows a yearly cycle rather than monthly cycle as does Western Astrology. To find out the Chinese astrological sign you were born under, consult the table linked. It is easy and quick.

Find your sign in the Chinese Zodiac. This could be your Year of the Snake under Chinese Astrology.

What's Your Sign?

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Predictions for Year of the Goat

© 2013 Cynthia B Turner


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