What Would Happen If Aliens Invaded Earth
Alien Invasion
Silly Humans
Are They Coming?
Do you think we might be invaded some day?
Will Aliens Invade Earth?
You've seen the movie, the all powerful alien race from a star system halfway across the galaxy with superior technology and the ability to traverse the massive distances from our world to theirs come down into our smog filled skies and begin their eradication of humanity. The funny thing is Hollywood loves to give us the public a superiority complex. These advanced aliens walk on tripod limbs using plasma weapons to vaporize single humans trying to run for cover. They use incendiary weapons to sterilize human cities. Or they battle our military with technology though slightly more advanced than our own are still evenly matched to our own.
I often wonder why such an advanced species would use such silly strategies and having such advanced technology why we would think they'd ever have aircraft, or weapons like our own. The truth of the matter is if an alien invasion ever did take place we'd probably never even see it coming.
So why would an alien race come to Earth? Maybe they are exploring like Captain Kirk and his crew on the star ship Enterprise exploring strange worlds filled with interesting and exotic types of intelligent life! Pfft... you really think so? The soft and cuddly often semi-slimy doe-eyed aliens with child-like smiles and their cute ways of communicating with children's toys and like Simon says.Funny thing is I believe that if they did come here that is exactly how they'd present themselves, but they'd soon show their true face when their advanced technology and real agenda reared it's nasty side.
In truth aliens wouldn't come here for our resources. It just doesn't make any sense. All the elements we have here on Earth are abundant all over the universe, be it water or even gold (sorry L Ron Hubbard).. Also why would an advanced species with the capabilities to traverse the stars come here themselves and even risk engaging us... for all intents and purposes we humans are a hostile indigenous species. Doesn't it make more sense to send robotic probes or use some other observational technique to study us if that is their purpose? And why study us at all in the first place? What makes us so interesting?
But I digress, in truth we wouldn't know their purpose. If an alien race did find us interesting enough to come here we'd never understand why they came in the first place. The only real reason I can come up with is to set up a new world for themselves. That is what we'd do after all... and have done; but again that is a human's vantage point.
Assuming we even have the technology to recognize an advanced alien race approaching to invade, we'd have little to no chance of surviving the coming onslaught. A species capable of the type of technology that allows them to come from their world to here just to invade us and squash us. In the film Contact the main character Elly makes a point, "Why would a race of aliens want to come halfway across the galaxy just to invade us? That would be like a human going all the way to Africa to step on an anthill." If an alien race wanted to take something from our world they'd just come down here and take it. I doubt they'd waste their time dealing with us at all. In truth we'd be more of an annoyance than an obstacle. None of the weapons we use against each other would have much effect on them. Because of their technological capabilities.
But perhaps I'm wrong... but come on how would we be able to program a computer virus based on our technology that could be compatible with theirs and still have the ability to cripple their mother ship and in the words of a famous film about an alien invasion "take them down.". Or how would we be able to crush their plans by infiltrating their ranks to try to rebel against them from the inside without something going wrong. Or go underground to try and quell their domination of our world using gorilla warfare tactics. And how do we know they'd be vulnerable to the same diseases that effect us here on earth? Even if you think you could hide underground and bide your time and then pop up to ruin their day, the truth is they'd either deem you a non-threat or find you and deal with you in what ever way they see fit.It is a dismal reality but lets face it, if aliens invade earth, we will no longer be the dominant species on what was once our world. We will be nothing more than pests for a higher species to deal with.
There Will Be No Place to Hide!
The Late Ex-President Ronald Reagan's View on a Possible Alien Invasion
The Scenerio
What Happens If We Are Invaded?:
Consider the following scenario...
- One day without warning an alien vessel or vessels appear over our planet. (of course assuming we could detect them or if that is how they traveled here in the first place, remember they may come here through a wormhole or a portal or by some means we haven't even thought of.)
- Within minutes the aliens would either use their technology to stop any local aggression or annihilate us (the entire human species) using their advanced technology.
- And if any humans are left (highly unlikely though) they would be hunted down systematically and exterminated or again deemed a non-threat.
That's it! End of story. There is no good outcome here. There is no hero or band of survivors that would be able to carry on after the aliens retreated or were defeated. If an alien race with technology far Superior to ours does arrive the best thing for you to do is tell the people around you that you love them. I'm sorry to state it that way but it is the truth.
I honestly don't think aliens would want to invade our world. There is nothing here for them. What we fear is our own nature. We haven't advanced beyond our primitive view of how we do things. Like Christopher Columbus vs the savage Indians. Heck if I were the aliens I'd be more afraid of us then we are of them! Thanks for reading.