What are the ten commandments? Why Does God Care about us? For what purpose did God give them to Moses?
What are the ten commandments?
First I will answer this questions. They are found throughout the Bible in different forms and places. The only spot they are all together and laid out as all 10 is in Exodus chapter 20 when Moses gets the ten commandments on stone tablets. God gave him these stone tablets and commandments to help the people come closer to Christ.
1. Thou shall have no other gods before me.
2. Thou shall observe the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
3. Thou shall not take the Lords name in vain.
4. Thou shall not make a graven image or idol.
5. Honor thy father and mother.
6. Thou shall not kill.
7. Thou shall not steal.
8. Thou shall not commit adultery.
9. Thou shall not bear false witness against a neighbor.
10 Thou shall not covet others belongings.
Moses Receiving the ten Commandments
Didn't Moses get other commandments?
Yes, Moses originally received other higher laws from God. However, when he came down from the mount the first time Aaron and the people were worshipping a golden calf which is agaisnt God's laws. At this point Moses was inspired to break those tablets and to go retrieve the ten that are currently in the Bible. There is one church however that believes that those laws still exist as higher laws. They are put in such a way as not even thinking about commiting adultery, don't even consider murdering someone. There is not a concrete list of the higher ten commandments but they did exist and from what I have seen the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints have a fairly good idea what they were about. It is recorded they were given those laws from God when it was first restored but they could not live them just as the people of Moses. Therefore those laws were taken away. Just as in the Bible.
Why did God choose to give us the ten Commandments?
This is a question that over thousands of years has become complicated without any real reason to be. We all know that God loves everyone. It is a well known fact of Christianity, no matter what religion. We know God is our loving heavenly father. It is important to note this because we need to see that God is not just a master puppeteer who controls the world for fun and wants to see how much he can put us through or how much we will do before we question. He is our loving God and has given us challenges and such, including the ten commandments for our own good. The commandments he gives us may seem restrictive but in reality they are liberating. If you kill someone are you not bound down by that and lose your freedom, even if you do not go to jail and suffer the punishment of man do you not feel guilty forever with no way to repay such a debt? Doe sit then not make sense that God would do his best to try to help you avoid such a pitfall? I would challenge you to go through all 10 previously listed commandments and see if there is one that is restrictive without God having a good reason for us to live it?
Are the ten commandments of God?
Did God give Moses the ten commandments for our benefit or detriment?
Are there more commandments?
Yes, there are more then 10. There are the 'ten commandments' but there are also other commandments. God commands us to be baptised, to endure to the end, to be industrial, to be a benefit to society, to multiply and replenish the earth, to receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. there are many more and as you study them you will see how each is for our benefit! God gives us commandments to help us not him! His goal is to help us become better and closer to him and Jesus Chirst!