What Is Counsel?
What is counsel?
1. Advice; opinion, or instruction, given upon request or otherwise, for directing the judgment or conduct of another; opinion given upon deliberation or consultation.
Thou hast not hearkened to my counsel. - 2 Chronicles 25:16.
2. Consultation; interchange of opinions.
We took sweet counsel together. - Psalms 55:14.
3. Deliberation; examination of consequences
Every purpose is established by counsel - Proverbs 20:18.
Counsel is a quality that must primarily be in a meditative zone or stage, it must reside in the soul realm before action can be taken and it must pass through the conscience to determine what value or worth will be given to it, to prove intent and motive. Counsel is crucial in determining and distinguishing between right and wrong, or good and bad, performances and behaviorisms. In the multitude of counselors, there is safety. What are some counselors? Words are counsellors, this is a reason why the Scriptures are called the Word of God because the Word of God is in the singular, meaning word is single, yet the Scriptures are full of all kinds of words, plural Where much counsel is there is progress Thinking is progressive, intentions towards performing only good is a necessity.
All counsel works by the repentant law of love, there are laws which govern love that cannot be dismissed as insignificant. The laws which govern all forms of love are idealic, yet 3 types derive from sensuality, there is love between man and woman, there is love for family, and love for friends. How love is being used in this world is not an ideal. There is an exclusivity in loving God that is not the same as loving others via sensuality. We love others from a love that evolves from a sensual nature.We all come from the conception to birth process that entailed something personal yet sensual in nature. This is not the same type of love we can have for God, nor what He has. I have found that loving others where sensuality was a starting point was marked for repentance because I don't believe that is a proper and exclusive love for God. I came to God with baggage and there was a past that was not revisited, which needed to be for repentance sake. The beginning of the new relationship had not addressed all that the past seemed to hold.
All the love I give now I desire to be repentant over, especially love for God. It is the refreshing of what was stale. because you cannot put new wine in old wineskins. The love of God is figuratively a new wine, and it cannot be put in with other kinds of love we knew or even know before or after knowledge of God. The old wineskin houses every deed, intent, motive, desire, emotion, and imagination of the past and the sins committed. We may repent at the altar when we get saved, but do we repent over and for all the impurities resident in the old wineskins?
King James Bible
Matthew 9:17 - Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.
We all fall short of the glory of God and we fall short of the glory of repentant love. It is what I am willing to do when I fall short that counts, it is about what . should be my response to counsel. Counsel comes to correct thinking and to align thinking with a better way to think about all issues. When change is embraced repentance silently takes thinking from one level to another way to think about the impending issue marked for change.
There are different kinds of love in which there are laws which govern each kind, failure to pragmatically apply law will evidently have a disastrous effect. There is eros which allows one to enter a relationship which lust has the control, not the law of love that speaks that it is better to marry than to burn in lust and counsels that one should enter a covenant based on law, this information can be accepted or rejected.
Where would counsel towards fulfilling the law over marriage lead? There are many roads that it can lead to. Good counsel states that it would be better to abstain if not married, bad suggests and speaks that it is alright to commit fornication which is a sin against the body of the one who commits it. There generally are two people involved, this can lead to these two people understanding that this type of behavior is unacceptable and decide to rethink entering the marriage covenant. At this point of realization, there should also be a repentant heart from both and a sorrow towards each other for the sin that they allowed to use their bodies to commit sins with their bodies before marriage. Then there are those who refuse to marry as the result of relationships outside of the marriage covenant, who more than likely will blame the other person after the relationship ends rather than themselves, not realizing that fornication is a sin against your own body first, blame is marked for repentance, the counsel to repent can be ignored for hurting yourself, and the person you are involved with by doing things your own way, because counsel just was not successfully utilized for the overall determination of where the relationship is or was leading.
The Greek word “metanoeo” pronounced met-an-o-eh-o is the word repent. It is a compound word, meta means “after”, “with”, “around”. Noeo literally, to direct one’s mind to a subject, in classical Greek it meant “to perceive” or to “notice”. It means to think differently or afterward to reconsider, to change one’s mind to adopt another view and to change one’s feelings. If the change of mind derives from the recognition that the earlier view was foolish, improper or evil, there arises the sense of regret to feel remorse, to rue, change of intents. What characterizes this evolution is that it is accompanied by regret, sorrow, or shame at the former opinion or attitude.
In examining counsel, the term “Selah” from the Psalms came to mind which is defined as a pause in the music, but in reading Psalms from Scriptures there is no music, so what would it be counseling to do, pause and think about what was just read.
Personally, it is a daily need for every thought I think. Take the phrase “judge not” if you take this literally you would have zero thought production, because 99.9 percent of your soul activity is dependent on judgment and examining things accordingly. Look at the rest of the verse as well, “lest ye be judged” seeing that judgment is an imperative, being judged carries more weight in this instance because someone will be judging you and their 1 percent of what the situation counsels you to do is void of judgment, it is reprobate. Figuratively, if you judge anyone and you were not there to see the motive, intent, just evidence of their actions, the same way that you judge them you too will be judged without consideration of your motive or intent, just your actions. What makes judgment a personal thrust, rather than a judge others thrust? Integrity and honesty as to what is your motive and intent for judging. We must make judgments, but it has to be based upon counsel and not gossip or hearsay. Counsel helps me to examine myself without making an excuse for myself or/and my behavior because I do have the ability to accuse, or excuse myself for the same things and be right or wrong.
In excusing oneself there is also the capacity to blame and accuse others, judging myself means I can do both accuse me or excuse me. Reasoning and conscience should and have to be up and running my counsel program within me, or the literal “judge not” will not produce any thought as to whether I am to assess the situation which is at hand. The Scriptures tell us, 1 Corinthians 2:15 - “But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.” This verse speaks of a man that judges all things, where do you think this should take place at first? It takes place In him because he is one who adheres to counsels until it spills out of him to overflow and rendering judgment of him isn’t necessary because he judges himself, and you will judge yourself instead of being offended.by and through counsel that speaks clearly of intent and motive via words. Sometimes when counsel is needed, it is the farthest thing from our reach.
Counsel is needed in everything for the soul and body to be healthy. Motive plays an important part in why do I want counsel, is it to think better than I have been thinking, or is it to gather enough information to know, or do I want to continuously challenge myself to become better. The absence of counsel produces the literal judge not or don’t think, but the figurative produces consider this or that and choose wisely concerning the counsel rendered.