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What is truth?

Updated on February 27, 2016

How do we define truth?

But, what is truth? This doesn't answer the question.
But, what is truth? This doesn't answer the question. | Source

Defining what truth, in essence, really is.

But first, a disclaimer.

It's been a while since I've last written a hub. It is not because I've lost my faith in God over the years, but for other reasons. Between work, boredom and video games, I've kind of shrugged off this responsibility. I've lost my faith in humanity, in that it is good, or has some inherently good qualities. So, bear with me. The faint of heart need not apply. I just need to rant a little, and explain the situation.

First off, I'm not going to put up with anyone's bad attitude. At all. But I do enjoy dialogue. Foul language will not be tolerated. I grew up raised to believe that if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all. That isn't asking much, is it? So there will be a comments section, but only for people who have honest questions. I might even write a hub or two, based on really good questions.

However, I will delete posts that are anything less than decent conversation. You wouldn't kiss your mother with that mouth, would you?

The truth is...

I hate today's society. I hate how public opinion somehow gets in the way of what defining truth really is. I hate how people are so condescending, as if winning some kind of argument on the internet makes you cool?

Dear English readers, you're the reason I've lost faith in society. You're the reason I got out of the United States Army. You're the reason I just don't seem to care anymore. So I'm not expecting you to listen in the first place, not even IF you were believers. And after many years on forums and 'the comments' section of any given web page, I've come to realize that I don't like it. I try to be fair and civil, but I'm doing this on my time off. I don't monetize anything. I don't want your money.

Any bible-believer of Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior would know, thus saith the Lord. But the world? The world defines what truth is, based on merely their interpretation. This includes the various religions, and the temples built based on those religions.

I don't care if you're a Christian, I'll sensor you, too: "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners." - 1st Corinthians chapter 15, verse 33.

Remember, I'm not asking for much. Just be civil. We may or may not agree, but there isn't any room in a discussion for name-calling. Not even sarcasm. A link in your comment to a web page I don't trust, might get it deleted, as a precaution against obscene content or malicious software. I just want to talk about defining what truth is, not my supposed level of education, or lack thereof. I don't want to know why I'm wrong, and stupid, and how stupid this whole "bible" and "God" thing is. I've heard it all before. So unless you think you have an honest question, don't even type. Don't even think about typing. I don't even want to see it. I tire of it.

That being said, I still love you all. I have nothing against anyone. I don't hate anyone. You're not going to see any more ranting, I promise.

Just so you know, we can disagree about the bible, God, Jesus, anyone or anything... And still be nice to each other.

I might not be perfect, but I try to be. I fail, yet keep trying. Why does it never work the way I want it to?

The truth is.
The truth is. | Source

The truth is, what God said it is.

Not what we say it is. Not even our version of history.

If God actually spoke words that people could literally hear, with their ears, then did not people write these things down? If so, which "god" or "gods" (and in the feminine, if you prefer) should we believe? What lines up with reality, compared to what any supposed holy text says?

What does this have to do, with truth?.

No matter if you believe in objective or subjective truth, you have to put your trust in it, or else. Or else, what? You might be wrong? God forbid such a thing, that a mere man could ever be wrong!

Truth is based on authority. If you believe that if God said anything, we should be able to read about it years later, even if it were thousands of years ago. But if you want to believe God doesn't exist, that's fine. You don't have to believe that World War III will eventually be a reality, and sooner than most think I would guess, for it to actually be a reality. You don't have to believe the bible is true, for it to actually be true.

If "God said", then it must be true. I'm only using the word "if" rhetorically.

I believe God said something specific. I believe the bible is true.

If God is our final authority, then if anything he said is a lie, he can't be God.

I'm not saying I know everything. I'm not even saying I know half of everything. I am, however, saying that the bible is true. I may not have a good answer, or even an answer at all, but I believe the bible to be true. Cover to cover.

And yes, this is 2016. You have people, like me, in this day and age who believe God exists. But I can't apologize for it. I would rather it all not be true. I wish I could live my life in bliss, in ignorance of what I've seen of the world. My brief 33, almost 34 years now on this earth, I've experienced life. I've had opinions, and changed them.

I've been married, divorced, and remarried to a more temperamental woman. The difference was like night and day.

Let me tell you about my wives.

I shouldn't have married my first wife. We had one child together, a son, and he is mine. I didn't even have to do a paternity test, he looks exactly like me, and I have custody. I love my son. My ex-wife, did not. I don't even hate my ex-wife, after all she put us through. But wishing things were different, doesn't actually change the truth of the matter.

My current wife is a good woman, a person I love, who is also my friend. She is who I would love to spend the rest of my life with, so long as we shall live. After reading the bible about good women, holy and pure before the Lord, I'm proud of my wife for being a woman of God. A fellow believer she was not, though, when we first met.

She believes, she once told me, that her belief in God was helped by mine.

I was not by any means, nor am I now or ever will be, perfect.

She saw something good in me, somewhere. I did not. I knew the bible is true, and I knew how much of a sinner I was then, and how much further I have to go. Yet, I will never be perfect of my own doing. I can't erase bad deeds with good ones. I can't work my way into heaven.

Faith and marriage are the same. I have faith and trust in my wife. Our marriage is great, and we're going on 10 years soon. This is the longest relationship I've ever been in, and I love it. I love her.

You can't love someone you can't trust.

Do you trust God?

I trust God.

I believe, trust and love God. He is my authority on all things, based on what truth actually is: Authority. So not only do I believe that the bible is true, but that the King James Version is the only legitimate bible, that everyone should use.

And here is where I lose the half of the half who are still reading.

Because not even the nay-saying Christians have provided good arguments against this doctrine, that the "Word of God" is a literal thing you can hold in your hand. Yet they will attempt to quote from a bible they don't believe is an accurate copy of what God actually said, that they are holding in their hands, as proof of their belief? How silly does this sound to anyone?

I've never actually met anyone who could sway my faith in God, because I have faith in something that is real, that I can hold in my hand. Like a bible, a King James Version bible, and not any other.

Because if what God said the truth is, actually exists in reality, in this universe... Then there has to be an accurate record of it. It doesn't have to be a perfect copy, but it does have to be an inerrant copy. A copy free of editing, or mere opinion of what God said.

Otherwise if the bible is just a book of myths and fairy tales, like Paul said, our faith is in vain. If Jesus didn't physically resurrect, literally walk on water and claim to be God from the beginning, our faith is in vain. If anything in that book is a lie, our faith is nothing more than flattery to a distant God we merely "believe in". No evidence, just belief. Right?

I have other hubs that might interest you, and if someone asks a question on a topic I've already written on, I might just link to that with a description. But this is what I know as truth, and I believe that the bible applies to today. It's not just a book about the past, but about the future.

What's the point?

I guess my motive for writing this hub, is that I wanted something to be on a more personal level. I want someone out there to read this and have honest, civil questions. I want people to get saved by the sacrifice God made for us, simply by accepting the free gift of salvation.

But by no other name under heaven shall anyone enter into heaven, except by the name Jesus Christ.

If a sinner like me can get saved, so can you.

I'm not going to lie to you, at least not purposely. I'm not even sure if I'll have the effort to even follow up with this hub, so I won't even promise to reply to anything.

But all the glory to God, who saved a wretch like me! I think I'm going to listen to Amazing Grace after publishing this. Not even joking.

I guess the point is, this is my attempt to spread the gospel, or some such thing.

© 2016 James


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