Whats Happening In 2012
- Maya Galactic-Winter Solstice Alignment 2012 - © Dr Shepherd Simpson
A resource for astrologers
I guess I have been in my own world for the last couple of years because I just recently heard about the whole 2012 issue. Many people apparently have known about this for a long time but I guess they never talk about it. Its not like its the topic of the evening news or anything. I never see people on the streets being maniacs screaming we're all gonna die. Its like a secret or something.
The more I read or hear about it the crazier I become. I try and ignore the whole thing otherwise I just cant function. I have no idea what will happen on Dec.21 2012 but none of what is being said sounds like anything I would enjoy.
I would just like to know what are the scientific facts that anything is going to happen. I do not really know what the Mayan people predict for us..Maybe they just stopped working on their calender and didnt get a chance to finish. Maybe they thought they would finish it in a couple hundred years.....maybe I will ask the Mayan people whats up. Oh wait thats right...we cant cause there are no Mayan people to ask. They all died. If they were so smart why did their entire civilization get wiped out.
My mind just can not grasp the concept of no more earth and no more people.... EVER. I mean Im busy I got shit to do and three years isnt long enough for me to get it all done. Im not finished yet! It really pisses me off to think about it. Its also kinda scary if you let yourself get caught up in what may or may not happen.
I dont know which way the planets are going to go if any way at all and I have no clue if our earth is going to launch itself straight into the sun and that will be the end of humanity forever and ever but one thing I do know is that God says NOBODY will know when the last day is here only he does. So the exact date of dec.21 2012 can not possibly be right.