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When Will God's Kingdom Get here?

Updated on July 6, 2012

Will Jesus really Come Again?

Yes, The greatest hope for human kind is when God's Kingdom comes to this earth. Jesus Christ said he will come again to bring peace and happiness for everyone who wants it, John 14:1-7. So many think we will all go to heaven and be there forever with God playing on harps. The twenty four elders will have harps and the rest of the saints may be given harps to play, Revelation 5:8;15:2. But is this all that Jesus and the Bible says is the reward of the saved? You need to make sure what Jesus and the Bible says where we will be, Zechariah 14:1-9? How can we know? Read the Bible the Book of Ages of human life and you will find out why we need God's Kingdom here on earth. Or you can read the last chapters in the book of Revelation 20, 21, 22 to get the final quick answer from Jesus and God the Father and the Holy Spirit. It is a sure thing that God's Kingdom will come to this earth and stay here forever!

Are you ready? Yes, you need to be because God sent Jesus to preach the Good News of his Kingdom of God and still does today through his disciples, Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:6-8. Are you one of Christ's disciples fulfilling Malachi 4:5? This is our great commission of turning the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to the fathers through his egalitatian message of equality in verse 6. We all need to be if we want the rewards. Do you have the faith, hope and love in your soul to get the Great Commission done, 1 Corinthians 13:8-13? It does take work to preach this true Gospel. For many have come in Christ's name preaching a different message about patriarchy and going up to heaven forever, Matthew 24:5. Don't be deceived stay on the narrow strait road to eternal life because wide and broad is the road of deceit and destruction, Matthew 7:13-20. To be throughly grounded in God's word is a requirement for each new son and daughter of God. So we need to prove all things taught to us to see if they line up with the Word of God's teachings, 2 Timothy 3:16-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:21-23. We need to be modern day Bereans, making sure what is taught is what Jesus taught so we do not hinder the Gospel message, or Good News of the coming Kingdom of God. God needs both men and women who submit to one another not just in our marriages but in our gender relationships in the church and society, Ephesians 5:21, Galatians 3:28-29.

Yes, Jesus will surely come again, God's plan for us humans has not changed no matter what the athiests, agnostics, gnostics, pagans, false Christianity, and all liars against the truth will tell you. It is more sure than your next breath or next heart beat. No one can stop Jesus Christ when his Father says we humans have done enough damage to ourselves and the earth. It will be a happy time for all humans that believe in Christ's words that are left alive to see Satan chained and put away for one thousand years Revelation 20:1-2.

Yes, It will be even a happier time for all the Saints of God to receive their rewards for their faithfulness and love for God's work. All the martyrs will be resurrected and will judge the fallen angels that were used by Satan to persecute the people of God, Revelation 20: 4, 1 Corinthians 6:3. This will happen at the last Trump that singles the end of Satan's ungodly rule over humans, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-57, Revelation 11:15. After one thousand years of Jesus Christ's leadership of preparing the earth, and finally banishing Satan forever, that time will come. God the Father will come down to this earth after the White Thrown judgment and this earth will become the center of God's Kingdom here on the earth and the entire universe Revelation 20:11-15; 21:1-5. God the Father will have his brand new family of sons and daughters ruling here on the earth and the entire universe forever, 2 Corinthians 6:17-18, Hebrews 2:7-8.

Oh, Yes, God's plans for us are certain! This is why we all need to be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit to start our lives a new. If you are havimg trouble understanding God's plan of salvation which is tied into God's Sabbath Day and Holy Days then you need a change of heart and mind to glory in the things of God, Leviticus 23:1-37, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31 . If you are trully seeking the hidden things of God you need baptism, Matthew 6:33, 7:7-11. You need to be born again, John 3:7-8, Acts 2:38. Attitude has a lot to do with each persons individual salvation. whether male or female, Galatians 3:28 - 29. If you are humble and repentant you are on the right road to recovery, Isaiah 66:2. You may need to find someone to baptize you? Another Christian can do this for you. Don't worry if that person is not perfect because very few of us are is this day and age. Find a church that believes in baptizm and get it done or have a Christian friend do it for you. Don't worry if he is not a regular minister because we are all part of Christ's priesthood of all believers this is a gift from the Holy Spirit,1 Peter 2:2-5, 1 Corinthians 12:7-13, 27. We need to bury our selves in Christ death and have our sins washed away and receive the Holy Spirit Ruach HaKadosh and become Her property, 1 Corinthians 6:19-20.

Yes, finally our gender relationships will be settled in God's Kingdom of Equality of men and women. Adam and Eve had their gender relationships temporaily delayed when they disobeyed God and ate from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil. It took four thousand years until Jesus Christ came and began to restore this relationship by allowing men and women to eat once again from the Tree of Life or have the Holy Spirit's dynamic presence in their lives. Jesus bought (with his life) and established his Egalitarian Church on Pentecost 31 A.D.. It did not take very long for this Church to go astray from this First love of Jesus', of women and men working together in Oneness relationship of gender equality. However, when Jesus comes again equality will finally be restored to all human families that will exist in this new world government of the Kingdom of God, through out the Universe., Hebrews 2:6-8.

A good place to find out more about gender equaity is Christians For Biblical Equality which can be found on our link to them. Here is a very conservative group of men and women that practice what Jesus brought to the first century Church. Many problems can be solved in the church, society, and the home by simple learning Christ's teachings through the Holy Spirit about gender equality. It's simple and productive and progress can be made when men and women work together in Christ's way of equality. No more male hierarchical governments to lead us down the rabbit hole road to destruction. No more need for some to strive for a more matriarchal world. Humans will have peace at last through Christ's Egalitarian Way.

Yes, peace will be here at last, but before it comes we need to be made ready. As the dark age of Satan's final attempt to destroy us humans approaches, what is needed now is a world Revival or time a to wake up all humans and make them ready whether we die or are left alive before Christ returns. Here in the USA the harvest is ripe and there are those who love revival and should be hot to go among many Baptist, Pentecostals, Methodist and 7th Day Christians and whomever professes Jesus Christ. It is not just a matter of who gets to give the biggest Witness. We can do it together for God loves unity in the Spirit. It is time to wake up and get hot for the real Jesus Christ our common "Denominator". Don't be caught napping, Revelation 3;1--4; 3:14-15. Listen to Jesus own words through out the New Testament and take nothing less then them, John 14:1-6. We need to re-examine ourselves to see if we to have the mind of Jesus Christ as the apostle Paul exhorts us in, Phillipians 2:5; 3:14-20, 2 Corinthians 13:5-9.

One group that is getting ready is that group of Patriotic Baptist led by Pastor Chuck Baldwin of the Crossroads Independant Baptist Church in Pensecola, Florida and Vice Presidential candidate for the Contitutional Party in 2004 and ran in the general election for Constitutional Party candidate for President in the 2008 election. He is looking for responsible people who want our Constitution restored and those who love freedom and Christianity running our country again. If you would like to know more about him Check out our link to his webspage. Its time to get ready for the Greatest Revival ever, right here in the USA! .

Yes, It's time to get serious? Where will you be? God loves those that are "hot" to witness for the Great Commission like Alex Jones', and . We can do it, check the Word of God the Bible, this Gospel is to be preached to all nations and then the "End" will come, Matthew 24:14. Are you ready, Revelation 22:20? Our nation the United States of America - Manasseh will be among the first of the Israelite nations to be redeemed after the coming holocaust. Will you be there, you can make it dead or alive if, you give an witness now? Will you be with Jesus Christ, 1 Thessalonians 4:16, Leviticus 23:24, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54, Revelation 19:9-11? Don't let Satan scare you, its time to put nails in the Serpents head. His days are numbered, Revelation 12:9-12; 20:1-3.


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