Where is your focus
Where is your focus? Upon whom are your eyes focused?
I have been giving this much thought as of late. This year 2020 has been filled with a lot of uncertainty and turmoil. Life has been turned upside down and there is a lot out there about who or what is to blame.
So, what are you focused on? The drastic changes to life and routine or on Jesus?
As I stroll through social media and through the comments people leave on news sites I often read a lot of ideas about the pandemic having been created by man and used by governments to destabilize the nations to implement marshal law, or a one world government, or to kill off a large part of the population or some other conspiracies like 5G towers being the cause.
Let me tell you I dont trust the government and I don't trust mainstream media or any government agency. I also know what the Bible tells us about the end times. However, my faith is not in man or any organization or agency.
My trust and my faith is in Jesus and it is on Him that my focus is.
I do not understand how a person who claims to have faith in God and a Savior will spend so much time and energy in speaking about conspiracies, even if they are true which they may be and not spend their time in sharing the Gospel instead (which we should always be doing anyway). Why focus on world issues and not on God? Why allow the enemy to take your focus off Christ?
If the worlds political leaders are out to destabilize nations or kill off a population of people then ought we not share our faith and bring people to Christ to be saved instead of spending time on finger pointing? I believe we ought to.
The same goes for people who are so focused on their belief that we are being lied to about the moon landing or the physical shape of the earth. Some people will spend so much energy and argue that the earth is flat. I don't care whether the earth is flat or a sphere, I have faith in God that He wont let me fall off. I believe it is spherical and not flat, but maybe we are lied to and it is flat, but I dont care.
Where is my focus? My focus is on Jesus and sharing the Gospel of Christ with the world.
I know we are currently forced to endure a worldwide pandemic. How it started doesn't matter. What matters is people are dieing and it is of utmost importance that we focus on Christ and minister to the lost before they die.
Focus on our Savior, the one who can bring us through this pandemic, dont focus on the pandemic. Stop focusing on the problem, instead focus on the problem solver.
I have heard people calling others sheep for not believing their conspiracy theories. I tell them "Yes I am a sheep and Jesus is my shepherd".
I know we are to be watchful. The enemy prowls around, also we are to watch and be alert because we don't know when Jesus will return etc . But understand that there is a difference between being watchful, keeping Christ first and being overly focused on what is going on and losing sight of Jesus. Whatever we do, do for Christ and live as He lived.
If one has an interest in conspiracies or what the government is really up to, that is ok as long as you maintain a balance. I mean your main focus, the majority of your energy and time ought always be on Jesus first, not on anything else. If you have time, then go ahead and spend a little of it on something that is ok to spend it on, as long as Jesus is ok with it
Take some time and read:
Psalm 25
Psalm 91
Psalm 121
I lift mine eyes
- I Lift My Eyes Up (Psalm 121) - Brian Doerksen - YouTube
This song by Brian Doerksen can be found on his "You Shine (Live From Dublin)" album. There are images from the life of David, the shepherd boy and King. I r...
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2020 Thomas Czech