Who Do They See
"You are one of them aren't you? I mean, are you really a true Christian? I don't know that I have ever met someone who truly is a Christian." This is the words of an alcoholic, drug addict, drug dealer. I went to talk to him about Jesus, giving him the Gospel. He knew that when I spoke it was all going to deal with Jesus and salvation. That is one of the most convicting powerful words any person has ever spoken to me. I could sit all day long every day for a year and listen to the world's greatest preachers and not be as convicted as what it means to be a "TRUE CHRISTIAN" as I was that day. How do people see you? Do they see, Michael, Bob, Larry Henry, or Fred? Do they see Alice, Martha, Sue or Jane? Or do they see Jesus? Think about it! We are heirs - joint heirs with Christ to the glories of God and heaven. They should not see the truck driver, the receptionist, librarian, or accountant or welder, they should see Jesus! I will go as far as to say they should not see the pastor, evangelist, missionary, or any other "church worker" but they should see and know they are in the midst of one of God's children commissioned to do HIS work. What do they see in you? When they can see Christ in us we can win them for the kingdom, though we may just plant a seed they will be open to the harvest from another. When we bow before the throne of God and give up our lives in total surrender to GOD then we can see revival in our churches. When we see revival in our churches then we can go out and win the lost. When we go out and win the lost then America will be on it's way to turning back to God. So once more, how are you seen?
How Do You See Yourself
How do you see yourself in your testimony for Christ? Do you believe others will see Jesus in you as soon as they meet you? Why or why not? You know sometimes I can be slow to open my mouth, ( I know that seems hard to believe) especially if I am just running to the store real quick and back home. I usually always have t-shirts on when it is warm outside that have some kind of Bible verse. It overwhelms me sometimes that people stop me to talk of what my shirt says. Which led to the hub A Big MAc and a Sermon Please, link follows.
As I started this writing, Steven lost, dying from drugs and alcohol, looked me in the eyes and said, "you are a real Christian aren't you?" I said yes to him that I am and I love him whether he can tell or not. I was stronger with the Gospel to him than I would be most in his situation but he has gotten to know me. I gave him a small New Testament and told him if he would hear me no longer, then read the book of John. Hopefully and prayerfully he does just that. He knows he needs Christ, and I may be the only one he will trust to open up to. I by no means have all the answers, there are in fact many I have to rely on God's providence to see myself. I am just a sinner saved by grace, looking forward to helping the cause of Christ. I work at it to show the love of Jesus continually, I falter and fail, and hold my head in shame, but Jesus always comforts. How will the lost see you? Will they see Jesus?