Who Is the Most Famous Man in the World?
The same man still recommended by his disciples over 2000 years after his birth.
When I read this question, I saw a few images of famous men flash through my mind. Tom Cruise, Elvis Presley, President Clinton, some old timers: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Of course All-American. But what about infamous men? Adam? (the first man?) Gangiss Kahn? Adolph Hitler?
& You did not come here by accident. It will take only 2 minutes to read this which will save your life. Eternal life is within a moment away.
I have 3 questions for you! Keep reading!
In any given era there are famous men. However for every era, for every generation the name of Jesus Christ has been touted as the one who saved us from our sinful ways.The Bible is still on the best seller list and in more languages than any other book. History confirms the Bible commentary about the man Jesus Christ, Even when historians deny portions of the Bible, they never reveal with proof that He did not live. He lived and He died for you and I, and He lives again and forever.
He paid the price that no other man could pay. He paid our sins in full.
Do you know where you will go when you die?
This means that you and I do not need to die for our own sins. We can live with him and through Him. We have to accept the gift though.
Have you ever lied? Have you ever lusted?
If you have been weighed down with sins, and truly want to experience the peace of God then please get down on your knees at this very moment and speak to the God of tender mercies. Tell him something like this:
Father, show me how real you are, I am a sinner, I have lied, stolen, committed idolatry and adultery, fornicated, murdered, lusted, cheated, twisted the truth, been selfish, sought my own glory, cursed, run away, acted brazenly rude, selfish, made many mistakes and allowed my thoughts to run completely amuk.
I believe your son, (the most famous man in the world) died for me. He paid the full price of sin which is death and I confess Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I believe he was resurrected on the third day after his death and He resides at your right hand and pleads for me. Please fill me with your peace by the power of your Holy Spirit. At this time I turn from sins in repentance and await your answer. The peace which excels all thought.
I know you out of all others will never leave me or forsake me. There is a name above every other name and it is this name of Jesus the Son of God that I give my devotion to. Show me what you want me to do, Father.
I love you Lord Jesus. I am going to be quiet now and listen for your voice.
That still small voice that lets me know you are there!