Why God Plus One Is a Majority: Lessons About Courage & Faith From Prophet Elijah
Just as Elijah stood alone against 450 prophets of baal, he was with God Who never left him
After Three and a half years, Prophet Elijah returned to Israel as commanded by God to set in motion a contest between God & the Phoenicians deity Baal. They had set up two altars, one for Elijah, and the other for the prophets of Baal. Whoever’s altar was consumed by fire from the heavens, would be considered True God of Israel. The prophets of Baal numbered 850 & were backed by King Ahab and his foreign Queen Jezebel who corrupted Israel by turning people to idol worship. Elijah was alone, but had a secret weapon, his Faith, Trust and Obedience in God, just as Martin Luther King famously said ‘God plus one is a Majority’.
Who was Prophet Elijah?
In Hebrew, Elijah means “My God is Yahweh” was an Old Testament prophet whose genealogy is unclear only that he came from a village called Tishbe in Gilead and lived during the reign of Israelite King Ahab, Ahaziah & Jehoram. Scholars put this time at the first half of 9th century BCE; and one of the few prophets mentioned in Christianity, Judaism, and Islamic religious text.
Through his courage, faith and trust in God, Elijah challenged the Establishment of King Ahab & Queen Jezebel, whose reign was marked by Idol worship; she had over 850 prophets of Baal and built temples for them. The people turned away from God and started idol worshipping , which precipitated Him in sending Elijah to King Ahab, and said “As the Lord God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, except at my word” ( 1st Kings 17:1).
The conviction of his faith & trust in God gave him courage to speak out against a kingdom which had turned away from the One True God, with courage he proclaimed a severe drought to fall upon the land for Three and a half years in front of King Ahab and challenged him in changing his ways.
Today, the world is no different from the time of Elijah, except the technological advances witnessed through centuries, but the heart of men has remained the same. The spiritual challenges we face today is the same as before, people have turned away from God and instead concocted the scripture to serve their self-interest. Christianity has been diluted to accommodate views that are against the True word of God, and its messengers profiting materially by allowing it.
False Prophets of Today
Preachers have put emphasis on financial prosperity than spreading the gospel, by twisting the scriptures to justify their appetite for materials gain. Nowadays it’s common in seeing them flaunting their private jets, huge mansions, big cars and flashy lifestyle in Social media at the expense of serving God. They have ignored the basic tenets of Christianity and chose to be guided by the desires of men, instead of the will of God.
None of them are willing to forego their flashy lifestyle and live in Kerith Valley, just like Elijah and be fed by ravens as commanded by God. They have put trust in their money, fame & power to provide comfort, needs instead of God. With their fat bank accounts running into billions, they have built business empires minting millions from their congregation in the guise of tithes, and the surge of new churches propping up daily can attest to this.
They have formed a symbiotic relationship with corrupt, despotic & self-centered leaders’ hell bent on absolute power and dictatorship thus giving such leaders moral authority in advancing their agendas as they twist the Scripture making people accept them blindly without question. To stand up & criticize like Elijah did to King Ahab when he falsely accused, murdered and took Naboth’s vineyard is going against their doctrine of enriching themselves. As long as their interest is served, they are okay; truth, justice, fairness and rule of law are not their concern.
They lack courage & faith like Martin Luther King Jr., John the Baptist, Bishop Alexander Muge, Apostle Paul all who paid the ultimate price with their lives by criticizing social ills, corrupt & despotic leaders, and standing up for truth, justice & equality.
“Lo, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes. He will turn the hearts of parent to their children and the hearts of children to their parents, so that I will not come and strike the land with a curse.” Malachi 4:5-6
But the day is coming when they will be put to account based on their faith, zeal, trust & character and God will judge accordingly just as He did to King Ahab & the Israelites.
So let us emulate, live and follow the ways of Prophet Elijah by basing our faith, zeal, trust in God and He will give us the strength, courage to speak up when no one can, act without fear, and be truthful.
king people accept them blindly without question. To stand up & criticize like Elijah did to King Ahab when he falsely accused, murdered and took Naboth’s vineyard is going against their doctrine of enriching themselves. As long as their interest is served, they are okay; truth, justice, fairness and rule of law are not their concern.
They lack courage & faith like Martin Luther King Jr., John the Baptist, Bishop Alexander Muge, Apostle Paul all who paid the ultimate price with their lives by criticizing social ills, corrupt & despotic leaders, and standing up for truth, justice & equality.
© 2018 Van Nchogu