Bible Study Why Shouldn't you worry?
Matthew 6:25-34
The main focus is not to worry. Jesus doesn't just tell us not to worry, and leave it at that. He tells us not to worry, and then gives us the reason why not to worry. First Jesus tells us what not to worry about. We are not to worry about what we are going to eat, what we are going to wear, where we are going to sleep, or anything the rest of the world runs after trying to obtain. Then he goes on to tell us why we should not worry, and gives us the hope that is turned into faith.
Jesus goes on to say in verse 32 that God already knows what we need and have been going after in this world. If we stop running after things that we need and want in this world and start running after God with as much heart or more than we run after the things in this world, then God will give you all the things you have been going after. I noticed that Jesus said "all" in verse 33 instead of rephrasing from verse 32 saying something like all things you have need of. This suggests that Jesus was not just referring that God will give you your needs only. The word all suggests everything you need and have wanted including the things you did not even know you needed or wanted. God will only give these things if you seek after Him more than you go after the things of this world. I believe God will only give you as much as you can handle. The more you grow in Him, the more you will be able to handle, and the more God will give you.
Then Jesus concludes verse 34. Jesus says not to think aobut tomorrow. Now Jesus is not only instructing us not to worry, but also not to think about tomorrow. This is because He does not want us to worry about the future. Even if you are not worrying about the present time, thinking about the next day can start to create worry inside of you. Especially when you are thinking how is this going to be fixed? How am I going to get out of that situation? What if this happens. Off of this type of thinking creates worry.
Concentrate on today only, the things you need to do today, and the obsticales that come up today. God gives us the strength to handle the obstacles that appear today. He does not give us the strength to handle the obstacles for tomorrow today. I believe God does not gives us the strength today for the obstacles for tomorrow because He is still working on reducing or eliminating tomorrow's obstacles. When you start worrying about tomorrow you are hindering God from removing those obstacles. Also, you are not seeking God so He can put hope, belief, and faith in you to get you past any obstacles that are left or are created by the devil at the last minute.
I do believe the only time we are supposed to look in the future is to make plans such as goals God has given you such as planning a parties, business meetings, holding a bible study, looking at the best way to build your business, and anything that needs to be planned out before the event happens. I believe if God has not given you a goal, that you can make goals for yourself. While making these plans and goals, make sure you realize that everything is subject to change. Keep your calendar open for God's instructions, because God could have you going in the opposite direction you were planning on heading. Always be willing to change your plans and goals when God tells you, or calls you to do something different. Most of the time you will see where it not only helps someone else, gives glory to God, but also how it will benefit you.