Why did God allow that to happen to me?
Broken for a higher purpose
Why God Why???
While Preaching one Sunday night, one of my eyeglass lenses fell out... for the hundredth time... only this time it broke when it hit the tile floor. I finished preaching using one half of the lens like a monocle :-) But in the aftermath of this minor emergency some more things were made to happen.
I had been putting off getting new glasses for sometime and also putting off getting an eye exam as well. Lately I have been suffering from Headaches behind the eyes.. Much of the time. and most especially when riding on the bus or when spending time reading or writing.. especially online.
When the Glasses broke this time, it caused me to go and get some new Glasses made and also to have the eye exam... two things that I did not really want to do for financial reasons.
When I went to see the Doctor he checked my eyes and of course looked at the difference between my new prescription and my old one... he then told me that there had been a very significant change in my vision since my last appointment. Hence the sever headaches and vision problems I had been having.
God allowed my glasses to break when they did... not only allowed it.. but very probably insured that it occurred. Because if that lens had not broken in two when if fell, I would more than likely have picked it up, and re-installed it in the frame for the hundredth time and continued going about my daily business.. headaches and all, with little regard for spending money on something like... New eye glasses.
God has reasons for the things he allows in our lives... even the Bad things that happen are many times things that need to occur so that a greater good can come from them. Many times we just need to stop complaining, roll with the punches and trust that the Lord has a purpose in what he allows us to go through.