Why are people MISERABLE?
Life's seasons dishes all kinds of situation our way. It's our free will to choose how to react to it that sets the course of consequences due to our decisions. Bad consequences are good teacher as well as good consequences resulting from a wise action. Why are people miserable?
Most of the time it is because they try so hard to be 'in control' and refuse to accept that they are capable of 'normal' mistakes. Often times, these individuals unconsciously hovers "unforgiveness" towards no other but -themselves. Misery is being bitter about the past..unable to let go of an 'imperfect' memory. Because we tend to think that we are the master of everything that happens, thus makes us responsible when plans didn't get executed well..or bad things happening when we do not expect it..
If we can adapt 'grace' in our lives, maybe we will be gracious enough to understand "The Serenity Prayer". Maybe by reading the story of the two monks in Zen teachings may help. These two monks were passing "a lady in distress" along their journey. One monk did what he had to; in order to help and went on unaffected; the other monk who watches was disturbed by what he saw the first monk did and couldn't let go of the whole incident in his mind.
Mental misery is normally born out of a judgmental mind. One has to break the chain and/or stop the cycle then leave the circle of Misery. When one is able to look in, from the outside of the circle, the truth of the situation began to dawn. Many times, the hardships in life that we struggle very hard to swim through at a point in our lives; are usually knee deep, wadded through streams at the end of the trial.
Be cheerful of heart. It was mentioned a long time ago.. Storms of emotions, floods of hardships, poverty of necessities or health, whatever afflictions we find ourselves in..
No matter what comes our way:
"This,too, will come to past."