Words, Right or Wrong that should not be taken lightly PT. 2
Part 2. the nut shell
Many of us think we are wiser and better than every one else and no one can tell us otherwise. We hold on to our ignorance, but listen, if we really want to become some one we should humble ourself, shut up and read the word of God. God is your creator and he loves is creation with a passion, you exist because of His Love. People are destroying this earth including the breath of life God gave you. This is a laugh, God is trying so hard for you to have life, Jesus gave up His life so you can live and mankind is fighting endlessly to destroy it, it is as if we hate our self. What I am trying to say is we can change course only with God’s help. Many of us have neither peace nor joy inside. The devil deceives many to think they have peace and joy when in fact it is only counterfeit. If you have never received the real deal and know it when the counterfeit comes you can never tell the differences. Only God can give us true peace and joy. Do unto others as you want others to do unto you and what goes around comes around, are two popular saying that one can relay to. Today you’re find and O K you give no thought to the well being of your neighbor. You are all about you, your power, might, and survival they take up all your focus. Our desires and plans are what we spend our energy on, when we need to take a break, we seek the do things we enjoy, party, movies, dance etc. We have no time to be concern with the lives of others. Yes, there are groups and organization reaching out to the needs of the poor and homeless. But almost all these groups are getting paid or benefiting from doing so. Well, I still say that’s selfish, but are we really helping. The word of God tell us plainly that we should consider others more than our self. Are there any true followers of the word of God today? My friends, tomorrow the wind will be fierce, the clouds will appear. All the ways of a man seams clear to in his own eyes, you’ll find that in the book of Proverbs 16:2. The book of proverbs should be read and studied by every living creature. Let the word of God be our guide, let it also be a mirror to us. Let us all honestly look and examine our self and not the person standing next to us. Many times if we look at our selves, we would be surprise of what we have become. Michael Jackson once sung a wonderful song some years ago
I love so much. I’m starting with the man in the Mirror, got to make a change, got to make a difference, got to make it better. We all can with the Power of the words of our mouth.
We all need each other’s encouragement and love, believe it or not we do. When we destroy the lives of people around us, we also destroy our selves. Can you imagine, no one around you to truly love and comfort you, “no man stands alone” one song writer says. Now at precise time in your life the devil rushes in, you are vulnerable, he deceives you, “O I can and will be there for you,” he says. “I will be your friend, I will help,” says the serpent. And all he wants to do is to control you and slowly destroy the rest of your sorrowful life.
Mankind talks about wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and peace, and love, development and so on. But it is vital that we understand this very important factor. God ways are not our ways, God thoughts are far above ours. What God calls wisdom, ignorant man calls it foolishness. So, who man regards as the least among us, may just very well be the greatest in God’s sight and kingdom. Probably whom you call worthless is one the most valuable being to the creator of earth and heaven. So what then, let there be one judge, one law giver which is neither you nor I but the God of this world.
The first step towards our change is to admit who we are and what we have become and repent. How long will mankind continue in its filthy ways of life. “Thinking you are in heaven when you are living in hell’ Oh time will tell,” words of a popular song time will surely tell. Stop fooling your self, look in the word of God and compare your self with it and see who you are. What the bible says about you is exactly who you are, if it says you’re filthy, you are, if it says you’re wicked, you are and if it says you are the son of God, you are. Most so called Christians live a double life; the bible addresses this issue too. Living adeceptive life is not gaining you any points in real life. People who you think you are deceiving most of the time doesn’t even careless, they don’t think like you, you’re probably only deceiving yourself. If some of your neighbors reveal to you what they know about you and think of you, you would probably collapse. Listen, you cannot deceive God and surely not people for too long, be sure as hell that your sins will find you out. God will bring every secret work to light. As a man thinketh so is he, what you say and do represents who you are, it brings you up before the eyes of all. Practice what you preach, say one thing, do the other makes a person look dump, don’t it.
The bible says a good tree brings forth good fruits and bad trees bring forth bad fruits. People there are deeper depths to the words we use, you know. I urge you all to analyze each word to find out the true meaning of it all. I know most of us will be surprise that all our life we have wrong belief and ideas and concept of most words we used. To see the true meaning of these words that we use my friends, we have to have the mind of God which was in Christ Jesus. We need to see things the way God does. Let us turn to the inspired word of God. Philippians 2:1 If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies,
Phi 2:2 Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
Phi 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
The words of God say let each esteem others better than themselves. So instead of acting or wanting to be bigger than every one else the fundamental secret is to think with humbleness of mind. God above is all powerful, and Christ is from above with the Father left is glory and came down on earth, lower to a lesser degree. He, Christ, gave up his glory that he had with his father. He did it for sinners, for the weak and the poor, came down, and bore the reproaches of the world. As man, Christ was rejected but remains faithful and humble to law of his father. He was killed and resurrected from the grave, sit now on his fathers throne, received all the kingdoms of this earth. So likewise let us be followers of Christ look at ourselves lesser than others and fulfill the laws of God that we can overcome and sit with him on his throne. The ways of man are always evil and of nonsense to God. Yet the ways of man seems right to him but the end there of is destruction. The ways of God leads to eternal life which is consist of everlastings joy, peace and love. Take up your Bibles turn to 1 Corinthians 2, and analyze the word of God to find our self approve and worthy of him when he return to set up his kingdom upon the earth. 1Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. The entire chapter of 1Corinthians 2, teaches us that there are wisdom of God, which is not of enticing words of man’s wisdom. The bible gives to us the very thoughts of God; His ways, His words, His power and His glory. So many times we see and hear the true words of God and we argue and refute it. Only but to show our self approved to our friends and neighbors, and to justify our own sinful actions, no that’s dump. We are so naïve, who are we, we are created beings, we have a creator. God had made us, and not we of our self. Lets us listen to God and stop trying to explain our sins and let us repent. Rebellion means eternal punishment of everlasting death. Don’t be rebellious against God’s word and His true spirit. The essence is a cold harsh really, we teach by our own life we live and our follies and foolish ways is what we past on to our children. We bring the innocent ones into this world and pollute their minds. God call prophets and send His ministers the carry out his work, he appoints special agents fill with his spirit to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God.
Our criticism and judge mental remarks accusation and harsh words as affect the life of other let us say sorrow. We might take it simple but criticism is critical. Correction is victual andGood. We all need to learn. But most prominent people I know hate correction but the bible holds all the answers to life. Let us read proverbs15:10 right now. It is a plain stern scripture tell me and be honest to yourself, when a friend correct you
Does it hurt you, does it makes you get bitter or hungry, is it grievous? Why? It is that we are having fulfilled Proverbs 15:10 Correction is grievous unto him that forsaketh the way: and he that hateth reproof shall die. What can we say here? Will we allow the Word of God to be our guide, our schoolmaster, teacher, and friend? Can we also begin the search out these ministers and find the true ministers of God almighty.
Words are indeed powerful and are spoken by us by our tongue and the bible cautioned us about words spoken by our tongue. See more in our next article Words right or wrong that should never be spoken.