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I Bow to Yield and Yield to Bow

Updated on March 22, 2014

Yielding is to take all that we are and possess, and all that we are not, and placing it at the feet of Jesus. It is the willingness to surrender to the Holy Spirit the right that we once had to yourselves.

Free will which was transferred through the fall makes yielding a personal decision for us all, it is when we choose to bow and yield to the Righteous God that we translate free will into the right to choose by choosing the righteous God (Jehovah Tsidtenu) - The Lord our Righteousness. Free will gave us the choice to accept or reject God, the right to choose only gives us the right to choose what is right by God's standards.

Yielding is putting up the white flag, so to speak. It is placing everything we are and are not in the hands of the Master, knowing that little becomes much in His hands. It is asking the Lord to take our lives and use them as He sees fit, because we surrender it all.

I surrender all is not complete until we realize that we must give Him everything about us, the good, the bad and the ugly. We can't hold on to the ugly, thinking we can fix it, it will take more than makeup and other enhancements. It will take the counsel of the Word and the Holy Spirit to destroy every ungodly yoke.

I Yield to Bow and I Bow to Yield

I am reminded of this in Matthew 15, those with all types of sickness and diseases put all of their afflictions at the feet of Jesus, and He healed them. If you have to physically place something at someone’s feet, you would have to bend and bow the body in a stooping position to put the object or thing at their feet.

Bowing is an act of humility and yielding is totally dependent upon humility. It is a compliant bowing of ourselves. It is the willingness to surrender to the Holy Spirit the right that I once held to myself and allowing Him to inspire in me holy actions, desires, intents, motives, thoughts and memories. (Ouch!). Yielding is in actuality work. Yielding is allowing God to turn the wilderness into a fruitful field. Yielding is allowing God to change that which is fallen into a higher plane. Yielding is giving God the hidden places, so that He can channel His life through our submitted life and express Himself to the world.

Yielding is to daily and consciously cry out Lord, “I present my life a living sacrifice”, Lord, instill in me holiness, make me acceptable in Your sight, so that I can prove what is Your good, acceptable and perfect will. How will I prove it? I will prove it by the Word of God which is the final authority over all issues and by the Holy Spirit who helps us to understand the precepts of God. Then I have the ability to try every thought by the Spirit and the Word, these two always agree, and make sure that I line up with them to determine my obedience to sound counsel. Submission to the process of constant change is an ongoing endeavor.

The Holy Spirit and the Word are two counselors we need daily. In the multitude of counselors there is safety. I had to ask myself a series of questions. We must reason with our selves under the microscope of the Word of God. Primarily, Who am I? I am a spirit. What do I have? I have a soul and I live in a body. Therefore, was I also quickened to know that

I have a soul which needs to be renewed by the power and presence of God (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, every second counts, that is when redeeming the time is Rhema to me, being cognizant of how I live every moment, to place and keep my life under examination every second of every day). Where do I live or operate from? I physically live in a world where sin has managed to mastermind the plight of every human being and does not care who you are. That is when (Romans 8:22) comes alive which tells me that all creation groans and travails in pain until now, waiting for the redemption of the body. To answer my question, my flesh is positioned in a world plagued by sin. But, my spirit is alive unto God, I am seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. My spiritual self or born again me operates from heavenly places with Jesus. It may seem paradoxical, but my life is hid in with Christ in God. All creation groans and travails together waiting for the day to be sin free; out of the presence of sin and those who love sin…..

(Col.3:1-4) If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.

I am learning that there are no time outs when it comes to the transformation process of the soul. The work that I’ve been assigned is to acquiesce and agree with righteousness. All that I am has to be transformed by the power and the Word of God, so that I do not conform to the world system. The secular ways and patterns of handling things are not the counsels found in the Word of God. We have to be on guard not to adapt the carnal ways of doing things and we must be careful not to prefer them over the God way of doing things. His ways are not my ways; they are really very mammoth in comparison.

We are a work in progress; we are His workmanship s clay desiring that He will make what He wants me to be, not what I want, nor what others want me to be. I would love to be at the place where I can say not my will but thine will be done in everything I am faced with. Now, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Yes, I have some pretty high expectations. The yielding process is a continual one that will more than likely take from the day of surrender until time plays the last episode.

Lord, I yield my heart, search it and know it, every secret, expose it to me and grant me the power to change. The Prophet Jeremiah declared that the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, then asked the question, who can know it? God knows it inside out. Reveal me to me, show me what is there, Lord what is in my heart that is not right? I want to know, I want to deal with it, so that my heart can be a holy habitation, where you reign supreme and sovereign. Lord I yield my inner ear to hear what your Spirit is saying to me in this day and at this time, I need Your counsel, I will be still and listen to receive instruction for my life. To be still and listen is work, when Scripture instructs us to be still and know that He is God. It is instructing us to do something, that verse is instructional, it is telling us to be or exist as, as we live our lives, be acquainted with, recognize the nature of God, be aware of who He is and all that He is, as we live our lives aware of His presence. You must be very quiet, calm, tranquil and serene to hear the still voice of unction.

The wilderness

It is yielding the right which I had to myself and allowing the Holy Spirit to inspire in me holy character, actions, desires, intents, motives, thought and memories.

Yielding is allowing God to turn the wilderness into a fruitful field. The life that I lived prior to accepting Jesus as my Savior, was a wilderness, and it was a wasteland.

There are aspects of our lives which can be a wilderness, nothings grows in the wilderness. It is an unfruitful place. These are the places we must yield in order for growth and development to be exponential, as well as experiential.

A fruitful field

The Word of God says that He can turn a wilderness into a fruitful field. In Galatians 5:19, we are told what the works of the flesh are, and if that is not a wilderness, then I don’t know what is. However, Galatians 5:22 teaches us what the fruits of the Spirit are; and lets us know that when we walk in them we become a fruitful field.

We become fruitful and the wilderness is changed, because if you change the root, then you change the fruit. Yielding is allowing God to change me, my prayer is Lord change me. The ointment is to listen to His counsel and receive the instructions needed for change, so that the latter end will be good. The counsel of the Word is wonderful and we have so many counselors through prophets, priests, kings, disciples and we have the wonderful counselor Himself and in their words we have safety, come what may.

Yield and rise

Yielding is allowing my regenerate spirit to rise up to the place it has been called. Our spirits are candles, which God Himself sets the flame, the Holy Spirit is that consuming fire which guides us in the ways of righteousness. We are spirits, we have souls and live in a body.

Have you ever noticed how your spirit really does not have a problem with any other born again spirits? It is soul which has to be subdued, to line up with the Spirit of God. Our minds, emotions, wills, imaginations all have to be transformed by the renewing of our souls. Be patience with yourself, in patience possess ye your soul. Feed your soul daily from the Word of God, just as you would feed your flesh. The flesh is a world of iniquity,

I can plainly see why the Apostle Paul admonished us, not to put confidence in the flesh. The flesh will disappoint you, and it will disappoint others as well. The thing to bear in mind is that the flesh is needy. Long before you come into the knowledge of Jesus, and the detriments of sin, you have learned patterns of thinking. You were given a blueprint for sin, a how to sin guide. Chances are if you didn’t grow up in a Word induced home, where the Word was the final say. You have used your sin guide to navigate your course.

The Word and the Spirit, must be both of our parents, if parenting is not rising up to the occasions of God. If you have come out of a broken home, void of both parents contributing to your well being, you understand what I mean. Society is not right to inculcate to parents that children can be raised without God’s instruction. Nor are parents right to attempt to raise children without Jesus Christ and the The Word and the Spirit being magnified. Yielding for parents must commence right there, that is the rock and foundation,

The fallen nature is a mystery. Sin destroyed all that God planned for our lives. We were shapened in iniquity and in sin did our mothers conceive us. Sin was already here awaiting our arrival. Just to make us bow to sin, and be the silhouette that it dictated. That is when Jesus Christ stepped out of eternity into time and said no to sin; for His own life and for ours. The difference being Jesus did not have any sin. Now that is something to shout about, Hallelujah! The good news is that there is hope for us. We are being renewed and we overcome the sin nature.

A broken vessel

Yielding is giving God the brokenness sin has left us with, those hidden places, so that He can channel His life through our submitted life, and express Himself to the world through us. To take all that you are and all that you have, and set it on the altar. Build an altar in your heart, where you meet with the Lord daily, it is personal.

We can meet with the Lord on behalf of each other when we are granted the privilege and opportunity to intercede. However, I cannot have a personal relationship with Jesus for anyone but me nor can you. That is a personal endeavor, we all have to go to God for ourselves. Once you get there stay, I beseech you, don’t look to the left or to the right. Look up and straight ahead, and don’t turn back for anything or anyone. I beg you based on my own personal experience. Keep your eyes on Jesus and refuse to change your focus. That my brother and sister is an admonition and exhortation straight from the heart.

Who am I? I am a spirit, What is it that I have? I have a soul and I live in a body. I was quickened to know that I am a soul, which needs to be renewed by the power and presence of God, 24 hours a day and 7 days of the week. This is a work in progress that will go on until time plays its final episode.

We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto good works, God before the world began had ordained that we live in and walk in good. When He created all things, He concluded it with; it is good. From an eternal stance this is a done deal. Jesus paid it all on Calvary, His shed blood is the new covenant we have with the Father, that when He looks on us, He sees the blood of Jesus, and not our sin, but, rather our potential in Christ Jesus.

God sees all that we can be, and only by yielding will we be enabled to see our life hidden in Christ. We are still here on earth in time, and have to work out our salvation. Faith in Jesus is work, we have been given by the Master Himself. In John 6:28-29, Jesus was asked, what shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him which he hath sent. Yielding is only successful if we believe on Him which He hath sent. This is something we must practice, and when we apply it, we are practically applying it to our living.

My Prayer of Surrender

Lord, I yield my heart to you, search my heart and know it, draw back the curtains so that I can see what is hidden in my heart, I need Your Word to be hidden in my heart, so that I will not sin against You. I need the Word to be hidden so that I have counsel. I desire a pure heart, I will not accept anything else. Show me what is there that I have to deal with. I want to deal with it, so that my heart can be a holy habitation, where you reign supreme and sovereign.

Lord, I yield my inner ear to hear what your Spirit is saying to me, I can’t make it without Your direction. I would be like a ship without a sail. I will be still and know that You are God, I will listen, I will wait quietly, as you inspect my heart, to receive your instruction as you direct me in the ways You would have me to go, and so that I may be wise in my latter end. I realize that there are many devices in my heart, nevertheless your counsel shall stand. I cannot say that I have made my heart clean, I am pure from the strategies of the heart.

Your Word warns that the heart is deceptive above all things and desperately wicked. Alongside yielding is pruning, when I yield I must be ready for the purging process to begin, allowing You to prune all the unprofitable weeds which hinder my faith and produce unfruitfulness.

Every purpose is established by Your counsel and under your advice. Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but it is You who pondereth the heart, You who are able to tell me what is in my heart and the reproof needed.

Lord, I yield my inner sight. Open my eyes to see, I desire to see what you show me, the integrity of the upright shall guide them, I want integrity as a compass, so that I can worship You in spirit and in truth. I want to acknowledge all iniquity resident in my heart, so that I don’t wear blinders, and backslide. The backslider in heart is filled with his own ways. I humble my spirit to be taught by You and instructed in your ways.

It is You who has commanded the light to out shine darkness. Self is darkness unexamined. I don’t want to live in complacency on the street called mediocrity. Mediocrity carries the pretense of comfort. You caution and admonish the attitude of saying that we are rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, and our state is wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked. I receive Your counsel which is to buy of You gold tried in the fire.

Lord try my every desire, intent, motive, thought and attitudes, purge these of all evil. That I may truly be rich and wear the white raiment you have purchase for me through your precious blood. I desire garments which are not defiled by the cares of this life, the garments of praise that You paid for me at Calvary, so that the shame of nakedness doesn’t appear.

I surrender my all to you, cleanse me, that I bring forth fruit and that my fruit remains. Remove all the things which can be shaken, so that the things which cannot be shaken remains. I seek to serve You acceptably with reverence and godly fear. You are a consuming fire, burn up all my dead works.

Lord, I yield my mind, which is another compartment of my soul which needs to go to the cross. I am a soul consisting of intellect, will, emotions, imaginations and memory. I am at the crossroad of knowing that my soul needs your resurrection power. Renew my soul! I will apply the ointment found in your word to my soul's present condition.

Your Word is the answer to every problem, it is the final authority. My soul must undergo renewal, it is not optional it is a must!

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Your sight. Amen


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