Yoga Is Not Meant for Exercise but for Idol Worship
Yoga has been embraced as a common practice by people who are concerned about their health. It has been touted as a form of exercise and grouped with general physical exercise, physical exertion or common workout.
There are rules that go with yoga like the lotus sitting position coupled with the emptying of one’s mind in a form of Transcendental Meditation, including “Surya Namaskar” which are postures in yoga that devotees use to salute the morning sun god.
These are disguised as "warm-up" exercises which are actually worship postures for "Sun Salutation" or worship of the god called "Baal" in the Christian Bible. The worship is specifically prescribed for morning hours in the rays of the rising sun.
All this is geared towards attaining a high status of calmness or peace of mind which enhances one’s control of affairs of life. Only enlightened people know yoga as a trap that leads people towards the worship of an unknown god through familiar spirits (demons).
What is Yoga?
Yoga is defined as a system of exercises practiced as part of the Hindu discipline to promote control of the body and mind.
This Hindu discipline is usually aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility which are achieved through the three paths of actions, knowledge and devotion.
Worship of the Sun god
What is the origin of Yoga?
Yoga originates from Eastern Indian religions as a way of ordering faithful adherents towards the worship of the Hindu god Brahman. The practice simply serves to yoke or link up people with this god.
Yoga is actually a religious practice that opens believers to the entry of demons. It is served with transcendental meditation under the guise of mental, physical health and fitness to unsuspecting clients.
Kundalini Yoga namely “coiled” yoga teaches worshippers to be conscious of Kundalini force, a coiled snake with its tail in its mouth or coiled force of the snake or serpent that represents a Hindu goddess. This demon inhabits its worshipper at the lower parts of the vertebral column.
The Hindu goddess Shiva is traditionally regarded to be the founder of Yoga. Yoga is a practice that delivers worshipers beyond the wheel of reincarnation or nirvana, a state of union with the god called Brahman.
Worship and meditation pose
How beneficial are various types of Yoga?
Yoga claims to train an individual’s consciousness to attain perfect peace and spiritual insight to enable them to grasp the inner nature of things intuitively in order to clearly or deeply perceive any situation.
The practice of Yoga - Lotus position of worship
Various types of Yoga
Many people don't care about what Yoga really does so long as it makes them feel good and elated. They will tell you how wonderful it is to venture into the unknown.
Hatha Yoga is carefully disguised only as physical fitness, leading to other types of Yoga.
Kundalini Yoga is sold to ignorant consumers as physiotherapy that eases hypertension or high blood pressure. Nobody reveals its hidden truth of using demonic powers to minister healing. Unsuspecting patients end up with thousands of demons they know nothing about.
Tantra Yoga is a favourite among chief executive officers and modern medicine in Europe and Scandinavian countries. This is a practice of the occult or satanic worship involving the acquisition of powerful demons regarded as powers, vibrations and energies, which ultimately boils down to the sacrifice of human beings.
Other types of Yoga which ultimately lead to union with Brahman include; karma yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga and Raja yoga among others.
Asian practice of Yoga - Pose for “Surya Namaskar”
Is Yoga practiced among Christians?
Christians do not practice Yoga because it enslaves a person by erroneously teaching them to ascend to self-realization involving Transcendental Meditation which opens ones mind to demonic influences that enable you to control your spirit.
God created man as a spirit. He then put the spirit in a physical body and breathed into man’s nostrils the breath of life, making man a living soul.
The human spirit is immortal and meant for communicating with God, hence should be the master. The soul is meant to serve the spirit, while the body is definitely the slave or donkey that carries the spirit and the soul. Intuition and conscience are faculties of the spirit of man and should not be influenced by the body or the soul.
Intuition senses God while our conscience is the heart of the spirit which helps us decide between right and wrong.
The devil has convinced man to make the body the master, the soul the servant and the spirit is currently the slave, in an attempt to thwart God’s plan for mankind.
Worship of the morning sun posing for “Surya Namaskar”
New Age practices and subtle use of terminology
Your self-realization teacher in Yoga wants you to defy God by having you controlling your spirit thereby making it the slave. This enables you to communicate with powerful demons which enable you to command your spirit to do impossible things like lifting or levitating your body from the ground and keep it floating in air.
This ethereal act leaves you believing you are serving the Almighty God spiritually without realizing that you have sold your soul to the devil, who thereafter uses you as a tool to champion evil in his kingdom.
In astral projection, the devil creates an illegal link between man’s spirit and his soul using a demon, thereby enabling man to communicate and venture into the spirit world. Public proof lies with real life experiences testified by Shirley McLaine, Bilocation in Roman Catholicism, The Capuchin monk, Father Pio in Italy among many others. The prime goal of Yoga is physical death.
Unsuspecting people mistake the subtle use of ‘New Age” terms like "Supreme Moment", “Christ Consciousness”, “The Christ within” or “The God force” to signify reference to the true God of Israel, of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, or Yahweh who has revealed himself in the Bible. This is meant to fool lost individuals, passive Christians and the uninitiated into embracing Brahman.
The rejection of sound spiritual doctrine allows God to release a person to awkward beliefs.
Yoga pose for “Surya Namaskar”
How does Yoga relate to God?
The real truth is that Yoga is not physical exercise and it is not linked in any way to the Spirit of our Almighty God. Yoga tries to blend all religious beliefs into Brahman, a Hindu god force that defines the human spirit as Brahman, a state of god consciousness.
Brahman is said to be everything and ultimately nothing. The concept of Maya emphasizes nothingness or illusionism. By deductive logic, Brahman is essentially a hidden god.
The God who created mankind and the universe exists in the Godhead as the Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit. There is no shred of darkness in him because he is the light of men. He identifies himself as Yahweh or “I Am” to anyone who wants to know and follow him.
Yoga Pose for “Surya Namaskar”
Transcendental meditation and Astral Projection
We must learn to differentiate between proper and improper meditation. Christian meditation among born-again believers refers to reading God’s word prayerfully and gaining wisdom by asking the Holy Spirit’s guidance and revelation knowledge on issues of life revealed in the bible to deeply understand his plans for you.
God will never ask you to surrender your brain or mind because he gave us free will as a gift. God verifies his plans to man using his written word at your request. Your mind is a spiritual battle field and must be guarded and protected from evil at all cost. Everything God tells us is confirmed in written scriptures including seduction through false doctrine.
The Elite, Oprah Winfrey and Iowa deceived into Yoga-Transcendental Meditation in their "Supreme Moment of Achievement"
Confusion of terminology with true meaning
Many people are cheaply trading their lives away in a vain attempt to renew their bodies, minds and souls using Yoga. This is a reserve for God.
Words used in the New Age movement do not necessarily imply what they are meant to relay to the audience.
"Fullness from which you've come" - This shows you don't know where you have come from.
"That which is god" - An assumption to know God but you don't know the real God.
"Full spiritual center" - refers to the focus of your spirit man.
"I'm not talking about Religion" - This implies deities that people focus upon, different from a true relationship with El Shaddai.
"Connected to that which is greater than yourself" - Which unmentionable thing could we connect to but our Father who is in heaven?
"One third of the town meditates" - This implies it is good to follow masses.
Transcendental meditation evil
The practice of Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental meditation and Zen are popular in U.S.A for self-improvement, in mind control and in Buddhism. It is used to steal into your mind with small beginnings like buying a candle and a white handkerchief which represent handing your life over to the kingdom of darkness.
The candle will then be lit and placed in front of you. You will thereafter be taught how to sit and relax in a lotus position with legs crossed in front and hands resting upon your knees.
Instructions will be given over a few days on the importance of being quiet, calm or peaceful in an attempt to empty your thoughts, surrendering your mind to an external influence.
Your guru will choose a “Mantra” which is usually a name of a demon who is a “guide” or “counsellor” which you will hum quietly and repeatedly as you summon the chosen demon to take possession of your body, spirit and soul.
You will begin to feel light-headed as you continue to chant the mantra as your teacher lures you into believing you are getting the peace you desire to enable you control issues of life. You will drift off in a trance and find yourself in the spiritual world using a devilish method.
This continues every day until you achieve the status called self-realization or total possession of your body and spirit by the powerful demon whose name you were trained to chant.
Yoga pose for “Surya Namaskar”
Astral projection travel
When you are in this trance, you soon realize you can command your spirit to slave or work for you. When seated in your lotus position in the trance, you will be able to stretch your invisible spirit to touch any object in the room.
For instance, shutting doors hundreds of meters away without leaving your body’s physical location, lifting a distant object across the room at will, forcing your spirit to lift your body from the ground while seated in your lotus position and even racing across the room with your eyes closed while in your lotus posture.
This ability is called astral projection or travel which is very real and common in Satanism and eastern religions. Transcendental meditation will always lead you to astral projection.
Curiosity will lead you there and once nabbed, you lie to everybody about its existence to ensure many ignorant individuals join you in this abomination.
Yoga activities are common in Eastern countries where competitions are often organized among those who can self-realize and astral project in the shortest time possible.
Yoga pose for “Surya Namaskar”
A practice of the Occult
In the occult, sinful and criminal events are accomplished by compelling your spirit to harm your opponent at a distance in a manner they cannot prove and thereafter justifying your vengeful activities.
Witchcraft operates the same way. This is why God preached about loving your neighbor the way you love yourself. You will see people through God’s eyes and won’t imagine harming those who are created in the image of God. God’s love is totally absent among people who exercise these abominable practices because their minds have been blinded to the truth in his word.
The allure of the spirit world
Let no one deceive you into believing that all roads or ways lead to God. God himself wants everybody to know that only one way leads to Him. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. No one can take you to God but Jesus Christ. Don’t discover this truth after your impending death because you will have lost everything you hold dear.
Yoga gurus in Asia are wreaking havoc among potential heirs of the kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit is gradually revealing the truth to set them free from old deceptions that conceal the truth, being shrouded in secrecy and businesslike practices, but exhibit methodical and systematic businesslike characteristics.
Laziness of mind prevents people from inquiring into the basic principles that govern such practices. People believe if the pie tastes good then they don’t care what it is made of.
It is not God’s will that your spirit slaves for your body. Yoga is an abomination in God’s kingdom because the devil occupies you into believing you are serving the real God whereas you are a servant to evil demons which ultimately lead you to hell.
Spiritual travel is illegal unless commandeered by God in spiritual warfare. The devil will go to great pains and even kill to keep the captive from discovering untruths hidden in Yoga. The new allure provided by the spirit world traps those who dare to venture therein.
The devil has one agenda to kill, steal and destroy human beings and God’s plans for them, but Jesus came to give abundant life to mankind. We will be surprised at how small the devil is at the end of times despite his influence on earth.
Yoga pose for "Surya Namaskar"
Ex-Yoga Instructor Tells All - Is Yoga Demonic
Yoga is therefore a very dangerous spiritual practice to man and hence, an abomination that provides an illegal way of being conscious of spiritual travel in a strange spiritual world.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children” (Hosea4:6).
And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27).
Scripture reveals that reincarnation is an old lie because we will soon be buried underground to face judgement from our creator whether we believe it or not.
This will happen when the silver cord linking your soul and spirit is severed by God himself after you’ve rejected him by choosing Yoga. Then will you know the reality of the spirit called death which delivers every man to God (Ecclesiastes 12:3-7).
And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of the host of heaven, which I have not commanded (Deuteronomy 17:3).
The only legal spiritual way of being conscious of your spiritual body is by being born again of the Spirit of God through repentance of our sins to God and welcoming his son Jesus Christ. This wonderful miracle happens when you invite God into your life follows;
Lord Jesus, I ask for your forgiveness over sins committed in ignorance. I believe Jesus is the son of God who died on the cross for my sins. I ask you Jesus to come into my heart. Cleanse me with your blood that was shed on Calvary and dine with me. Make me a new person. Write my name in the book of life. I pray this trusting and believing in the name of Jesus the Son of the living God. Amen.
If prayed sincerely, God’s Spirit will take over and surely regenerate you into a new person. Ask God to lead you to a spiritual church where you will be baptized in water followed by a baptism of the Holy Spirit by Jesus, in order to operate legally in the kingdom of God.
Ensure to pray or talk to God daily and read the bible each day to be knowledgeable about kingdom principles leading to spiritual growth and protection from the occult.
Yoga pose for "Surya Namaskar"
Holy Bible. Old and New Testaments. Peoples Parallel Edition. King James Version presented side-by-side with The Living Bible. Tynedale House Publishers, Inc (1981). Wheaton Illinois. U.S.A.
Rebecca Brown, MD. (1987) Prepare for War. Chick Publications. Chino California. U.S.A.
Timothy Anjili – Alabaster Ministries