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Believer's Authority in Christ Jesus

Updated on January 17, 2015

Believer's Have Authority in Jesus Christ

The born again believer knows, that we have the authority over the enemy, because Christ have given us the authority, and it belongs to us, (Proverbs 29:2 says when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice...) and that's because it’s available to us and we have a right to walk in it, because he has already blessed us in heavenly places in Christ Jesus so we can walk in authority.

Why do I say this? Because God says that you and I as children of God have authority, “Over what?” You ask, over what, over the enemy (satan, the devil) because the enemy walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (the devil) He's seeking to steal kill and destroy and he don’t want you to know that. But we don't have to walk around being defeated in our lives, or accept being defeated, but you can speak the word of God in faith taking authority over the enemy, and you can walk in the victory that God has provided.

How We Receive Authority

We have authority through God our Father and Lord Jesus Christ,when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we ask God to come into our hearts we submit our heart to him. That is when he (God) comes in, and dwells in us. God knows the condition of our heart, the bible says that we have confidence in him, that we can say to the mountain, be thou removed and be cast into the sea and believe in our heart, that what we say will come to pass, because we will have what we say because God said it.

What are we actually confessing? Confessing the word of God out of our mouth, and all his promises he has provided to us, and saying what God says to us. We believe, accept and receive the words spoken by God, and we’re able to walk in the authority as a believer in Jesus.

The Role in Authority

What is involved in exercising our spiritual authority? Spending time with God, meditating on what you are reading, learning what he has to say and saying what he's saying, and following him. Mixing it with faith, and believing what you say will cause faith to go to work on behalf of what we have already been saying, we will see things change in our situation, for without faith you will not believe that God is, and will be able to move any mountains in your life, some people’s faith is not based on the word of God, but on what we think it should be, and that is not faith, it’s natural belief, our own ability to do something.

Now faith (God faith) is the substance of thing hoped for, the evidence of things not seen,(Hebrews 11:1) and we know that faith is not seen in the natural, but in the spirit realm working in the moment that you say it, but faith that is seen, is not faith because faith is the thing hoped for, and the evidence of things not seen therefore you have to see it. Right now faith, when you pray or ask.

Exercising your authority

If you are going to be victorious in walking in authority, you can begin to read the Holy Bible to find out what is available to you as a born again believer, (Hosea 2:6) says “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”Because we don't know.

What it means that we are destroyed for lack of knowledge? It means we are living in defeat and don't know what the word say we have to say about it, and what is available to us, so we don't receive what we ask or think. We don’t know what is in the bible for us to receive.It’s not enough to rely only on our one day a week on Sunday for the preacher to bring the word to us. We have to study the word of God. In order for us to know what God is saying to us, and what God is commanding us to do.

That may be one reason we are not walking in victory over any of our problems as believers in Christ Jesus we believe but fail to learn from the word, then we allow the devil to reign (live) and rule (control) in everything we do, because if what you say does not line up with what God is saying, then we’re not in agreement with God.

In order to walk in agreement we have to renew our minds everyday in the word, and trusting him to do what he said he would do. The blessing is already ours we are already blessed, but if you don’t understand who we are we are not going to know what is available to us as believers in Christ Jesus. if we are going to see the changes in our walk with him we have to spend time reading and meditating, and trusting in him, the bible says , you will have it, (Mark 11:24) (Therefore I say unto you, What things so ever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.) seek God in his word and meditate on what he has said, read and stay in the bible and you will see the things that you desire manifest in your life.

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