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The Yearly forcast 2018 for Capricorn

Updated on March 28, 2018

In 2018, Capricorn is looking at life from a clearer perspective. Things will start to make more sense and it will become relatively easier to achieve what you’ve always wanted. Neptune resides with Venus and the sun on New Year’s Day which means that fortunes and allies are coming your way. Saturn, which is your planet, is now in Capricorn. This will empower you so you’ll be able to focus and direct great energies when the Mars goes retrograde and comes back.

You might remain restless and anxious from April till September because Saturn will turn retrograde. Don’t rush through difficulties, think it through and go by everything in a methodical manner. You’ll be smarter, hotter, stronger and better in 2018.


The month of January will be like a blessing for you in terms of good health. While you will enjoy quality health that doesn’t mean that you ignore it all together. Treat even the smallest of problems with great care to avoid all future problems. Stars aren’t that well aligned so if you are pursuing a career or studies, you might have to put in some extra effort in order to get some results. You’d have to work day in and out. Professionally, you’d be required to work harder however the end results will be fulfilling. Most of your business related travels, especially north, will be fruitful. Your father’s or an elder family member’s contacts will help you out greatly for your career. Keep this in your mind so you can make a well thought decision. You won’t find love in your relationship this month, you will end up in serious arguments that may turn out to be futile for the relation. You won’t find peace at home, you’ll have a serious argument with your father. Avoid confrontations in this month, you relation with your spouse will also suffer. You’ll struggle for money during month of the month, don’t make big investment decisions and avoid starting new ventures.


In the month of February you’ll be ready to push aside all competitions and lead everyone with a lot of energy. On 6th, you’ll find passion which will guide you ahead. You’ll be unstoppable in this month as you want to turn all of your dreams into a reality. Just let your passion guide you, you’ll be able to achieve your goals quicker than ever before. In this month you’ll find the urge to question the norms and try new things. You’ll struggle a lot during this month to achieve your desired goals, even for small things. Stay out of workplace politics and don’t get involved with others you don’t really know about, they might put you in a difficult situation. You might also end up in a serious conflict with your boss so avoid unnecessary clash at all costs. Your business workload will increase but the results will remain the same. The travelling expense will also pile up without any profitable outcomes. You love life on the other hand will do just fine this month. You also need to be more practical and rational about life. Singles might finally find someone worthy of their partnership however you need to communicate more. You’ll be active romantically during this month. You finances might not be according to your expectations. Stay low and avoid any dealings with the government during this month.


If you’ve been postponing a business/investment venture for a long time, now is the time to do it. The stars are in your favor, your creativity at its highest and the resources close by. 10th, 11th and 12th are going to be your days so utilize them well however your resources will only be able on 23rd, 24th and 25th. You workload will continue to increase during this month along with your worries. Stay away from workplace politics. People around you will do everything in their power to harm you but it’ll all be ineffective. Someone from your family; an elderly or father figure, will help you out with it. A lot of profitable opportunities are coming your way so you need to utilize them. If you’re dealing with the government chances of a huge deal are high. You may also benefit from disputes and litigations. You should also think about investing or starting a new venture. You’ll be more lovable, charming and attractive during this month, you’ll also gain confidence which will improve your personality. You’ll find a romantic partner within this month, singles will find new love and married people will enjoy holidaying together. You will be physically intimate with your spouse throughout this month.



This month you’ll feel fresh, energetic and strong. You’d also be focused towards achieving goals and making new ventures work. Some of you might be able to find relief from long existing illnesses. Avoid over exerting yourself as it may lead to risks. Don’t expect increments or promotions because the stars aren’t in your favor. Most of your hard efforts will go unnoticed but you won’t face a difficult work environment. Your career and position will remain safe until you avoid unnecessary arguments and conflicts. You might get into a conflict with your business partner or you’ll find it difficult to communicate with your employees. Your travel plans are anticipated to reap profits so if you’ve been postponing a foreign trip, go on it now. However, financially you’ll find it difficult to cope up with everything. Be prepared for an unexpected expense. Your love life will go through a rough patch so avoid conflicts and arguments. You’ll find it difficult to agree with your children and father. Smile at your spouse and don’t take their words personally.


You will remain the boss at work and in this month you’re expected to be more powerful than ever. To avoid unnecessary stress, avoid ego issues at home and workplace. Government institutes will be of great help if you wish to pursue your studies. Financially you’ll gain throughout this month either you have a job or planning to expand business. You need to put in extra efforts to secure your job. If you anticipate trouble, it is best if you protect yourself from it before anything actually happens. If you are working for or with the government you might face losses. Travelling, disputes and litigations will end up against you so postpone these for at least a month. Singles will look for someone to have fun with and love but nothing too serious. Married individuals will find time for romance however because of social engagements that too would be limited. The first four days of May are great for romance with your spouse, do little things and make them feel appreciated.


Overall work associations, connections and life choices will keep you occupied throughout the year especially during this month. You might even find someone outside of your relationship. You will find it extremely tiring to juggle everything at the same time. You’ll struggle with work deadlines, managing family, finding connections and utilizing them with the additional openings coming your way. Besides all the obstacles you will manage to finish everything timely. Financially this month isn’t in your favor. If there are some pending litigations and conflicts, postpone it further because this month it won’t rule in your favor. All government related gigs will turn out to be unsuccessful. Love issues can be intriguing in this month. You’ll encounter some serious unexpected issues as the month nears its end. You might even develop a heart issue because of stress. Don’t make any life decisions during this month. While marriage is off the table sudden marriage can still happen. Career-wise there isn’t much to look forward to. You may be forced to travel but it won’t be as beneficial, traveling east could be somewhat valuable. You might get into a conflict with your boss so avoid unnecessary encounters.


This month is highly blissful for all the overs out there. If you’re single, you’ll have plenty of encounters and you might even get into a serious relationship. New marriages and divorces may occur during this month. Those of you who have a strong bond and compatibility will be able to get through this time. Balancing your work with your love life is going to be the real deal for you this month. While there will be a lot of romance during this month, you might struggle to balance it. Appreciate your spouse’s efforts and work as well. On the 15th, there will be an eclipse which will mark as the ultimate test for your marriage. Financially and from a business point of view, you may struggle. Even the conflict and litigation decisions may end up against you so delay them at all costs. You may also face difficulties and losses in projects associated with the government. So, avoid all conflicts so you can save yourself from the adverse effects. This month isn’t suitable for new ventures either. Professionally this month won’t be that encouraging. You might get a new start or even travel for your business. If that happens go south for beneficial trip. Navigate away from possible trouble, avoid conflicts with your superiors. Someone elder from your family or contacts will help you out greatly.


This month is crucial for your relations. Your partner may betray you with someone from work which will break your heart. Trust and respect your better half and avoid confrontations and arguments if you want to sustain the situation. You’ll be recognized and appreciated at office. You may even get a raise. Your father will help you out with your career. Creativity of individuals in the performing arts field will progress but you might have a conflict with your superior. Your financial condition will be shaky this month so make sure that you use your cards carefully.


You might need to hire an advisor to help your with your business. Don’t go experimenting as it may come back to haunt you. Work with your finance advisor carefully so you can manage incoming finances and cut down on probable expenses. Your relationships will go pretty smooth however you may find it difficult to resolve issues with your siblings. Other may provoke you and you might end up fighting with your siblings. Your love life will also suffer because of minor arguments so avoid them. Nothing negative in regards to your health however stress is never good. It is time to enjoy a long awaited trip with your friends and family. Those of you who are studying or working would have to put in extra efforts.


Your career will hold priority this month and as the month progresses your public image will start building. You’ll feel confident throughout the month. You’ll also be aggressive and channel all your energies into achieving your goal. After 14th of October, you’ll feel ambitious and proceed towards your goals with caution. You’ll also give your family issues a lot more time in order to synchronize everything. If you’ve been married for a long time then you might go through a rough patch. Singles aren’t that interested in romantic relations this month, they’ll mainly focus on good friendships. Your career will finally see the light progress forward in full speed. The business projects that were pending will finally move forward.


Overall accomplishing your objectives won’t require you to mold yourself or use your social charm. Goals will be met with quite easily. Your spiritual practices will be altered to an extent where it will become important for you. You’ll also focus more towards understanding the true meaning of life. Your career will prosper during this month. You’ll be satisfied with your financial state and things will turn out to be great as far as your business is concerned. Singles will find plenty of opportunities to get involved in romantic relations however it won’t be serious.


You will enjoy your time with your partner and take a break from the tiring routine. You might take a vacation that will only strengthen your bond with your spouse. Even after the vacation is over, the romance and passion will continue to shine. Your intelligence and hard work will finally payoff. You’ll also benefit because of it financially. If you’re involved with the government, chances are that fortune, fame and name will come your way. Your career will be somewhat slow but nothing too serious. Avoid conflicts and arguments with your bosses and superiors. Health wise you’ll do just fine however keep your conversations argument free with your spouse.

For a quicker audio review of your year 2018, check out this video:


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