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A Philosophical Essay About God Images In The Bible

Updated on November 21, 2010

In christianity, the centre of everything is God. The highest of all things is omnipotent which means that it has infinite power and it is also omniscient which is just another term for all-knowing. Therefore God is above everything and Christianity holds also the belief that God is perfectly just and good-willing. This is a great contrast to Greek philosophy where God is more shown as something almighty but without its own real will. In the bible, God is shown as „Creator“ and that he made everything is accepted without questioning. „In the beginning when God created the heavens and earth“ - Genesis 1:1

A Creative God - The Meaning

There are some key things which are set by Christianity and are the base of their understanding of a creative God. Firstly, God was the reason for the universe to exist. Without God there would be no universe at all. Secondly, God is responsible for the existence of the universe and that it exists every moment. This includes also that God is responsible for everything which exists in the universe. „I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth.“ - Opening of Apostle's Creed

A very important aspect of Christian belief about God the creator is that God created everything out of nothing which is called „Creatio ex nihilo“. In the story of the first book of the bible „Genesis“ it is described that God just commands it and the world exists. God does that in six days where he creates essential thing on earth such as light, darkness and the water. Through the days he gets more and more specific and when it comes to the end he creates humanity.

In Genesis 2 the second creation story also refers to God creating specific people named Adam and Eve. These are living in a perfect Garden full of joy whih is called „Paradise“. This story ends with that Eve eats a forbidden fruit and so God, the almighty one, judges them and bans them from Paradise. Although in this story God is described as walking through this Garden God is normally above such normal, human-like activities as God is responsible for everything in the universe.

Another human-like image that is created by the bible through all these stories is that God is seen as "The Craftsman". Christianity believes that God was the one who decided the dimensions of the universe and also laid the pillars on which the earth stands.

The omnipotence of God is shown all way through the bible. This is shown very clearly in many passages but mostly in his creation. „Have you commanded the morning since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place.“ – Job, 38:12

The power of God is often described as anything which is logically possible. „His [God’s] power has no limits.“ – Thomas Aquinas.

Another important ability of God is his omniscience which means that God knows everything. In many parts of the bible God is demonstrated as a being which knows everything and that God often seems to know what is going to happen. For example about that Eve eats the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.



His omnipresence is also very detailed described in the bible. This term means that God is everywhere all the time. This relates to the idea that God is responsible for everything what exists and continues to exist. It can also be linked to the idea that God is omniscience because gains most of his knowledge out of the fact that God is everywhere. For example, in Job 38 God is described as the one who is everywhere from the stars, weather and animals to the gates of death.His uniqueness is also a very important predicate of God. He is the only one, according to Christianity, who has this power and there is no comparable thing to God.

In conclusion it can be said that the bible shows God as a perfect, just being which is the reason why the uniserse exists. God has no limits of power and although a lot of scientists do not believe in the six days of complete creation out of nothing it is the theory of the world’s largest religion and so it is worth knowing about it although it is not necessary to believe in it.


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