God is found
What is god? To most people it is a conscious super being; perfect, omnipotent, immortal, the creator of the universe, always having existed, uncreated. Have I left anything out?
Christians believe god will save us and give us everlasting life once we’re dead, and it judges us, sending some to hell and others to heaven.
The problem is, god doesn’t do press conferences and it doesn’t do public appearances, so no one can prove it exists. It’s a real shame.
The problem is I, an atheist, found a logical proof for god. It’s rather simple so I wonder why no one has come up with it before.
We exist. We did not always exist. We didn’t create ourselves or the universe.
So if we define god as that which produced us or created us, then by necessity there is a god.
The second part to the logic is that if ever absolutely nothing at all existed, then nothing could now exist.
Therefore something has always existed. Existence is the default state.
So now the Christians and Muslims and Jews are happy. Logical proof of god at last.
But wait a minute. While the premise is sound and the conclusion is irrefutable, nothing in the formula tells us anything about this god. It could be anyone’s god. It’s not necessarily a god we think of as a god.
It could even be a process of nature. Pantheists believe the all, together, is god. That’s an option.
But I said that which produced us is god. I think most religious people would agree that this is the minimum every offshoot of Judaism would agree with.
So strangely, science can provide the answer. One substance stands out as the logical contender for the title god. That substance is what all things are made of: energy.
Energy can’t be created or destroyed. The only thing energy does, is transform. It has, in fact, transformed into everything we can think of.
The universe is made of it. The BB is said to have been the universe in a highly dense state. What was this compressed substance? Energy.
Energy meets all the requirements of the first and second part of the argument. Energy is as far as we know: eternal, having always existed in one form or the other. It’s expansion created the universe, stars, planets, biology, and everything else, from itself.
The way energy produces things is in layers. The atomic layer is it’s home. It formed atoms which when bonded in various combinations produce the material we see and experience in this layer. We and all things exist and function by the rules set down by the nature of energy.
In fact, when we say nature, we are saying the nature of energy, because we are all part of the nature of energy.
Cause and effect is the result of that nature.
God is everywhere they say. Well, energy is everywhere and in all things. In fact there is nothing but energy. God is light. Energy is light.
In fact most of the claims about god are true of energy.
Reincarnation of a sort is an ongoing thing through life. As energy that was part of you joins with other systems. This process goes on after death. An individual thing may no longer exist, but all the energy that made up that thing never dies, is never destroyed, it just goes on to form part of other things.
Does it retain any memory of us? We don’t know, though it’s possible.
Still, I can’t promise anyone heaven much less a soul. Nature doesn’t seem to work that way.
But how much more personal can a god be? You’re a literal part of it, made from it; not just in its image.
Is energy perfect? No, but nothing is ultimately perfect. If a god creates, it has a need to create. Anything with needs is not perfect by definition. Creation of any kind comes as a response to the fulfillment of need. A perfect thing has no needs and no need to create anything.
Besides which, imperfection causes conflict, so until everything is perfect, nothing can be truly perfect.
But from the standpoint of human beings who cherish creativity, it’s the perfect creative force.
Is it omnipotent? Well what does that mean? Is it all powerful? In the sense that it is the most powerful force in existence, yes.
Does it provide morality? Sure does. I’ve written a lot about natural morality.
Is it conscious? No. But it doesn’t have to be. Neuroscience shows us that consciousness is a tool that helps educate the subconscious. What in the world would energy need to learn? We are the ones who need to learn cause and effect for our survival. God doesn’t need consciousness. It had its nature. It is its nature.
Is there a purpose for all this? Well there seems to be. Energy keeps refining its creations. They evolve from the simple to the complex. Again, creativity is a response to conflict and conflict demands a resolution. That new resolution is always a new order. It seems as if the universe is trying to work out its problems through creation. Hence, it seems to be looking for perfection. Probably with no chance of reaching it, but who knows?
After all, creation only comes as response to need. And all this from the ramifications of the laws of thermodynamics and conservation.
So for those who need to have a purpose in life, what more noble purpose can there be than working to toward perfection for all, with everything you do, know it or not. Everyone is doing god’s will, so to speak.
And death is just giving up self for a higher cause. Nothing that was you is dead, it’s just not an individual anymore. You are sill part of the all.
So what if it actually reached perfection? It would have created the god-state.
Now all of the above was written in such a way as to be able to relate this story to the religious. But all of it is based on science and the laws of nature to show that there is an alternative to a conscious god.
This is creation from the bottom up; from energy, the smallest of the small creates the most complex. From imperfection to perfection.
Not a universe from the top down where a super being creates from the most complex down to smallest of the small, from “perfection” to imperfection.
Does this god require worship? No. But we can stand in awe of it, as life, existence, is the most astounding thing I know. And the more I learn, the more reverence I have for the universe.
I’ve written more scientific minded hubs/texts on the science involved in all this, so that’s why I didn’t repeat it all here.
I’ve also written a bit in the past about Pantheism which sees the universe itself as qualifying as god. But I was never completely happy about that. I wanted to find the source of the universe itself, and I think I have.
If other Pantheists agree, all the better. But that’s why I no longer call my world view Scientific Pantheism: I’ve renamed my alteration: Rational Pantheism. Not saying other forms are not rational, just doing it to distinguish between opinions.
For traditional theists I wrote this to show that you are no longer the only game in town. There is a simple and rational answer to our existence, and science has probably already found it.
For atheists who don’t want to call anything god and have no need of purpose, I’m with you brothers and sisters. Ignore this, it’s not for you.