Christians are hypocrites: Psalm 1:1
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.” Psalm 1:1-2
Today’s verse concerns me:
“one who does not walk in step with the wicked” : Certainly I have the capacity, at times, to walk in perfect unison with the wickedest of the wicked.
“or stand in the way that sinners take”: Can’t say I’m not that at times.
“sit in the company of mockers”: If only you could see the worst of my former cohorts, some of which I still associate with. In fact, one of the most questionable got baptized with me (same day, same church) in 1997.
“whose delight is in the law of the LORD…” Mine is, despite my core nature.
Which makes me then, a walking, talking contradiction of sorts. Which, if not for clarity contained in the gospel, would leave me as confused as I was before ever opening a Bible.
And how can we reconcile this apparent contradiction? By reading and understanding God’s letter to mankind. And you don’t have to look in only one place, the message is reiterated again and again. That message, we are hopeless in and of ourselves. First, in coming to understand what grace is all about, 2nd in ever being able to stand on our own merits without it.
3rd, most importantly, God’s loving grace abounds; and, He himself has done what I never would or could in reconciling me to Himself.
Where might be a good place to read first? Like I said, we see it again and again, but, Romans Chapter 7 – 8 is one of my favorites.
I used to hear my “on fire” friends say “Praise God” about 50 times per day. Now I do it, and right now is a good time for the 1st of today’s 50.