The Persecuted Church
why I'm making this page about the persecuted church
By the way, today, Nov.1st is pray for the persecuted day. I'm making this page about the persecuted church in order to raise awareness of the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. By "church," of course, I don't mean a particular group or denomination, but rather, the body of true believers in Jesus Christ which makes up the family of God.
Since we have it so easy here in this great country of America, it is easy to forget that our fellow Christians--our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world--are suffering for their faith. I didn't think about it myself, until we had a guest speaker at our church from the "Voice of the Martyrs."
So, I'm making this page to encourage prayer for these poor suffering saints, even though I admit I am at a loss as to actually know how to pray. Check out some of the links in the link list below. Then read my comments in the module entitled "Why?" Although it's hard to know exactly what God has in mind in all of this suffering (See my related hub below), we should pray for fellow believers, especially those suffering for their faith. If you will commit to pray daily for the suffering church, please so indicate in the comments module. Thanks.
NOTE: Any proceeds from this site will go to "Voice of the Martyrs."
The Persecuted Churh Today:: - Where Christians Are Persecuted?:
Map compiled by World Evangelical Alliance and taken from the Evangelical Baptist site. COLOR KEY:
LIGHT GREY = Life can be difficult for Christians and harsh for converts.
DARK GREY = Christian minorities suffer systematic discrimination and persecution.
BLACK = Persecution of Christian minorities is pervasive and severe.
RED = Historically Christian minorites at risk of genocide
Watch this video on the persecution of Christians today:
Read this shocking account of the persecution of Christians today:
Check out these links related to the persecuted church:
- The Voice of the Martyrs
A global perspective on the persecution of God's children from this non-profit, interdenominational organization with a vision for aiding Christians around the world who are being persecuted for their faith in Christ. - Christian Freedom International
A nondenominational human rights organization providing aid, advocacy, and Bibles to Christians in areas of intense persecution. - Friends of the Martyred Church
What you can do to help. - Frontline Fellowship
Featured news and updates on the persecuted church. - CSI (Christian Solidarity International)
"a Christian human rights organization [based in Switzerland] for religious liberty helping victims of religious repression, victimized children and victims of disaster." - International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church
In the traditional church calendar, "All Saints Day" and "All Souls Day" stand out in the month of November, set apart to remember the saints of the church and the souls of those who departed this world. It is fitting, then, that the modern church ha - Light For The Peoples
founded in Sweden in 1903 by the Swedish missionary Nils Fredrik Hijer. Today Light for the Peoples works in the CIS, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Mongolia and China." (The main site is in Swedish, with more limited content in English and Russian). - Middle East Concern
"a network of concerned Christians involved in assisting the Church in the Middle East and North Africa when it faces discrimination or persecution." - Open Doors
seeks to "strengthen and equip the Body of Christ living under or facing restriction and persecution because of their faith in Jesus Christ, and to encourage their involvement in world evangelism. - Release International "
"serves the persecuted church around the world in five ways: showing God's compassion, serving God's church, sharing God's love, spreading God's Word, and speaking for God's advocates. - Evangel Baptis Church, Wheaton Ill.
The site from which this list was compiled.
Opening poll:
Before coming to this page, were you aware of the extent of the persecution of Christians today?
Photo Gallery - A picture is worth a thousand words.
Click thumbnail to view full-sizeGet all the recent prayer requests for persecuted Christians here:
Do you wonder why these poor brothers and sisters in Christ have to suffer so, when Jesus suffered enough for everyone in the world to be saved? I did until I read part 2 of the book, "The Triumphant Church." There, Piper, using the scripture in Corinthians where Paul says that he must fulfill that which is behind of the sufferings of Christ, points out that it is not in order to complete the payment for our sins and earn our salvation, since Jesus completely accomplished that on the cross, but rather, it is in order to show forth Christ's suffering to those who have never heard of it. Thus the suffering of our fellow believers is evangelistic rather than redemptive in nature. (So, perhaps, we should be praying that those watching, especially the tormentors would become convicted and say as did the Roman soldier at the cross, "Surely this [Jesus whom they worship] is the son of God," or ask as did the Philippian jailor, "What must I do to be saved.")
For a better understanding of this point, be sure to purchase this book (via the link below) and read part 2. Also check out my lens on "The Problem of Suffering" below.
Amazon Spotlight Personal Review
Part 1 by Wurmbrand details instructions to the suffering church on how to endure and not give up. Part 2 by Piper explains the reason for the suffering and Part 3 is a Bible study outline on the purpose of suffering.
For more on the why of suffering In general, check out this hub:
- The Problem Of Suffering
The problem of suffering is one area of Christian apologetics. It addresses the age old question of why a good God allows suffering in the world.
One example of persecution: U.S.Citizen held in Iranian prision:
The Iranian government has sentenced Pastor Saeed Abedini, a U.S. citizen, to 8 YEARS IN PRISON for starting house churches in Iran.
See More About This Pastor and Please Sign This Petition to Release him.
Pastor Saeed has been beaten and forcibly released from the hospital. The latest is that he is in much need of surgery due to the injuries sustained from his beatings.
- Persecuted Church | American Center for Law and Justice
Read the latest on the persecution of Christians world wide. Here in America: Bill Maher’s Malignant Mockery of Persecuted Christians is Repugnant - Pastor Saeed “Shaken” as He Witnessed Six Fellow Prisoners Beaten and Taken to the Gallows | America
Read the latest on Pastor Saeed . - Petition · Save American Pastor Abedini;s life by getting him released frIran;s prison! ·
More lessons from the Persecuted Church:
A probing question from the persecuted church:
What can we do? Mainly pray:
More Christians were martyred in the twentieth century than all previous centuries combined, and this onslaught has continued unabated into the new century. As Christians living in the twenty-first century, it is our duty to be knowledgeable and be compelled to take action on behalf of those who are persecuted. One of the most essential actions we can take is to stand in the gap for them through prayer. The Devotional below lists over sixty countries that are in desperate need of prayer. It describes the past and present situation in each country and the challenges and opportunities for the future. Prayer points help the reader focus on specific areas of intercession once he or she is well informed. This excellent source of prayer for the persecuted church will be beneficial for churches, mission supporters, and mission agencies as a way to become informed and involved with the global church.
Get this unique devotional and Pray Daily for the persecuted church
And/or sign up for VOM's free monthly newsletter here:
- The Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs USA's online store. Subscribe free to their monthly newsletter
Will you commit to pray daily for the persecuted church?
- iCommitToPray
Sign you commitment here to pray daily for the persecuted church, and also find here some specific prayer requests for persecuted Christians around the world.
But, how to pray?
In view of all that has gone before, here, you may well wonder how to pray aright for the persecuted Christians around the world. Here is a list of 10 things you can pray for, with scripture references, provided by the Voice of the Martyrs, PO Box 443 Bartlesville, OK 740031-918-337-8015
1. that they will sense God's presence (Heb.13:5)
2. that they will feel connected to he greater body of Christ (I Cor.12:20-26)
3. that they will be comforted by God when their family members are killed, injured or imprisoned for their witness (II Cor.1:3-5)
4 that they will have more opportunities to share the gospel (Col.4:3)
5. for their boldness to make Christ known (Phil.1:14).
6. that they will forgive and love their persecutors (Matt,5:44).
7 that their ministry activities remain undetected by authorities or others who wish to silence them (Acts 9:25).
8. that they will rejoice in suffering (Acts 5:41).
9, that they will be refreshed through God's Word and grow in their faith (Eph.6:17).
10. that they will be strengthened through the prayers of fellow believers (Jude 20-25).
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