strengthened in faith: Colossians 2:6-7 explained
“So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:6-7
Live your lives in Him.
Some, like me, claim Him as Lord. So what does that mean? Some questions I might ask myself:
Do I talk to Him every day, or only when I feel I need help? Or, am I in need of constant help, the very reason He has become my Rock? Therefore, perhaps it becomes default practice to be in constant communication with Him.
And what is it I need help in dealing with? The sobering conclusion, I need help first in being freed from myself. I first look around at the world, often in dismay. Why such bad things? Why a perplexing mix of good and horrific? How and when did things become so compromised? Then it comes back to me. The world is indeed in a state of peril, which might be fundamentally explained by man’s own state. My own state. The Gospel tells me much about the state of inner man, which I myself am not immune to. Thus, what is wrong with the world finds its origin within me.
So the first issue must be dealt with right here. And, how do I handle it? I can try to exact self-discipline, tried that for a long time. But, what was wrong became more wrong over time, and the battle seemed unwinnable in and of myself. So then what? Who could help me? Could God help? Perhaps He could do much more than help. Perhaps it is not a team effort at all, in that He can do all the fixing required.
What a novel idea, it is not about me. Not about me in terms of who can do anything to make what is wrong right. Take me out of the credit equation, just make it about Him. I only enter into the discussion because He loves me.
So, what is truly good cannot be attributed to me. It can only be given to me as a gift. All credit to Him.
Stop then, trying to fix what is wrong with me. Ask Him to do it. Not to help do it, just do it.
Back to the Gospel, which says He has already done it. He did the work which I cannot do. That is good news, and, is exactly what “Gospel” means: good news. Good news in the face of much bad. Genesis chapter 3 tells us when the bad news was first reported. No cable news to tell us at that point, although we see continued ramifications of it now.
If He, then, is my first line of help, I have every reason to make Him my full time helper vs. part. Give to Him every aspect of my life, in effect “live your lives in him” as it says above.
Now when I am dismayed by all the bad news, I can find peace in the good news.
And when I do talk to Him, which is hopefully many times per day, I start by thanking Him. Then I can cast my cares upon Him, as He has shown Himself faithful to fix what I cannot.