Beauty Besieges My Soul
Beauty Besiges My Soul
Beauty besieges my soul, at the thought of being called son,
By you, by you
It remains my strongest power, to know that you love me
That you will never leave,
It is a mystery, how that you sustain me in this love, “I will never leave you,” you say
“You are my son,” “you are my son”
This alone makes me so beautiful, and life a beauty
I wish I were a better son,
I wish I were best obedient and never complaining
If my heart would be cut, it would bleed the words
“I love you, I love you too, help me please, to love as you do”
My shame fills my face, as I behold my errors against you
I am shamed by my thoughts, even my deeds
Yet still you hold me, and call me to you
You whisper beauty to my ear
Daily you tell me, “You will make it, you are my son”
Am beginning to believe your love, am beginning to believe indeed
That am your son, it is only true that only a father would love this way
And this is my hope, ‘your word’ that I will make it
You are my strength father, you also are my help
You are the beauty that besieges me, So that I can tell the world
Am loved , am loved
Even your love, is the beauty that besieges my soul
Telling me , “You are my son, I will help you”
So I wonder, when will I be a pleasant son
How can I do your will
Save me from the mess Oh father,
Save me from the shame
And the enemy, let me indeed be a pleasant obedient son
I have no doubt in your love
You have given me confidence
And all I need to see, is the beauty that surrounds my soul
Ready to wash my sins away, and replace my shame with glory
The glory of my father
My father is love, Oh God my creator
Your love flows in my blood, I can feel it in my bones
You continually tell me, You are my son, you are my son
And this beauty is even my soul, now it is becoming my life
Even in my shame, all I can think about is your love
Your love oh God is what now saves me
Even for life, for you would never leave me to perish
This only, is the true beauty I have learned on earth
The love of God.