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When Love meets Happiness

Updated on October 27, 2024
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Katerina Kostaki is a Greek visionary author, poet, healer and speaker.Owner of the ACADEMY OF INNER LIGHT Network.

An Endless Story

"When Love meets Happiness" lens is a biographical article derived from my endless introspection within Human Psyche and Interaction with fellowship upon Earth Plane.

The outcome of my long search upon Human Psyche has developed a series of newsletters entitled "The Light of the Dawn"

Love and Happiness:A brand new story?

The story presented on my article is more or less familiar to all of us.

A few of its elements come up shyly in our lives, although the majority of humans only understand of

a small part of its significance.

Perhaps, some reject it entirely, or just take a peek, covering its unambiguous existence with the veil of hypocrisy.

Only a few people prompt to hark carefully events and accept its secret course, which sweep generations over the centuries, in all directions on this planet.

This story owes a name, and this is:

"The Pursuit of Happiness ".


Are you familiar with this story?

The story has gone a long distance to reach man's hands and has joined battles of glory in order to be kept pure and invariant, hence, to reside in human souls.

Happiness can not be immortal. Man is determined to strive and worry in order to feel the delicious taste of Happiness over his heart's strings.

Essentially, has anyone ever wondered whether a secret regarding the search for Happiness exists?

"Happiness is the absence of the striving for Happiness."

Chuang-Tzu (350 B.C.)

Happiness in the Year 2014

Wise words...

What is the difference of this wise quote to reaching its reality?

How many modern people are in a happy position, in the year 2013?

Unfortunately, we do not possess any impartial "Happiness" measurements, nor hold valid, top-secret (and incited too...) polls for Happiness is clearly a personal issue.

Each one specifies his own story, his own Happiness according to his own criteria.


According to your own criteria Happiness resembles to...

See results

Universal Love and Peace

Happiness and Immortality

Happiness VS Unhappiness

When someone embarks on his research, if he ever makes it, (there is, in addition, a contingency that he/she will never embark on it), then he sails on a journey, a course that incubates various events.

It's like opening a precious gift that hides myriads of secrets. Nobody acknowledges its content unless he attempts to inspect it.

Happiness is not always dominated by heavenly chances, blue and green seashores of euphoria and pink clouds of serenity. Happiness does not dwell in luxurious mansions and expensive cars neither in glamorous appearances.

Many times Unhappiness and loneliness lurk behind the ledges of luxury and surface brightness.

There are so many examples around us, in newspapers, magazines, television and radio of people who are plunged in uncertainty, grief and insecurity.

I wonder why this is.

It's strange that people themselves created this substructure concerning a total lack of Happiness and continue desperately to preserve it at all costs.

Stowed in large cities, named Megalopolis, imprisoned in small apartments, in spaces without latitude, away from Divine Nature and pruned from Inner Light, it seems as though they have decided to bind themselves with tights of powerless living conditions, filled with depressed and pernicious effects.

In addition, the thousands of thoughts that are cultivated in the human mind by majority are negative. And they create the so called " thought forms."

These cities are controlled by the continuous spreading of negative emotions that have affiliated the form of an epidemic.

Of course, this does not mean that people who live in mansions have captured the meaning of Happiness and that they go around in joy.

It's very simple.

Creating Happiness by Love!

Happiness is created within us. It flourishes in emotions, the very important human emotions.

Happiness is cultivated in our Soul, when each person builds bridges with his inner light. Happiness does not coincide with material goods; she does not retain its value in superficial, vacuous existence and opulence.

Vanity is her worst enemy. She looks with despising glances over Happiness's limpid beauty, because she is jealous of her unblemished existence.

The phrase "Pursuit of Happiness" alone constitutes an illusion, an utopia.

The Pursuit of Happiness turns out to be an expensive sport that it might just be ineffective.

Look around at human faces and you will see only a few people who are happy, content, with a smile over their lips .

Count the smiles which are met in your way and moreover those who are real.

Happiness and Contentment

What is missing from our lives so that we can be happy and content?

First of all, let Happiness approach you.

Do not go after her. As long as you go after her she flees away. Keep pace with life’s rhythm, let yourself float with the river of life and watch events through another perspective.

Seek for Happiness in different, subtle, every day matters, in creativity and offerings.

Have we forgotten something among all these quotations?

Happiness arrives when it’s called upon by a unique, imperishable virtue that no law is able to abolish.

This value is named “Love” and if we need to underline her, then we should name her “Unconditional Love”.

When Love meets Happiness the strongest amalgam is created, confuting every negative action or attack.

"Love is the fundamental stone of the Universe.

Universal Energy, the perfect vacuum, is the emanation of Cosmic Love that constitutes the essence of the Divine".


Love is Soul's mantle

Love is Soul's mantle. Love arms and embraces us with her protective cloaks of healing Intelligence. This is the greatest Power in the Universe and the cause hidden behind every action of creativity every negativity.

Love and Happiness are two meanings that cannot be separated.

Happiness can not exist without Love.

Above all, both of them are within us.

Loving ourselves means that we love the entire world. We see people with eyes full of love.

When more and more people cultivate the inner lovely sentiments of Love, they spread this healing energy of Love everywhere.

Healing veils of Love spread worldwide vanishing such negative sentiments like wrath, bitterness, hate, revenge, fear and desperation.

Hold the scepter of Love in your hands and go on fearless.

If you loved this lens ,I would suggest you to try the following one

* For Lovers in general

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2012 Katerina Kostaki


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