8 "Athletes - Are They Heros or Bad Influences?"
Athletes Setting Examples
Athletes that take life for granted.
Why does it seem that athletes seem to take for granted the gift they were given? OK, maybe you don’t want to consider it a gift. Why then do they risk throwing away something that they worked so hard for all of their lives?
And, no matter what it is they let themselves get into, it’s going to be something stupid. Whether it be abusing or cheating on their spouse or some other woman, using or dealing with drugs, getting drunk and driving or in an accident because of the drinking, dealing in dog fighting, illegal gambling, fighting or even shooting someone. It seems like most of them end up doing these things because they think that either they won’t get caught or that they can buy their way out of the trouble they get into. For one thing, these days there is too much media cover to even have a chance of it slipping away. What really makes it bad or worse, is the fact that the more media coverage the more popular the person becomes, no matter how bad it is that the person did. Sometimes the fans are dumb enough to even feel sorry for him/her.
Athletes that do make it to the professional level seem to think they are there because it is owed to them for being good at what they do. The public and fans make them feel that way because no matter what they do wrong they still have fans. The fans should take it upon themselves to let these people know that they are really no better than anyone else. They are appreciated because of their skills and the position they have made it to can be taken away a lot easier than they got it. Just getting a slap on the hand when they get caught has to stop. A big fine doesn’t mean anything to most of them because they are already getting a ridiculous amount of money. That’s another story.
Whether this is what they set out to do or not, they are setting examples for the worlds children especially. Most kids have some kind of a sports idol that they look up to and feel that person can do no wrong.
I realize that all kinds of celebrities are idols and heroes to the kids these days and they set bad examples for the older crowds that are supposed to have matured somewhat, but on some of them you can't tell. But, it seems that kids are exposed more to the athletes and really believe in everything they do whether it’s right or wrong. There are way to many that are actually bad influences on kids. And yes, there is a responsibility of the parents to lead their kids in the right direction. So, parents, when you see that one of of your children are admiring an athlete that is doing wrong, it is your responsibility to show that child where that athlete or celebrity is is going wrong and help steer them in the right direction.
I would like responses and comments on this article. I don’t know what we can do to make it better, especially for our kids, but let’s do something to show that we at least care.
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