Bigger Arms
Bigger Arms Intro
Arms are one of the first things anybody new to bodybuilding would like to get bigger and curling with either a dumbbell or barbell is the first thing most people think of. In this article, I will teach you how to train different aspects of your arms and how to utilise the exercises to get the best results.
I guarantee you will see a difference in size within 6-8 weeks if you follow the plan I will lay out in the next few paragraphs. From there you can progress and take it a stage further. I will split the plan into biceps and triceps and also forearms as they come into play also.
A common misconception is to over-train the biceps thinking this will give you bigger arms but that is not going to work.
It is actually the triceps which is the bigger muscle covering two-thirds of the arm, so to get bigger arms you need to work the triceps hard. And remember to get plenty of rest in between workouts for your arms to recover.
It is usually best to train the biceps and triceps on separate days so you can focus on training one part of your arm really well.
If you train biceps and triceps on the same day you won't be able to lift a thing the next day and the muscle growth tends to be slower so split those muscle groups up.
So first things first we are going to concentrate on the biceps.
Bicep Curl
This is the basic exercise for the biceps and one I'm sure you all know
Begin with the dumbbells by your side palms facing inwards, Start to lift the dumbbell up to your shoulders whilst twisting your wrists so that the palm ends up facing your body, pause for a second at the top and then lower slowly.
Do not use your body weight to throw the weight up there if you have to do that then the weight is too heavy.
Keep your elbows by your side. Use a weight that you can just do 10 reps of, then do 3 sets of 10.
Barbell curl
The barbell curl is exactly the same as the one above only with a barbell so seeing as you are lifting this one with both hands you can up the weight a little.
Same movement, elbows by your side, lift the weight up then slowly back down. Do 3 sets of 10 reps
Concentration Curl
This exercise is performed using a dumbbell, find a bench or something to sit on then start with whatever side you would like to start first with, place your elbow in the side of your thigh and lift from a straight arm all the way up to your shoulder then back down slowly,
This exercise you can really feel especially if you do it slowly. 3 sets of 10 for each side
Concentration curl
The Preacher Curl
The Preacher curl is the best exercise for developing thick biceps with a high point which gives a dramatic look of size and width.
You need access to a preacher bench for this one but most good gyms will have one.
Take a seat at the preacher bench then when ready and the weight is right for you lift the bar up to your shoulders, hold briefly then lower slowly, Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
This one is a killer so maybe leave it till last so that you don't run out of steam halfway through your workout.
Correct Preacher Curl Form
Hammer curl
The Hammer curl is the same as a normal dumbbell curl but you do not rotate the wrist hence it looks like you are making a hammer action with the fist.
This exercise works the width of the bicep and creates a slightly different look for the muscle. As usual, 3 sets of 10 should do it.
Now you can do some or all of these exercises for the biceps, At first I expect you may only be able to manage two of them before your arms fail but keep at it and within 3 weeks you will be doing all of them, If after a few weeks you see no more progress then for a month try super-setting.
Super-setting is where you pick two of the exercises and do one set of each with no rest then a 1 min rest then another set of each with no rest and so on until you have done three sets of each.
It kills the first time, But stick with it for a month then back to the other routine, That's the thing with muscles you need to keep them second-guessing, They like change.
Remember to get your protein intake!!
Triceps...This is where the pain begins. Now when I first started working out over a year ago now my triceps weren't up to much, They looked toned but had no size or strength to them.
I started out doing triceps dips with the machine helping me any taking away 40kgs of my body weight, which meant I was dipping with only 27kgs.
After 6 months I was dipping with just my body weight alone so I was dipping 67kgs, Now I am to put a belt round my waist with 15kgs tied to it so I am dipping with 82kgs.
My arms have increased in size by Half an inch and have got so ripped now they look great. Keep at this program and I promise you, you will achieve great-looking arms in a few months.
Tricep dips
Triceps dips are one of the best exercises to increase the size and tone of your triceps and are currently my favourite triceps exercise.
Firstly you will need some parallel bars for this.
Grip the bars and straighten out your arms, When ready lower your body by bending your arms until your triceps are parallel with your shoulders rest for a second then slowly back up but don't lock your arms out just straighten then repeat.
Do as many as you can up to 10 and try to do 3 sets. When it gets easier then you will have to add weight via a belt.
Tricep dip
Tricep pull downs
For this you will need a machine with a cable attachment, Attach a triceps bar then set it at its highest attachment then add your weight and when ready grip with both hands and keep your elbows by your sides lower the weight till your arms are out straight then up slowly. Repeat and do 3 sets of 10.
Skull crushers
Skull crushers, nice ring to it eh!!!. Well if you perform this wrong or without someone to spot you it could become a reality.
Lie on a bench with either a barbell or heavy dumbbell above your head arms out straight then lower your arms down which will bring the weight perilously close to your head. 3 sets of 10
Skull crushers
Overhead cable rows
This exercise requires you to get back to the cable machine and kneel on the floor, have the machine set quite low and then grab the bar behind you and keeping your head ducked low pull the bar over the top of your head.3 sets of 10
I realise that for many of you, you don't have access to a gym so have to work out at home and you won't have cable machines or parallel bars so here are a couple of alternatives.
Triceps dip: Find a bench or bed then something about 3 feet away and rest your feet on it, rest your hands on the bed or bench behind you and then add a weight to your stomach and when comfortable dip your lower body downwards.3 sets of 10
Triceps curl: Grab a dumbbell and raise it with one hand above and behind your head now lower behind your back and raise again slowly. 3 sets of 10 as usual.
Build Those Arms
- Body Building for Skinny People
I have in the past year started to bulk up my small frameand have been trying to get bigger arms, bigger legs and a bigger chest and having seen the results i would like to pass some of my knowledege gained over the past year to others looking to...
Keeping me informed
I would love it if anybody trying this arm routine would let me know how they get on or if they have any ideas to add to it to improve.
This is what has worked for me and given me good gains but it might not suit everyone. Thanks!!!