Building A Mass Without Supps - Part 1- Introduction
Let Your Muscle Grow Free!
Having a great body actually means having a healthy body first. Now, how exactly does this translate?
Focusing on such a demanding Fitness branch like bodybuilding, opens a mass of shady questions. Some say it can`t be done without expensive chemistry. Others live a complete clean way of life and, like me, are proving just the opposite.
But the facts are there. Muscle growth is our body`s natural defending system. Our muscles memorize the process of every movement. And therefore, exercise performed. We are designed to be as flexible as possible to the various outdoor factors. So if you take this the right way, there`s no reason to panic.
Adaptation to resistance is our greatest superpower. Our body and mind work as one. And so, no additional chemistry is needed for we already have our own doing the perfect job for us.
As small and vulnerable we may appear to the Universe, we are complex human beings. Achieving a hypertrophy goal without leaning on supplements only is not that complicated at all. With just couple of basic supplements from your green stores, you could get the same results. Balanced with the right diet of course.
I don`t want to get you confused. And cast a shadow on the companies that make them (the supplements). But I strongly believe that even the competitions would be much more respected if there were less supplement-marketing strategies taming the whole point here. To expose the best, most beautiful body you have shaped and worked so hard for. It should be an art. Not an artificial display of naturally given gifts.
Even so, I have found my body`s way of achieving muscle-building goals based on basic principals of our nature. From adapting to any given stress, fighting to overcome obstacles by itself, using only supps that don`t harm us. To the elementary principles of how we use our nutrition to "fuel" our energy and use it in our best purpose.
Why Should You Trust Me?
I know this for sure, not just because I am another professional in the game. Nor because I have a degree. Or I want to make money writing about something rare.
I am here to tell you that you don`t have to spend insane amounts of money and waste 80% of your budget on supplementation only. I will prove that you CAN go without that. I`ll teach you to how use that same amount of percentage focusing on implementing the right knowledge. Knowledge about naturally building a muscle mass. And also to use your budget more intelligently when purchasing supplements.
It sounds simple and easy. And it can be. But it will mainly depend on your individual choices. As it usually does with anything that shapes your life. So is with me.
It`s because I do this on a daily matter. And because it really, one hundred percent works!
I can show you how to start, how to progress and keep your consistency. And so much more. Why? Because, I`ve been doing this for 18 years. I have the recipe of naturally unlocking your hypertrophy goals.
The Truth About Building A Muscle
Instead of spending not just money, but endless hours discussing about different supplements and what they can do to your body, I can do you one better. I will tell you exactly what supplements to take and when. Also why you should be taking them and how they can benefit you best.
So yes, there are "supps" involved. A very tiny portion. Most of the nutrition process focuses on healthy diet first. But not the kind you have to wonder about whether it is giving you the right results or not. Or worrying about harming your health. Your body will always respond. Whether you`re making the right or bad choices. You just have to listen carefully.
Building a quality muscle takes knowledge, time, experience, trust and patience.
I can show you how to start, how to progress and keep your consistency. And so much more. Why? Because, I`ve been doing this for 18 years. I have the recipe of naturally unlocking your hypertrophy goals.
Of course, all the advises and methods I am giving here require of the focused reader group to be adequately healthy. I strictly disapprove applying my methods with any health issues you may have. Or anything that cannot be self-controlled. Before you even start thinking of inquiring any workout exercise on your own, advise with your doctor first. That`s a must.
Before we continue, let me ask you this (and please be honest):
When going after your muscle gain goal, is your focus oriented more towards gym exercise or supplement chemistry?
There was just too many information to handle all at once. It was extremely overwhelming, but I knew time will eventually shape my course.
Starting Out Right
If you answered the questionnaire above by checking the second given option, then you need to read this.
Whether a complete Beginner, Intermediate or even a Pro at performing this kind of workout regimen, this is for you. It cannot hurt to try. And as long as I know, can only benefit your initial goal we are all here for: to build a healthy muscle.
But, starting out right is crucial in anything you want to do. And anything you want to be good at.
I started out as a complete enthusiast kid. And also being a girl, I haven`t had the slightest thought about how big of a deal it would be back then. Training among all those boys and their testosterone advantage over mine. And I did not pay attention to how much difference does it make. Setting a personal goal to accomplish building a natural mass among the testosterone-rich male wold.
But I was in love with it. That`s the second thing that kept me going. The thing that made me dig deeper into the bodybuilding world looking for more answers. Besides my curiosity to challenge my self and see what my body can do without chemistry, I knew this is what I wanted to do my whole life.
At that moment I was so sure of the fact that the nature of my female hormones is limiting my possibilities to grow my muscles in the same manner as male trainees do. But I decided not to let that be a distraction.
So I started to self-educate, besides going to college and learning about it. School only gives you basics. My own exploration took me to more wider options and answers. But internet could be tricky too. There was just too many information to handle all at once. It was extremely overwhelming, but I knew time will eventually shape my course.
As longer as I stayed in different books and quality content, the more I started getting closer to the truth behind how our nature actually works. I came to realize that my female predispositions and hormonal level actually played a much bigger role than I initially had sensed.
And the only difference we women have over our male co-trainees is less amount of muscle distribution over our the entire body surface. Which has absolutely nothing to do with having less possibility of developing bigger muscle and/or strength. We all have the same amount of tendency to grow our muscles. With chance to even be stronger and bigger than some males. Also, due to having larger amount of estrogen levels, we are able to endure much longer in high intensity/load then men. And that`s just the tip of the mountain.
Now, with all that knowledge, my mission is to help as many as I can. Guide others like me and anyone who wants to be the explorer. The natural mass-builder.
...but I will let you know that my clients are more than reassured in my method of work. I didn`t only help them by working with them in the gym live, but by creating a program regimens and e-books online too.
Why Am I Doing This?
I want to help. Because I`m tiered of watching, hearing and reading about all these different "professionally-made" marketing campaigns ruin the real picture. . I had no one around to help me figure this out. So it was a lot harder. But now, I want to help others like me to get the same results without having to go alone through the same path.
I do this because I`m the living proof it can be done another way. This will be a series of articles in which I will try to provide nothing but the most truthful information. I will give a few hints of what you can expect further along.
All of my carefully and patiently collected knowledge about natural bodybuilding and building a mass without "supps" will be summed up on these very same pages. So make sure you are up and tuned in!
I will not bore you with my history, but I will let you know that my clients are more than reassured in my method of work. I didn`t only help them by working with them live in the gym. But by creating a program regimens and e-books online too.
And I am always available for your personal inquiries, so please do contact me anytime. I will make sure I respond as quick as possible.
What To Expect From My Knowledge
- My personal approach to every exercise and how I handle my very busy schedule of multi-tasking performance (doing music, articles and training).
- How I cope with emotional drains and negative moments that happened to me.
- My nutrition rules.
- My mental approach to the entire lifestyle.
- My most recent fight with Iron-Deficiency Anemia
- Muscle memory talk.
- Mind-Muscle Connection aka MMC enigma.
- And everything else in between.
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