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Carmelo Anthony to the Nets?

Updated on September 3, 2019
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Yawnie has been an avid NBA and lakers fan for over 25 years.

Carmelo's history in the NBA

Former number three overall pick in 2003 Carmelo Anthony is still without a job. The ten time all star and 2013 scoring champion is still not on an NBA roster. The man scored the most points per game six years ago and teams still do not want him, and I completely agree with this. Anthony started his career in 2003 with the Denver Nuggets, coming off winning the NCAA championship with Syracuse. The sky was the limit for him, and he proved that as he instantly made Denver a much better team. He played with the Nuggets until 2011 when he was traded to the New York Knicks. From there he went to Oklahoma for a year and last year went to Houston, and only played 10 games before being told not to return to the team.

Melo's skillset

Anthony is one of the best pure scorers in NBA history, the man is a walking bucket! While his scoring hasn't lost much even as he is 35 now, overall he is not the same player. No one is the same player they were entering their sixteenth year. Carmelo has never been someone to make his teammates around him better, and is also known as a ball stopper. When he gets the basketball, he has it in his possession for a long time and the other players around him are usually watching him until he takes a shot. He can usually get a basket, but in today's NBA assist numbers are just so high, and you see a lot more ball movement. I can see why teams are not interested in his services anymore.

Potential signing with the nets?

After Carmelo was released from Houston, several teams expressed interest in him, but nothing actually happened from this. There were also reports that my Lakers wanted him, and I was happy we didn't sign him. Kyrie Irving and Kevin Durant of the Brooklyn Nets are reported to have told Nets management to sign Carmelo. The Nets and Anthony are a good match in my opinion. The Nets have a good mix of veterans and young players and after what Carmelo has gone through, I'm sure he will accommodate to the Nets playing style.

I wanna see Carmelo succeed

I am rooting for Carmelo, I want him to go out and prove myself and all the critics wrong. I believe he still has a lot to give to a team, but he has to go out and play team basketball. Carmelo has to accept that he will not get starters minutes anymore, and trust that the Nets coaching staff will put him and the team in a position to win. I really hope he signs with the Nets or a team soon because he is still an entertaining player to watch. Carmelo Anthony whether or not he plays another minute of basketball will be a hall of famer!

6th Man of the Year Melo?

Carmelo is too good not to be on a team. I could honestly see Carmelo being a Lou Williams sixth man type of player. Lou Williams from the Clippers usually comes off the bench, but plays at least thirty minutes a game. Lou last year in the playoffs was pivotal for the Clippers, giving them a basket when they desperately needed and actually took the Warriors to six games. If Carmelo can accept a role like that then he is golden. He can come in off the bench, and play bench players. These players while still great are, just not as good as the starters. Playing against bench players, Carmelo will certainly get his buckets and contribute to any team looking to contend.

Good support with the Nets

The Nets have a really good team and will only get better once Kevin Durant is healthy and if they roll the dice on signing Carmelo Anthony. The Nets also have coach Kenny Atkinson, who comes from the coaching tree of the great Greg Popovich. Atkinson has had the Nets improving each and every year and I think can talk with Carmelo into accepting a role like this. I wish the best for Carmelo and he has been seen still working hard in the gym, waiting for his chance to return to the NBA. Once again I hope Carmelo proves myself and all the critics wrong and is able to return to an NBA roster for this upcoming season!

© 2019 John Slobodien


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