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How to Survive a Walk in the Woods

Updated on July 13, 2019

Everyone enjoys a casual stroll through nature every now and again. It's good for the mind, body, and soul. It can lift your spirits and make you feel reborn and fresh.

But as with everything in life, the woods can hold many dangers, some of which are not as obvious to the average and unseasoned traveller. A simple walk in the woods can turn into a nightmare scenario for the unprepared and unwary. So arm yourself with your bug spray and hiking boots while we cover this simple guide to Surviving a Walk in the Woods.

  • Walking alone in the forest can be a liberating experience, but it best to have at least one other person with you. If it's impossible for you to bring a companion, it's recommended you tell someone where you are going and when you expect to be back.
  • Be sure you know your way! If you're exploring new territory, bring a map and compass to guide you. Look for landmarks as you travel and memorize their location.
  • Bring plenty of water. Both for yourself and for your flora friends! Plants love water and will accept the humble gift of your shared water in offering for safe passage.
  • If you are traveling alone, you may feel as though you are being followed. Don't look behind you. If you do, you will see nothing, but the sense of foreboding will grow until you are unable to enjoy your pleasant walk in the woods.
  • Be on the lookout for animal dens so as not to disturb them. Remember that nature was here first and we should do what we can to respect and preserve her.
  • Leave all fire starting equipment at home! Causing a fire in the woods in hazardous to everyone's health!
  • If you have a bad feeling about taking a certain path, don't. This way, you'll have avoided whatever was waiting for you at the end of it.
  • Sometimes, it's nice to pause and just let the sounds of nature wash over you. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Just listen. Let the sounds of the world fill you up. Keep your eyes closed. Never open them again. Become one with the forest.
  • If you hear your name being called, don't answer. Never answer.

  • Do not climb the stairs.
  • If you find an old well covered with boards, ignore the whistling and keep walking.
  • Make sure to have an analog watch in addition to your digital one or your cell phone in case something interferes with your electronic devices.
  • If you hear a knocking sound from the trees, don't answer it. You will only wake them up.

If you follow these simple rules, you'll find yourself enjoying your stroll through the forest with no problems or threats to your life! Nature has much to offer and a breath of fresh air can do you some good. Make sure to break in your hiking boots and never stay out after dark. Have fun!

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Sage Pierly


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