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Three Things Every Successful Professional Wrestler Should Have

Updated on May 28, 2011

Getting Started

A majority of people have seen professional wrestling on TV at one time or another during their childhood. Some people see it as entertainment, plain and simple. Others see it as more than that. These people love the sports entertainment extravaganza and all the facets that go with it.

It takes a certain personality to want to become a professional wrestler. Tons of people aspire to become the "Next Big Thing" or the World's Champion. The first thing that goes through someone's head that is aspiring to become one of the masters of the squared circle is; What do I need to become a professional wrestler?

Reality is that anyone can become a professional wrestler. Just as anyone can become a photographer, an actor, or any other profession in the world. The key is to become an exceptional wrestler. Only the cream of the crop make the big bucks. The question then becomes, what is needed to reach the pinnacle of professional wrestling? How do I become the next Hulk Hogan, The Rock, John Cena? The answers are really simple. Read on to find out!

1) Physical Skill and Talent

The most obvious thing needed to start your successful title run is to actually be able to wrestle. I know this sounds rather plain and not really insightful but you would be surprised. Out of the hundreds and thousands of aspiring wrestlers out there, I would say, maybe, half know how to actually wrestle.

Professional Wrestling training is the first step in becoming a true professional wrestler. There are many schools and training facilities spread across the US, Europe, and Japan. Finding the right one is a little tricky but with some luck, a bit of money, and a dash of determination the doors to this shadowy business start to open.

A typical training course will take roughly 6 months and upwards of a few years to complete. This all depends of how often you train, how good the trainer is and a few other factors. Once you have completed training and started to wrestle a few matches, that's when the other two factors play a higher role.


2) The "Look"

I'm not going to beat around the bush with this one. Professional Wrestling is a business, plain and simple. Most promoters and owners of pro wrestling companies want something or someone that is marketable.

You can have all the talent in the world but if you don't have a "look" or that "special something" you're not going to go far. Now, there are always exceptions to this rule but those are rare.

Some people are blessed with "the look" by way of genes and bone structure. Big Show and Andre the Giant are good examples. Their sheer size gave them an advantage in stepping into a spotlight role during their careers. Good looks, a chiseled body, rare talents, all play a role in someone's look. If you look like Joe Schmoe off the street then you're at a distinct disadvantage.

Ways to work around an "Average Man" look is to stand out. "Macho Man" Randy Savage had the loud and bright clothes. Rey Mysterio has the high flying ability. Masked wrestlers always have a look. It's artificial but it's still a look.

"The Look" is not a "make or break" characteristic in this world of crazy characters, silly costumes, and brute strength but it definitely helps in the long run.

3) Charisma

Charisma. One of those funny words that mean more than most. Charisma is a characteristic that you either have or you don't. You can't teach Charisma. Charisma is that innate ability to have people like you. To gravitate towards you.

The ability to talk to anyone, anytime, and about anything is a good example of charisma. Charisma is one of the biggest assets that a presidential hopeful can have in the US. Politicians admire charisma because it can pull an audience to their side. Pro wrestling is no different.

Hulk Hogan was one of the biggest attractions for Vince McMahon's WWF in the 80's. In all honesty, he wasn't the greatest wrestler but the crowd loved him and wanted to see him win. The Rock is another that used his inherent charisma to draw a crowd in.

Look at the past 30 years of professional wrestling and I'm sure that charisma played a huge factor in just about 90% of every single World's Heavyweight Champion, regardless of company. That's how important charisma is.

Don't get me wrong, you can be successful without charisma but you'll go farther with it, than without.

The Total Package

Now that you know about the three major characteristics that a professional wrestler needs, take a look at wrestling superstars from the past and present. Take note of the ones that headline events and those that stay on the bottom rungs. Notice a difference?

I'm not one to crush anyone's dreams of headlining Wrestlemania or anything. Not all three of these items are absolutely necessary for success in this business. One can have exponentially better skill and a better look than a guy with charisma and make it far. You can also cover up a lack of talent and/or skill with a look and charisma (you can see several examples on TV every week). Just know that going into a life of bodyslams, clotheslines, and DDTs is about more than what you can do to your opponent in a wrestling ring.


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